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RTG driver: P96 V3.3.3 released
Jens Schönfeld (individual Computers) has released version 3.3.3 of his RTG driver P96, which can be bought or downloaded from the order history at iComp. As developer Thomas Richter writes, the major feature of this release is that it offers the emulation of planar bitplanes, even if the graphics card does not support them or if a program requests more than the maximum 4 bitplanes VGA offers. That should help to promote even more legacy applications to the graphics card. To do this, "ENV:Picasso96/EmulatePlanar" must be set to "Yes" and restarted. A detailed description of the changes can be found in the English section of the iComp support forum. (dr)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2023, 13:32] [Comments: 0]
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