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23.May.2020 |
Portrait: The RedPill developer Carlos Peris Besides the well-known developers like Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener (Wings Remastered, MiniGL4GL4ES, Tower 57) or Hans de Ruiter (ZitaFTP, Warp3D Nova) there are a number of other active developers we would like to introduce to our readers in a loose succession. We would like to start with the Spanish programmer Carlos "trackerhero" Peris. He might be known to our readers for his Amiga game editor RedPill which recently has been updated to version 0.7.14. Additional to Peris the Spanish graphic artist Jordi Palome belongs to the team of Redpill who also has created the logo. Peris is a professional developer for mobile games working for Ubisoft in Barcelona. Developing software for the Amiga is nothing but a hobby. And although he prefers programming games, he uses his game editor RedPill but, as he explained, "making them in the game editor helps me a lot to put me in the user position and help to improve the tool." Although the editor provides limited features hehopes that the Amiga Fans are interested in RedPill and use it. Peris frankly admits that he finds it easier to start projects than finishing them with a final and satisfying result. Sometimes this is also reflected in his Amiga biography: This started in 1993. At the age of 14 he got an Amiga. He was impressed: "What a machine!". Thus, as he said himself, he "arrived a bit late to the Amiga scene" using his computer mainly for games. Some years later he got an Amiga 1200 and started programming in Blitz Basic. The first results he himself described as "ugly games" e.g. Wave Run Gold, Whirlwind or Amidonkey. Many of them, as mentioned, unfinished. Simultaneously he also joined the demo scene, especially "Ozone", writing in 68k assembler. His biggest contribution was the Intro for the "Trashcan 5" demo. Like many others, at the beginning of the year 2000 he got a PC and learned programming in different languages. He never left the Amiga and at that time among others he released the game which name also became his "pseudonym": Tracker Hero (video). It is a music game similar to "Guitar Hero". He also wrote the game X-MasDisaster at this time. Screenshot of the RedPill game "Mirror" Now he completely concentrates on RedPill and games based on it. His main goal is to simplify creating 8-Bit games. Nowadays he thinks again more retro games are released. He guessed that "it took more time to the amigans to get back to its passion". Fortunately he could recriut his partner Jordi Palome for his recently started game project HappyBat so we are looking forward for updates. One request the developer has: "What would help me the most is someone that helps me to explain Redpill to people, like doing tutorials, videos, whatever. I have no time and am not really good at it, and it is really very important!" You can contact the author via the website of RedPill but of course we also can pass on any feedback or support you would provide to him. (dr) (Translation: dr) [News message: 23. May. 2020, 18:25] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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