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Animations tool: VectorAnim Player
The group 'ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP', known among other things for the fantasy shooter Project Quest, which is currently in development, released a few days ago a simple animation playback and creation program, VectorAnim Player.

As one of the developers writes, he had been playing with the idea of creating animations as simple and small as possible on the Amiga for a long time. As a result this player was born. Compared to other similar players it uses vector data for the display as shown for example in The Black Lotus demo.

The program was written in AMOS, the source code is included in the archive. (dr)

[News message: 10. May. 2022, 08:04] [Comments: 0]
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Porting Amiga applications to Linux: AxRuntime 41.3
Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz's "AxRuntime" is a runtime environment for Linux which emulates the AmigaOS-API and therefore enables porting Amiga applications on Linux and developing applications which can be compiled for AmigaOS/MorphOS/AROS as well as Linux ( berichtete). Examples videos show the AROS desktop Wanderer (MP4) and gmPlayer (MP4) under Linux.

One user reported that he got AxRuntime to work also under Windows 10/11, whereupon the developer made some more adjustments and finally released version 41.3. The use under Windows succeeds with the use of the 'Windows Subsystem für Linux' (WSL). This feature enables the execution of Linux GUI applications:
  • Launch Linux apps from the Windows Start menu
  • Pin Linux apps to the Windows task bar
  • Use alt-tab to switch between Linux and Windows apps
  • Cut + Paste across Windows and Linux apps
Since AxRuntime binaries are Linux binaries, they can also use this feature to give impression of running nativelly under Windows. (dr)

[News message: 10. May. 2022, 05:54] [Comments: 0]
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m68k assembly: 'Amiga Assembly' plugin v1.4.0 for Visual Studio Code
We just reported about an updated 'C/C++' extension for Visual Studio Code and also referred to an extension to support assembler for the Amiga Motorola 68000 machines and emulators. This extension, called 'Amiga Assembly' by Paul Raingeard, has been intensively developed recently, made the leap from pre-release versions to version 1.0 at the end of last year and was updated to the current version 1.4.0 yesterday (changelog).

On GitHub the author provides a detailed documentation. (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2022, 10:46] [Comments: 0]
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Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.9
RedPill, developed by Carlos Peris, is a game construction kit written in Amiblitz 3.9, which allows the development of games from various genres (see short tests of two Redpill games). RedPill is compatible with AGA and ECS, the "player" for playing the finished creations requires a total of 1.5 MB RAM.

The new version 0.9.9 offers several improvements and bug fixes:
  • Loading animation is now displayed during game loadings.
  • F5-F10 Keys can be used as a shortcut for Play, Spritesheets, Animations, Objects, Tiles and Levels screens.
  • Animation screen now shows animation frame shortcuts.
  • Sounds are now also packed using Imploder.
  • Editor now checks the project version before loading it, prompting for confirmation.
  • In Game setup screen the game name and author can be setup, they will be displayed when loading the WHDLoad.
  • When building the project all images are processed for safety and maybe even speed increase.
  • New condition trigger to check if the game is running in an AGA machine.
  • New trigger Instantiate Attached allows to Instantiate an object already attached to the creator.
  • New triggers Custom to Var to set up global variables with Object custom variables.
  • Additional checks for tileset loading.
  • In Animation screen the name of the mirrored animation is now displayed.
  • Improved UI in level editor screen.
  • Improved UI in triggers screen.
  • Projects updated, some improvements in Astro and Gravity games.
  • Fixed memory corruption problems in certain situations.
  • Fix in tileset shortcuts.
  • Fix in Mutate trigger.
  • Fix in Input screen.
  • Fixes in palette handling.

[News message: 09. May. 2022, 09:16] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: Amiga C/C++ Visual Studio Code Extension (update)
Bartman', member of the demo group 'Abyss', provides with 'amiga-debug' a 'Visual Studio Code' extension for "compiling, debugging and profiling Amiga C/C++ programs compiled by the bundled gcc 11.2 with the bundled WinUAE" (YouTube video). Yesterday he released the new version 1.3.3 with the following changes:
  • fix some 68k cycle timings
  • support breakpoints in .s files
  • Assembly: show theoretical 68000 cycles as decoration
  • Assembly: fix F12 on local labels
  • Assembly: Autocomplete for opcodes, labels
  • Disassembly: Hover over CPU instructions to view documentation
  • Disassembly: fix loop cycle display in some cases
Various plugins for assembler programming support are also available for Visual Studio IDEs and JetBrain ( reported).

Update: (11.05.2022, 09:06, dr)

Yesterday version 1.3.4 was released:
  • updated to GCC 12.1.0, binutils, GNU gdb (GDB)
  • fixed missing error message during launching a debug session when .elf file was not found

[News message: 09. May. 2022, 06:28] [Comments: 1 - 11. May. 2022, 10:04]
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Video interview: The Amiberry developer Dimitris Panokostas
In his latest interview, Robert Smith has talked to Dimitris Panokostas who is the developer of the Amiga emulator for ARM-based single-chip systems, Amiberry. (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2022, 05:40] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (ANF)

Hollywood 9.1 add-ons released
Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are proud to announce the immediate availability of a number of add-ons for Hollywood 9.1. The following add-ons are now available for download from the official Hollywood portal:
  • Hollywood Player 9.1 for all supported platforms (also available for your smartphone/tablet on Google Play)
  • Hollywood SDK 9.1 for developing your own plugins (includes examples and over 400 pages of documentation in various formats)
  • Hollywood 9.1 add-on for Cubic IDE (kindly provided by Michael Jurisch)
  • Hollywood 9.1 wordfile for UltraEdit
  • Hollywood 9.1 online reference manual (over 1100 PDF pages, alternatively available as HTML, CHM, and AmigaGuide)
  • Hollywood SDK 9.1 online reference manual (over 400 PDF pages, alternatively available as HTML, CHM, and AmigaGuide)
The release of these add-ons completes the Hollywood 9.1 release. Please visit the official Hollywood portal for download and more information. (dr)

[News message: 08. May. 2022, 13:23] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 07.05.2022
The following files have been added until 07.05.2022 to Aminet:
ZitaFTPServer.lha        comm/tcp   19M   OS4 A fast and secure FTP(S) server.
AmiBlitz3.lha            dev/basic  11M   68k AmiBlitz 3.9 full distribution
iniparser.lha            dev/c      113K  MOS Parsing of INI files library
PyPlayer.lha             dev/src    831K  68k Audio Player for Python 1.4.0...
Lyra3Tool.lha            driver/inp 59K   68k Lyra 3 Keyboard Adapter Utility game/2play 179K  68k Fynn and Thorin CD32
ItalyInLockdown075.adf   game/demo  880K  68k Italy in lock down
SamplesMaster.lha        mus/edit   82K   68k Creates IFF and RAW samples (...             pix/misc   86K       Grad. Fonts for RSI Demo Make...
lharchiver.lha           util/arc   4.2M  MOS create lha archives intuitively
BootPicture.lha          util/boot  87K   68k Shows pictures, plays sound d...
lvl.pointers.lha         util/mouse 32K       Mouse pointer presets for RTG...

[News message: 08. May. 2022, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 07.05.2022
The following files have been added until 07.05.2022 to OS4Depot:
frozenat.lha             dev/deb 5kb   4.0 find out where a program is hang...
libmikmod.lha            dev/lib 2Mb   4.0 Portable sound library (music mo...
libmodplug.lha           dev/lib 2Mb   4.0 Render mod music files as raw au...
libbz2.lha               dev/lib 523kb 4.0 Bzip2 file (de)compressor
arabic_console_device... dri/inp 3Mb   4.1 An arabic console device, line &...
videntiumpicta.lha       gra/vie 2Mb   4.0 Videntium Picta is picture viewer
zitaftpserver.lha        net/ser 19Mb  4.1 A fast and secure FTP(S) server.
lharchiver.lha           uti/arc 4Mb   4.0 Create LhA archives intuitively
videoclipper.lha         vid/edi 355kb 4.0 Cut and/or join multiple format ...

[News message: 08. May. 2022, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 07.05.2022
The following files have been added until 07.05.2022 to AROS Archives:
blackjuan.lha                gam/car 4Mb   Blackjack clone
videntiumpicta.lha           gra/con 2Mb   Videntium Picta is picture viewer

[News message: 08. May. 2022, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 07.05.2022
The following files have been added until 07.05.2022 to MorphOS-Storage:
Chrysalis_3.17r1.iso      Chrysalis                 This pack allows you to...
iniparser_4.1.lha         Development/C             Parsing of INI files li...
LHArchiver_1.0.lha        Files/Archive             Create lha archives int...
Aquaria_1.002.lha         Games/Adventure           This is a new MorphOS p...
OpenTyrian_2.2_SDL2.lha   Games/Shoot2D             An open-source port of ...
VidentiumPicta_2.50.lha   Graphics/Tools            An image viewer  progra...
Wayfarer_3.6.lha          Network/Web               Wayfarer is the latest ...

[News message: 08. May. 2022, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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Video: A Look at every 'Ocean Software' game
YouTuber Kim Justice shows in his latest video all the games ever licensed by former British game software developer Ocean Software. (dr)

[News message: 07. May. 2022, 06:54] [Comments: 0]
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Protovision (Webseite)

Amiga compatible joypad 'Protopad': Status update
Protovision, after successful crowd funding, is in the process of building new 'next-generation' joypads specifically designed for the C64, but equally compatible with Amiga: the Protopad.

Now there was a status update regarding this, which we quote here:
  • "We have found a case that we could use. We are still exploring the idea of creating a custom case. Making your own case is tricky and very expensive, so we will see if that works out. If not, we will revert to the standard case we found worthy.
  • We have come across unexpected technical issues. The pad sometimes gives wrong readings and it appears to happen when a button is pressed only lightly. This is extremely weird and we never heard of a similar issue ever. We believe it is some kind of power fluctuation problem and have created a new prototype that will make it easier for us to track the issue.
  • We are shocked about price developments. A CPLD chip that used to cost 6 Euros now costs 40. We did not see that coming and it crushes our financial calculations. We might have to redesign to use different chips than initially planned.
  • We are positive we will be able to master all these issues, eventually, but it takes way longer than we expected. Since Covid, not only prices have gone up but turnaround times are much slower. Example: receiving new Prototypes previously was a matter of days or weeks, now we have to wait months before we receive a new board."

[News message: 07. May. 2022, 06:20] [Comments: 0]
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Sensible World of Soccer: SWOS Total Pack 1.1
The 'SWOS Total Pack' is a graphical user interface written by 'Cool_amigaN' and 'jPV^RNO' for launching the game Sensible World of Soccer in an emulated environment.

As jPV^RNO explains, it includes almost all variations of the game and data about the game that have been officially and unofficially released over the last 30 years. Any combination of this data can be selected through the graphical user interface, from graphics and sound sets from different game versions and platforms to team/player data from different years.

There are countless data disks from the years 1930 to 2022, which are the result of the work of the SWOS community. Tournament lineups can be viewed as well as other documentation. Game tactics can be changed from the original versions and there is an extensive tactics viewer to analyze the new updated tactics/formations. The package also includes special versions of the game, from magazine cover disk releases to versions from other platforms (SNES, GameBoy, Game Gear, Master System).

The package also includes intro animations, music remixes, cracktros for launching the game. The first version was released in the middle of last year. Now an update to version 1.1 has been released, which can be installed either from the application itself or via Grunch. (dr)

[News message: 07. May. 2022, 06:03] [Comments: 0]
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Arne Urbaniak (E-Mail)

Amiga disks on PC: Copy program G-Copy 0.3
After the release of A-Copy, a program similar to X-Copy for reading and writing ADF disk images under Windows using the ADF drive hardware, Arne Urbaniak now is in the process of writing 'G-Copy', a corresponding application for the Greaseweazle ( reported).

In the now available version 0.3 456 boot block viruses are now also detected and removed if you want. Minor bugs have been removed, the handling of windows in the code has been improved and Bamcopy has been fixed. In addition, the floppy selection (device) is now saved on exit.

In addition, the author has revised his website, which now lists his two programs, A-Copy and G-Copy, and provides a small documentation in English and German.

Download: (30 MB) (dr)

[News message: 06. May. 2022, 06:29] [Comments: 0]
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Passione Amiga (ANF)

Event: Passione Amiga Day 2022 in Spoleto (Italy)
The organizers wrote: "Passione Amiga day is the meeting day for Amiga users in Italy organized by Passione Amiga, the printed magazine for Amiga enthusiasts and lovers in Italian language with commercial exhibitors, conferences with Italian and international guests and a flea market.

The location, in the historic center of the city of Spoleto, is the ideal place to spend a weekend in contact with history, culture and food and wine; Spoleto has been able to combine modernity with its past that can still be breathed in the streets, squares and which makes it a unique city in the world. Because of its charm, it was chosen as the location for the RAI fiction 'Don Matteo'.

After the success of the first edition, the 'Passion Amiga Day' 2022 will take place on September 18, 2022 with free admission." (dr)

[News message: 06. May. 2022, 06:12] [Comments: 0]
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Jump'n Run: Demo of 'Duckstroma' released
At the end of 2020, the first preview video of the jump'n run 'Duckstroma' in development was released ( reported). Now a first playable demo has been released: As duck Aura you have the mission to deliver eight floppy disks to a customer. To fend off all kinds of hostile enemies, you can jump on weak opponents and lay an egg to reach higher places (recent YouTube video). The game requires 1MB of RAM and should be finished soon. (dr)

[News message: 06. May. 2022, 06:00] [Comments: 0]
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Mutation Software: First teaser for CyberPunks 2
Already at the end of last year Mutation Software announced the second part of their top-down shooter Cyberpunks ( reported). There is now a first teaser video for the game, which was originally supposed to be released in the third quarter of 2021, but is now announced for the fourth quarter of 2023. (dr)

[News message: 05. May. 2022, 08:36] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS 3.17: openssl3.library hotfix
The MorphOS developer team has announced: "New vulnerabilities have been identified and fixed for the version of OpenSSL that is included in MorphOS 3.17. Three discovered issues, namely CVE-2022-1343, CVE-2022-1434 and CVE-2022-1473, were found to potentially affect MorphOS users.

A fixed OpenSSL library will be bundled with a future MorphOS release. Meanwhile, you can download (1,6 MB) and install the following replacement openssl3.library that fixes the problem for MorphOS 3.17. To install it, copy the file to MOSSYS:Libs and reboot." (dr)

[News message: 04. May. 2022, 14:30] [Comments: 0]
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Erik Hogan (Mail)

Game Construction Kit: Scorpion Engine V2022.3
The "Scorpion Engine" developed by Erik 'earok' Hogan allows you to develop games. The engine itself is closed source, all demos and example games are open source. The editor runs under Windows. Graphics are imported as PNG files, levels created by using the editor Tiled eingesetzt. For importing and creating sounds, music and animations the Amiga formats (mod, 8svx, anim5) are used.

A few moments ago he has relesaed version 2022.3 with the following changes:
  • Custom splash screens for Patreon backers.
  • Improved AGA support, including "GothicVania" triple parallax demo.
  • One click export to Win/Mac (FS-UAE), AmiBerry/A500 mini, Workbench.
  • Improved code and animation editing.
You can support the developer on his Patreon website. (dr)

[News message: 04. May. 2022, 14:08] [Comments: 0]
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Open Source: Talks of 'Open Hardware Summit'
On April 22, 2022, the Open Hardware Summit took place virtually: an annual conference organized by the Open Source Hardware Association about Open Source. The talks were recorded and can now be viewed retrospectively at the title link. (dr)

[News message: 04. May. 2022, 06:31] [Comments: 0]
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Graphics card ZZ9000: New firmware version 1.11
Lukas F. Hartmann's ZZ9000 is a graphics card with additional features and ports (network, USB, SD cards), which can be preordered in different versions ( reported).

Yesterday the new firmware version 1.11 was released with the following improvements/new features compared to version 1.10:
  • Improves/Fixes ZZ9000AX playback on many Amiga models through improved IRQ behavior (also improves Ethernet)
  • Fixes spurious missed ARM register writes, improving stability on all platforms
  • Fix 128MB mapping of framebuffer area on Z3
  • ZZ9000AX: improved resampling (linear interpolation on ARM)
  • ZZ9000AX: programmable DSP, automatic Butterworth low pass filter, mixer
  • ZZ9000AX: New Audio Mode with Panning Flag (has different volume level)
  • ZZ9000AX: Adjusted volume level for digital playback (to prevent clipping)
  • ZZTop: Shows if ZZ9000AX is detected
  • ZZTop: Slider for ZZ9000AX low pass filter
  • ZZTop: More tests in "Bus Test"
  • axmp3: Dynamic buffer location
  • ZZ9000AX and axmp3: Support for ENV:ZZ9K_INT2 setting to use INT2 instead of INT6 (via jumper J4)

[News message: 04. May. 2022, 06:18] [Comments: 0]
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Harry (ANF)

The Guardian: How Amiga computers reprogrammed modern music
The British newspaper 'The Guardian' describes in a long article how the Amiga influenced the electronic music scene in the early 90s and continues to do so today. (dr)

[News message: 04. May. 2022, 06:01] [Comments: 0]
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