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Point'n Click adventure: Ring around the World
"Ring around the World" (video) by Simone Bevilacqua (KOG, Huenison, Blastaway, among others) is described by the author as a "short, open world, point'n'click adventure from the top view". The player wakes up on the shore of an unknown world and can only remember two things - one of the two memories is his drowning in a stormy sea.

"Ring around the World" requires a PAL Amiga with one megabyte of chip RAM and Kickstart 1.3, a hard disk is recommended. The game is free, the author asks players who like the title to "offer some support to somebody who is a victim of any kind of violence". (cg)

[News message: 07. Mar. 2023, 00:17] [Comments: 0]
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