GNN: BeOS 5.01 - First Update for the alternative OS available
Be Inc. has released the first update for version 5 of thier current
operating system BeOS. The update to version 5.01 fixes a fewe bugs,
offers better drivers and a few new functions. There are 3 Archives to
Update for BeOS Personal Edition (7.2MB) BeOS-5.0.1-PersonalEd-x86-Update.zip
Update for BOS Professional Edition (7.3MB) BeOS-5.0.1-ProEd-x86-Update.zip
Update for BeOS 5 Professional Edition - Power PC Version (4.4MB) BeOS-5.0.1-ProEd-PPC-Update.zip
Those that require a full installation can download it from free.be.com
[News message: 14. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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