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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
29.-30.06.24 • Kickstart 02 • Nottingham (England)
15.09.24 • Passione Amiga Day 2024 • Spoleto (Italy)
17.08.24 • ZZAP! Live 2024 • Kenilwort (England)


Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle Tools 1.12
Keir Fraser's "Greaseweazle" does - similar to Kryoflux - read the magnetic information on a floppy disk independently from the format used and saves as much information as possible to generate a so-called "Flux Level Image" in Supercard format (SCP), which enables reading and back-writing of copy-protected disks ( reported)

The adapter gets connected between a floppy disk drive - e.g. a standard 3.5" PC one - and a USB port of the PC or Mac. Today version 1.12 of the Greaseweazle Tools was released providing the following changes:
  • New disk formats:
    • Commodore 1541 (C64) GCR: commodore.1541
    • IBM: ibm.320
    • Dragon32, Dragon64: dragon...
    • Tandy CoCo: coco...
  • New image format: D64 (C64 CBMDOS GCR disks)
  • ibm: Improve layout of very full tracks
  • ibm: Warn on oversize tracks (data too large to fit)
  • ibm: Allow gapbyte value to be specified in diskdef
  • d88: Remove duplicate sectors from oversize tracks

[News message: 12. May. 2023, 20:13] [Comments: 0]
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A2000 motherboard in E-ATX form factor: Revision 3.0
At the beginning of last year, developer 'jasonsbeer' had released revision 2.2 of his replica of the A2000 motherboard in the ATX form factor, 'Amiga-2000-ATX'. After a test phase he has now published the source code of revision 3.0 with the following changes:
  • Various fixes:
    • Fixed the ATX 3.3V connector issue to 3.3V oscillator
    • Added a pullup to _XCLKEN
    • Increased the slot through hole size to 0.8mm
    • Misc BOM and silkscreen updates
  • Changed SRAM to 5V tolerant 3.3V part
  • Removed almost all signal traces from power planes
  • Swapped position of U801 and U899 and brought related components to front of board
  • Updated to KiCAD 7.0

[News message: 11. May. 2023, 05:59] [Comments: 0]
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Skill game: "Kalle Kloakk" released
In mid-February we reported that Kåre 'Docster' Johansen was porting one of his old C64 games, "Kalle Kloakk", to the Amiga. Today he has released the finished game, which consists of eight levels.

Docster' has been a member of the C64 demo group Megastyle since 2017. The name of the game also refers to a corresponding production by the group from 1990. The C64 game was submitted as an entry to the "Reset C64 Craptastic 4KB Game Competition" in 2018, where it took seventh place.

The aim of the game is quite simple: to collect toilet paper. To do this, however, you first have to create a suitable stepping surface from quickly moving up and down floor segments, from which you have to reach both the toilet paper rolls and the exit. In the eight levels, you have a total of three opportunities to reset a level if you get into a hopeless situation. The first level is intended for "warming up": there are no toilet paper rolls and you can prove your skill in laying on the floor.

Once you have completed all eight levels, you have collected so much toilet paper that Kalle Kloakk can build a tower under his bathroom window and leave the bathroom. The music by musician, DJ and developer 'Hoffman' (among others, the Amiga port of Knightmare) is actually simple, but totally catchy and fits the game perfectly.

The game is a perfect pastime for in between and is great fun. Actually, there are only two things to criticise: the meagre number of eight levels and - after you have reached the end after a few futile attempts - the ending. But maybe there will be an update with a worthy finale...? (dr)

[News message: 10. May. 2023, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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10.May.2023 (website)

GUI: Hollywood Compile 1.1
Yannick 'papiosaur' Buchy has recently published various graphical user interfaces he created with Hollywood at the title link. One of them is "Hollywood Compile". As the name already tells, it is a program for AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and AROS, which creates executables for the mentioned platforms after loading a Hollywood script or drawing it onto the window by drag'n'drop.

HollywoodCompile-OS3.lha (1 MB)
HollywoodCompile-OS4.lha (2 MB)
HollywoodCompile-MOS.lha (2 MB)
HollywoodCompile-AROS.lha (2 MB) (snx)

[News message: 10. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (forum)

MorphOS: RNORadio 1.4
RNORadio is a GUI-based Internet radio program for MP3 streams (video) developed with Hollywood. New features of version 1.4 include the ability to turn hardware compositing on/off and improved background rendering of GUI elements.

  • Fixed transparency issues that were introduced in the previous version
  • Fixed compositing support detection (for hardware accelerated transparency)
  • Added an option to force the hardware compositing On/Off manually
  • Improved background rendering on GUI elements
  • Removed wget dependency
  • Minor tweaking
Download: RNORadio.lha (3 MB) (snx)

[News message: 10. May. 2023, 09:00] [Comments: 0]
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Programming: Web based m68k assembler editor v2.9.0
Under the title link you can find a webapp to write, run and learn M68K assembly code based on the framework SvelteKit and the programming language Rust ( reported).

Changes since our last news item:

Improved documentation
  • Added side menu to all documentation pages
  • Added more explanations to documentation for condition codes
  • Added individual condition code dependent instructions
  • Improved UI of documentation pages
Negative numbers in register viewer
  • Added negative numbers conversion in register viewer
  • Bug fix of interpreter for directive name clash

[News message: 09. May. 2023, 21:26] [Comments: 0]
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ReAction GUI for XAD: Avalanche 2.2 for AmigaOS 3 and 4
Chris Young's Avalanche is a ReAction-based graphical user interface for the unarchiving system XAD, which also supports the xfdmaster.library and can search for viruses using the xvs.library. Since version 2.1, simple editing of LhA/Zip archives also is possible (Zip requires zip.library - only under AmigaOS 4). The developer has written his tool explicitly for AmigaOS 3.2.1, but has also tested it under AmigaOS 4. Changes:
  • Visual improvements
  • Added ability to use AISS images (on OS4)
  • Added option to check for updates
  • Fix the display of current settings in the prefs window
  • Fix snapshot position and add a warning
  • Fixed some Enforcer hits
Download: avalanche.lha (109 KB) (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2023, 19:45] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: "Sword & Sorcerer"
'PixelPlop' - Capacitor's Revenge among others - is developing the game "Sword & Sorcerer" for the AmiGameJam 2022 and has now published a first, early preview video for it. The Amiga C/C++ Visual Studio Code Extension and his Amiga/PC compatible game library, which is still in development, are used for the creation. (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2023, 05:52] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: Platformer "SUPERMiniJu"
Yoz Montana has published a preview video of a new platform game developed with the Game Construction Kit RedPill: The goal is to cut grass and flowers to collect bonus points and free the rabbit sitting in a cage in each level. (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2023, 05:38] [Comments: 0]
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Platformer: Tech Demo "Space Cavern Blaster" v0.12 (update)
As entry to the Retro Platform Jam #6, 'dotmos' has released a cross-system platformer for Amiga 500, Atari ST, C64, DOS and Sega Megadrive as a proof of concept (YouTube video).

On the technical implementation, the author wrotes: Game mechanics and boilerplate code is programmed in C and is the same codebase for all platforms. Each platform has custom implementations for rendering/drawing, music, sound, input, asset loading and gametime. The codebase is then cross compiled using VBCC (Amiga, Atari ST, C64), DJGPP (DOS) or SGDK (Megadrive).

Update: (09.05.2022, 05:22, dr)

Meanwhile, version 0.12 is available, in which the author fixed some bugs and added two new enemy types as well as three new levels. In total, the game now has 12 levels. (dr)

[News message: 08. May. 2023, 21:06] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

PDF magazine: AMI Tech Gazette by Eric Schwartz
Eric Schwartz, known for his drawings and animations and equipped with his own Aminet category, has started publishing his own PDF magazine together with Michael Barclay at the beginning of this year. In the meantime, the third issue of AMI Tech Gazette has been published already at the title link.

The magazine is written in a personal style and thematically so broad that besides AmigaOS, AROS and MorphOS even an Atari game is reviewed in the current issue ("Combat"). The AMI Tech Gazette #2 is no longer linked on the website, but still readable via (snx)

[News message: 08. May. 2023, 17:13] [Comments: 0]
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Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.19
RedPill, developed by Carlos Peris, is a game construction kit written in Amiblitz 3.9, which allows the development of games from various genres (see short tests of two Redpill games). RedPill is compatible with AGA and ECS, the "player" for playing the finished creations requires a total of 1.5 MB RAM. Jens 'Farbfinsternis' Henschel has written a tutorial.

The new version 0.9.19 provides the following changes:
  • Added trigger Tile on Border that checks the tiles in the border of the screen.
  • 020 build of the editor has been restored by popular demand.
  • A small button allows condition and action order to be changed inside a trigger.
  • Tile on Screen now has a second parameter to define an area outside the screen to check.
  • Advanced parameters for objects are now in Objects advanced, FX and other settings are done there.
  • FX and FX Comp object types have been removed.
  • Shot-em up project has been updated.
  • Sprite background speed in editor now is the same as in runtime.
  • Render queues have been optimized.
  • Preventing a possible crash when too many tiles are changed in the same frame.
  • Added sanity check when saving levels, some ghost objects will be removed.
  • Fix in Stamp trigger.
  • Fix in Change Tile trigger.
  • Fix and optimizations in Repeat Every trigger.
  • Fix for some sprite layers not showing the right palette.
  • Fix in Inv Speed X trigger failing in final game in some cases.
  • Small memory optimization.
  • Small optimizations in some loops.
  • Small reduction on the size of the data files.
  • Some other small optimizations.
  • AmigaGuide doc updated.

[News message: 08. May. 2023, 10:21] [Comments: 0]
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Demoparty: Results of the "68k Inside"
Last weekend, the "68k Inside" demoparty took place in Finland. Among other things, a competition was also held there in the following categories: "Low end demo", "Combined intro", "256 byte intro", "Combined Music" and "Combined Graphics". The organisers have now published both the results and a live recording of the competition.

Amiga productions also made it to the top places: In the category "Low-end demo", HAMazing (YouTube video) by Desire took first place, and Fortocalypse (YouTube video) by The Electronic Knights came in second.

In the "Combined intro" category, Smooth Flowing (YouTube video) by Dekadence took first place and Calling For Cracktros (YouTube video) by Nah-Kolor came in second. (dr)

[News message: 08. May. 2023, 09:41] [Comments: 0]
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Dock: QDockLE v1.31
Sami Vehmaa's start bar "QDock" works with semi-transparent backgrounds and animated icons, which requires increased memory and CPU consumption and is therefore primarily intended for emulated Amigas (YouTube video). With QDockLE, he has now also released a version for less powerful Amigas: graphics card, 2 MB RAM and a 68030 processor are required. (dr)

[News message: 08. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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Image editor: PyDPainter 1.0.10 for Windows, Linux and macOS
The image editor PyDPainter (YouTube video) is inspired by DPaint and according to its author Mark Riale an attempt to create a usable pixel art program in Python using PyGame that can handle low resolutions and limited colour palettes and which can be as easy to use as possible. Changes since our last news item:
  • Make CTRL key slow down airbrush by a factor of 5
  • Implement ellipse rotating
  • turn off clipping for fill from center and vertical contour
  • Fix outline to preserve brush BG color
  • Made right-click on Area Tool bring up Fill Requestor
  • Fix brush handles for built-in brushes
  • Add quick reference card with keyboard shortcuts
  • Fix cycle mode with airbrush for color ranges of length 5
  • Fix crash while drawing lines in rare cases
  • Fix palette copy to refresh sliders
  • Fix cycle mode on filled shape tools
  • Rubber tools now leave traces when CTRL pressed
  • Add file drag and drop loading
  • Fix brush BG color on shear and bend
  • Add fill from center mode
  • Make file requestors remember the last path
  • Add 500ms delay for busy mouse pointer
  • Add keyboard mouse emulation
  • Added support for IFF PBM files from PC version
  • Fix Screen Format requestor crash in Extra Halfbright mode
  • Added Prefs/Force 1:1 Pixels
  • Cycle Mode with Airbrush should change color in place
  • Current Mode forgotten, goes back to Color if any brush selected
  • Added new tutorial
  • Prefs/Save Config - Saves current settings. These settings will be reloaded on startup.
  • Fixed Brush Restore functionality
  • Added relative coords when dragging in tools
  • Added Prefs/Flip Coords to make origin in upper left instead of lower left (I did this because it always bugged me)
  • Added Redo hotkey ctrl-shift-Z
  • Changed levels of undo from 5 to 20
  • Added Prefs/Hide Menus to turn off menus on hover
  • fix path crash in file requestors
  • Change keyboard shortcuts to work with non-US keyboards
  • Make area tool able to draw single pixels and horizontal lines
  • When loading non-IFF images, guess screen mode if resolution is exact match
  • Load brushes from non-IFF files

[News message: 08. May. 2023, 06:04] [Comments: 0]
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07.May.2023 (forum)

Amiga Documents: Evidence of irregularities / Statement by Mike Battilana
On the Twitter account "Amiga Documents" further documents concerning the parties in litigation Hyperion Entertainment CVBA and Amiga Corporation have been published.

Among them is especially the proof (PDF file) of financial irregularities at the original, Belgian company A-EON Technology CVBA, which led to the withdrawal of the main shareholder of Hyperion Entertainment, Ben Hermans, from the joint company A-EON Technology and to the foundation of the current, British company A-EON Technology Ltd. ( reported), and later already confirmed by Trevor Dickinson.

The now published evidence is the agreement, dated December 17, 2010, between the three directors at the time, Trevor Dickinson, Anthony Moorley and Ben Hermans, on how to deal with "certain financial problems and irregularities". These included the resignation and relinquishment of all banking powers of Ben Hermans relating to A-EON Technology, the reimbursement of funds unauthorizedly withdrawn from A-EON Technology's accounts as well as those raised on behalf of A-EON Technology for its beta testing via Hyperion's PayPal account, and the granting of various rights of companies in which Ben Hermans has an interest in favor of A-EON Technology. The latter included, for example, the worldwide free use of the trademarks AmigaOne, AmigaOS (and associated with it the name AmigaOS 4 including future updates) and the Boing Ball.

However, the actual repayments remaining after deduction of these non-cash assets in the form of usage rights were comparatively low. The agreed repayment plan provided for 25,000 euros plus a final payment of an estimated further 7,500 euros as well as further fees and expenses in connection with the investigation and cleanup of the irregularities.

In a further - but so far unsubstantiated, being an announcement initially - tweet Amiga Documents sets out the points on which Ben Hermans, Trevor Dickinson and Mike Battilana are said to have initially agreed in August 2019 to settle the dispute, but which were then not honored. In fact, there had been settlement negotiations at the time. Key points had allegedly been:
  1. Suspend legal action
  2. OS4 Hyperion
  3. Pre-OS 3.1.4 Amiga Inc.
  4. OS 3.1.4 5-year exclusive Hyperion
  5. After 5 years OS 3.1 open source potential
  6. Hyperion could continue to develop - Classic Plus pack?
  7. Possible cash payment to shorten the 5 year exclusive period
Finally, a third tweet (PDF file) originates from the legal dispute. It is a statement by Mike Battilana on the formation of his C-A Acquisition Corporation, whose inclusion in the first legal dispute, which has since been decided in favor of Hyperion, was rejected by the court in exactly the same way as that of Cloanto, which has led to further proceedings that are currently still ongoing.

The background to the above-mentioned ruling in favor of Hyperion was essentially that, in the opinion of the court, only C-A Acquisition Corp. would be entitled to sue as a result of the transfer of rights, which is why the actual points of claim in the form of the further ongoing legal proceedings remain open. Against this background, the timing of the transfer of rights from Amiga Inc. by Mike Battilana proved to be unfavorable for him.

His statement of April 24, 2023 does not contain any fundamental news, but it explains that Mike Battilana had no influence on that point in time. Since his statements represent a generally understandable course of the takeover of the rights of Amiga Inc. even without knowledge from the court proceedings - admittedly described from his personal point of view - we have translated them in our German news-item into German. Here instead we just reproduce the original text for your convenience, so that you can translate it automatically in case English is not your native language:

"I, Michele 'Mike' Console Battilana, declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to U.S. Code § 1746 as follows:

1. I make this declaration based on my personal knowledge, except where I have indicated otherwise. If called as a witness, I would testify competently and truthfully to these matters.

2. I am President and sole shareholder of Cloanto Corporation. I founded Cloanto Corporation with other partners on June 15, 1998, in Las Vegas, Nevada, where the company still has an accountant. I chose Nevada because of local information technology contacts and friends. The purpose of the company was to facilitate software development work, and sales to larger US clients. The company was immediately independent and self-sufficient. Like any other company, it has a bank account, enters into contracts, pays expenses, and files tax returns.

3. In my early years as an Amiga developer (1986-1997), I was not aware of a 'tortured history of litigation'. My relationship with all Commodore and Amiga parties was always an amicable and constructive one. We were quite successful developers. Our software was bundled with Amiga computers. Before this case started in 2017, I was never embroiled in a lawsuit but for proceedings in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (all but one of which involved Hyperion), and I knew of only two Amiga-related lawsuits. Mr. Ben Hermans was involved in both, first on the side of Amiga, Inc. then against it. Mr. Hermans describes himself as 'a member of the Antwerp Bar Association as well as an Intellectual Property litigator with over 20 years of relevant experience'. The word 'litigator' is in Mr. Herman's professional DNA, not in mine. I know that beyond being the director of Hyperion, he also owns more than 90% of the company, directly or through his law firm Ben Hermans BV.

4. I believe that the following statement in Ben Hermans' Declaration in support of Hyperion's Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. 106, 7) does not facilitate an understanding of the case (or the 2019 acquisition) because it is simply false: 'Since the 1980s, the parties to this lawsuit have been litigating ownership and licensing disputes related to the Amiga operating system software.' Not only did the first lawsuits start only in the 2000s (not the 1980s), but the first agreement that Hyperion's predecessor, Hyperion VOF, entered into with Amiga, Inc. was in 2001. Moreover, the 'Amiga Parties' in the 2009 Settlement Agreement were not parties to this litigation when it started in 2017.

5. I believe that the Amiga Parties indeed considered all litigation to have ended for good with the 2009 Settlement Agreement, and had no intention of seeing it all flare up again. This all changed in March 2018, when Hyperion sued the Amiga Parties again (rather than the other way around). I believe that being dragged again into litigation, and the fact that we were on the same side of the case caption, brought us closer, and facilitated acquisition talks. Our first conference call discussing acquisition ideas took place in April 2018, i.e., the month after Hyperion's complaint against the Amiga Parties.

6. As my past history shows, the acquisition had a passion and commitment for Amiga at its core, and was certainly not meant to complicate the case. I never expected that it could be construed in this way. Four years later, due to this case, Amiga trademark and copyright ownerships and contractual rights remain more fragmented than they need to be. Out of an abundance of caution, we also have not yet set up the not-for-profit entity which was explicitly mentioned in the 2019 acquisition agreement, and which I always intended to be the entity to channel the long-term preservation efforts of Commodore/Amiga history and culture.

7. I had big hopes, but no actual control over the completion of the acquisition until the very day it actually happened on February 1, 2019. The timing of negotiations, as well as consummation of the purchase, were controlled by Reed Smith, which represented Amiga, Inc.

8. To close the Asset Purchase Agreement, Cloanto Corporation agreed to pay, and did pay, a large sum of money for the Amiga assets. In addition, both Cloanto Corporation and C-A Acquisition Corp. indemnified the Amiga Parties against all lawsuits, damages, and losses, including this one.

9. Because I did not know when the acquisition might occur, I delayed forming C-A Acquisition Corp. until it became necessary. C-A Acquisition Corp. was formed specifically for the purpose of holding the transferred trademarks and related rights.

10. During the long negotiations, I could not divulge to anyone that they were happening. Any number of Amiga-interested people, some who were quite wealthy, could have outbid me. Hyperion, too, could have opened their own negotiations and outbid me. For this reason, I did not and could not divulge the negotiations to anyone but my own attomeys.

11. Since this case started, I made numerous attempts to reach a settlement, including traveling on a number of occasions to meet Hyperion sharebolders Mr. Hermans, Mr. De Groote, and Mr. Dickinson, and to discuss settlement. When Hyperion confirmed to the Court on January 20, 2021, that 'the Parties reached the terms of settlement on the main agreement' and that only ancillary matters (i.e. some exhibits) needed attending, I felt an immeasurable sense of relief. Unfortunately, several days later Mr. Hermans pulled away from our agreement, providing a string of excuses unrelated to the actual agreed-upon terms.

I hereby state under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge." (snx)

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 13:19] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 06.05.2023
The following files have been added until 06.05.2023 to Aminet:
HollywoodSP.lha          dev/hwood  807K      Hollywood 10.0 spanish catalo...
HWP_hURL.lha             dev/hwood  4.3M  ALL The multi-protocol data trans...
bwbasic320.lha           dev/lang   1.3M  68k ByWater BASIC Interpreter v3.20
smb2fs.i386-aros.lha     disk/misc  81K   x86 SMB2 file system client
smb2fs.m68k-amigaos.lha  disk/misc  149K  68k SMB2 file system client    docs/help  306K      bwBASIC111 Manual.
P96Prefs.lha             driver/vid 81K   68k P96 Preferences Editor
rtgmaster_asmfix.lha     driver/vid 173K  68k Rtgmaster Assembler-Include/E...
tankkk.lha               game/2play 105K  68k 2-4 player shoot'em'up
F1GP2023Carset.lha       game/data  9K        2023 Carset for F1GP
translatetr.lha          game/patch 16K   68k Translates TurboRAKETTI to En...
TunnelsAndTrolls.lha     game/role  18M   68k Implementation of Tunnels & T...
tnzk.lha                 game/shoot 620K  68k The Ninja Zombie Killer 
Abacus_FR.lha            game/wb    6K        French catalog for Abacus 2.20
NewMasterMind_FR.lha     game/wb    6K        French catalog for NewMasterM...
2D_ATcad_UAE.lha         gfx/misc   3.6M  68k CAD mit Steppermotor-Ansteuerung
AmiVms.lha               misc/emu   3.8M  68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
MagicWB800x600x8-Set2... pix/back   1.5M      Set 2 of 800x600, 8 col Magic...
LHArchiver.lha           util/arc   5.1M  68k create lha archives intuitively
RandomBackdrop.lha       util/boot  44K   68k Up to 255 random backdrops wi...
IconLib_46.4.lha         util/libs  1.3M  68k free icon.library in optimize...
Gamebench.lha            util/misc  52K   68k WB 1.3 Front End for WHDLoad ...        util/misc  10M   68k Versatile Amiga Testprogram

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 06.05.2023
The following files have been added until 06.05.2023 to OS4Depot:
milkytracker-sdl2.lha    aud/tra 2Mb   4.1 SDL2 version of an FT2 compatibl...
hwp_hurl.lha             lib/hol 4Mb   4.0 The multi-protocol data transfer...
lilcalendar.lha          off/mis 2Mb   4.0 Versatile calendar and reminder ...
lharchiver.lha           uti/arc 5Mb   4.0 Create LhA archives intuitively

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 06.05.2023
The following files have been added until 06.05.2023 to AROS Archives:
smb2fs.i386-aros.lha         dri/fil 81kb  SMB2/3 file system client
mplayer-1.0-v6.x86_64-v11... vid/pla 9Mb   Multimedia player with MUI user ...

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 06.05.2023
The following files have been added until 06.05.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
HWP_hURL_2.0.lha          Development/Hollywood/... A plugin for Hollywood ...
EasyRPG_Player_0.8.0.lha  Emulation                 A program that allows t...
HollywoodCompile_1.1.lha  GUI                       A GUI for Hollywood com...
FFMPEGui_1.0.lha          GUI                       A GUI for FFMPEG command

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 06.05.2023
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 06.05.2023:
  • 2023-05-06 fixed: CyberPunks 2 (Mutation Software) patch-list was not set for CD32 version (Info, Image)
  • 2023-05-05 improved: Dark Castle (Three-Sixty) another version supported, manual included (Info)
  • 2023-05-02 new: CyberPunks 2 (Mutation Software) done by Psygore (Info, Image)
  • 2023-05-01 improved: Total Eclipse (Incentive Software/Domark) relocated main game in fastmem for increased framerate (Info)

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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Cross-Development: RADRunner
RADRunner supports the development of Amiga programs under other operating systems by waiting for the compiled programs on the Amiga side via network connection, without the requirement of a mounted file system, and then executing them.

A C++ 14 compiler is required. Besides the intended use, the reverse working direction, i.e. development on the Amiga and execution on another computer, would in itself also be possible. (snx)

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 162
The English and German issue 162 (May/June 2023) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed. It can be ordered directly from its editorial office and from Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Content of the current issue includes previews about Boxx and Settle World as well as reviews about e.g. Hollywood X, AmigaOS 3.2.2 and "Prelude ZII recreated 2022". (snx)

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 09:09] [Comments: 0]
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Library: Reading and writing Amiga partition tables with "Hst Amiga"
Henrik Nørfjand Stengaard's "Hst Amiga" (see also his HstWB Installer) is a library for reading and writing Amiga partition table, file systems, data types and is available as a Nuget package for .Net and a console application for Windows, macOS and Linux.

Version 0.3.156 is the first official release of Hst Amiga console focused on creating and updating Amiga icon files. It can also import, export and convert icon images supporting planar, new icon and color icon. Tool types can also be imported and exported.

Hst Amiga Nuget package contains following features:
  • Datatypes
    • Read, write disk objects containing icons and tool types. Supports planer, new icon and color icon images.
  • Read and write Rigid Disk Block (RDB), Amiga partition table.
  • File systems
    • Read, write and format Fast File System (FFS) partitions. Supports DOS types DOS0-7.
    • Read, write and format Professional File System 3 (PFS3) partitions. Supports DOS types PFS3, PDS3.
  • Read version strings.
Hst Amiga console version comes with following features:
  • Icons
    • Create and update icons.
    • Import and export icon images, supporting iff, png and bmp image formats.
    • Convert icon images between bit plane, new icon and color icons.

[News message: 07. May. 2023, 06:14] [Comments: 0]
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Linux: Using Amiga software and imitating an Amiga desktop
Some time ago the hobby YouTube channel "Proteque - Classic Beige Nostalgia" showed in a video Experiencing that Amiga nostalgia on a modern Linux system, how on a computer with Debian installation an Amiga emulation is integrated into the desktop to use Amiga programs. In addition, the interface was adapted to the appearance of the Workbench. Many users then wanted to know how all this was done.

This is now explained in two further videos: part 1 shows how to integrate the Amiga software using FS-UAE and shared folders. Part 2, on the other hand, explains how to imitate the Amiga desktop. (dr)

[News message: 06. May. 2023, 07:13] [Comments: 0]
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