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Mikey C (ANF)

Hyperion OS4 BPPC Survey
Hyperion-Entertainment BPPC Survey
As AmigaOS 4 for AmigaOne and CSPPC based machines nears completion, Hyperion is undertaking a survey to gauage demand for the BPPC version. Therefore if you are an Amiga1200 owner with a Dual Blizzard PPC card and would like to see OS4 ported to this machine, please send an email to:

Please note: Ensuring that OS4 will work on the BPPC is a momumental task which will require enormous effort in both Time and Money. Therefore only email us if you have every intention of purchasing OS4 for BPPC. Your support is very much appreciated in this matter.

Ben Hermans
Hyperion-Entertainment (ps)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2003, 00:44] [Comments: 0]
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