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Visual Eng.

5 new tutorials
5 new tutorials. (ps)

[News message: 01. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Central

More delays for aMozillaX
Ben Rothwell writes in this press release that several circumstances lead to the initial release of aMozillaX being delayed yet again. He stresses that the project is not being dropped, just that it could not be finished as fast as planned. Coders willing to participate are wellcome. Write to (ps)

[News message: 01. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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LinuxPPC 5.0 Install-Guide
When, with help of the installation guide mentioned above, you succeeded in installing LinuxPPC 5.0, you can go on trying the MythII: SoulBlighter Demo for LinuxPPC 5.0. (ps)

[News message: 01. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Titan Computer recieves license for Phoenix on Mac.
Titan Computer has been licensed by APC & TCP to port the Amiga game Phoenix, which is scheduled for release this year, to the Mac. The Amiga version is done by Future Tales. (ps)

[News message: 01. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer (User EMail)

VWP: Virtual News
Michael Pfeiffer writes:
Temporary result: AmigaNG survey
The survey on the subject AmigaNG has a temporary result. The new Amiga might - at least among the users already possessing an Amiga - become a full success. Over 64% of all users want to buy the new powerhorse directly when available or within 3 months. Those who have probably been set back by the Linux announcement and do no longer want to own an Amiga are a minority of under 5%. The survey, which gives important information to VWP for their future software development, is continuing (link above).

New: Browser hit list
The VWP homepage now collects statistical data on the browsers used. This statistic is different from others in that it recognizes browsers spoofing as Mozilla (like AWeb, Voyager and MSIE). So, there is a hitlist available offering a real insight in market shares and usage of browsers in the Amiga szene. This hitlist can be found at the link above, under "statistics".

New: WaveTracer DS & AudioForum
The VWP homepage now offers a special forum for the WaveTracer DS and related Audio questions. Here, you can state questions, post hints, give tips and state your POV. This forum should prove being a quick help with problems related to WaveTracer. (ps)

[News message: 01. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert (User EMail)

New akDatatype: akNAIL
Andreas R. Kleinert writes:
I have uploaded a new datatype to Aminet, called akNAIL. Since it is a "special manufactured" datatype for IFX thumbnail files with .info extension, it was released as Shareware. Registering by RegNet is only possible bundled with the other three datatypes - other than this, there are the usual bundle offers. (ps)

[News message: 01. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

The World Foundry: News
E2260: Sadly not making progress as planned, but programming should continue at the end of the month.
Maim & Mangle: This is looking much better. Development is making good progress. Details about the work already done can be found at M&M, beside this there are four new Screenshots to marvel at. (ps)

[News message: 01. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New Cartoon: Amiga users couching

(td) (Translation: td)

[News message: 31. Jul. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner (User EMail)

AmTALK II - 2.0 available
Download: amtalk_20.lzx (542065 Bytes) or amtalk_20.lha (587241 Bytes). You can also get AmTALK by EMail. To do this, send an EMail to:, and write "SEND AMITALK" in the message body. (ps)

[News message: 31. Jul. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (User EMail)

AirSoft Softwair News
Andreas Falkenhahn writes:
on the Airsoft Softwair homepage (link above), two new boot configurations for Rainboot2 have just been released. For one an update to my boot configuration "Light my Fire", which now offers better sounds and effects, and another bootup by Pixel Art, which is called AmigaNG Boot and is really cool. (ps)

[News message: 31. Jul. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame

Amiga Flame: WoA 99 Report
Amiga Flame: WoA 99 Report. (ps)

[News message: 31. Jul. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New Cartoon: Christmas eve in the shopping mall
New at weekly cartoons from Torsten Dudai! Torsten Dudai will supply one cartoon per week, that will deal with current (Amiga) topics - funny, serious, sarcastic or sardonic - depending on the current siutation. Here's a first teaser:

(td) (Translation: td)

[News message: 27. Jul. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Announces Alliance with QNX for Next Generation Amiga Architecture
Press release: Amiga Inc. has announced an alliance with QNX Software Systems Ltd. to utilize the QNX realtime operating system (RTOS) as the foundation for the Next Generation Amiga architecture.

"The Amiga shook the industry in the 80's with world leading multimedia architecture." said Jeff Schindler General Manager of Amiga Inc. "QNX's RTOS resembles many of Amiga's unique qualities. It provides the foundation in reaching our vision for the rebirth of Amiga in the new millenium."

"We see this alliance as a powerful combination of superior OS technologies, common corporate cultures and shared business vision." said Dan Dodge, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of QNX Software Systems Ltd.

Building upon the QNX OS foundation, Amiga, Inc. will work with QNX to add features and functions needed to create the Next Generation in Computing, as Amiga did in 1985.

Next Generation Targeted Features

Operating System Core Features
  • Scalable and modular design
  • Fully Protected Preemptive Multitasking; with processes and threads
  • Efficient and compact OS (under 4MBs)
  • Full 32 bit
  • True RTOS
  • Virtual Memory support
  • ROM-able
  • Multi Processor support
  • Distributed processing support
  • Open standards architecture
  • Support for industry standard API's
  • High performance 3D (Open GL)
  • Full 24-bit true color
  • Support standard TV, SVGA and resolutions up to HDTV
  • Multi-Media Gaming centric
  • Real-time animation (audio/video/graphics)
  • Network centric architecture
  • High performance Internet solutions
  • Full Java support
  • Consumer networking
  • Support new digital interface standards
  • Amiga convergence API's where no standards exist
  • Support leading convergence processing hardware
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should Amiga developers start programming for QNX now?

A: No. While QNX is the foundation OS, Amiga in partnership with QNX will add user interface enhancements, more multimedia support and a host of other convergence features. This will be released through Amiga Inc's developers program.

Q: Will I have to re-write my application to run on Next Generation Amiga's?

A: Yes. The new OS has a programming model that is similar to the Classic Amiga's, but also sufficiently different. In particular, the new OS features processes and threads (a "thread" is like an Amiga Process/Task), virtual memory and a very clean microkernel architecture. All access to hardware is through drivers, so if your application "hits the hardware" it will not work. Most well written applications should be able to be ported, but to take full advantage of the new architecture you will want to take advantage of the new APIs. We also intend to offer significantly better development tools than are currently available for the classic, which should ease the transition.

Q: How about my Classic applications? Will they run?

A: For the Development System, we are investigating either an "Amiga Classic PCI card" or an "Amiga Classic Emulator". Therefore well behaved 3.1/3.5 Amiga Classic applications should work.

For more information about QNX Software Systems, visit (ps)

[News message: 15. Nov. 1998, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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