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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

individual Computers: New products and new cooperations
New product: Kickflash OS4
Kickflash was announced several years ago, but never released due to licensing problems. With the planning of the new PPC native OS4 for all Amiga computers with PPC CPU, Hyperion and individual Computers started a cooperation more than a year ago (May 2002). The result of this cooperation is "Kickflash OS4", a highly optimized flashrom card for the Zorro slot of classic Amigas. It reduces boot time of OS4 significantly, and comes at a very low price: 29,- EUR. Up-to-date flashrom chips allow up to 100.000 re-programming cycles. Kickflash OS4 will be available to betatesters this summer. Mass production will start in time for the release of OS4, so people will have the choice between tailormade solutions by all cooperation partners (also see ALGOR/ROMulus by E3B).

New product: RR-Net
Especially for the Retro Replay and the C-One there will a networking card for the C64 before the end of this summer. Together with Adam Dunkels, the author of the web-enabled Contiki operating system, the first drivers for this 10MBit-card have been made. Contiki even has web-server functions that can be seen on the Internet: The server is running on a stock C64 with a similar networking card! RR-Net will be available in August 2003 for 50,- EUR.

Transparent C64 cartridge cases
Due to the high demand, cases for the nearly sold-out Retro Replay will be available from June 24th, 2003 on. If there's enough demand, we might also produce other colours in addition to the transparent ones. To find out what colours that could be, the hacker-group Cyberpunx has setup a Voting-page. The price per case will be 4,- EUR, no matter what colour you choose.

Lyra back in stock
The Lyra keyboard adapter that allows using a PC keyboard on Amiga computers will be back in stock on June 24th. We apologize for the shipment delays - we were not prepared for the high demand of this product. A big thank-you goes out to our customers who were obviously so satisfied with their Lyra adapter that they recommended it to all their friends. (ps)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2003, 14:16] [Comments: 0]
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