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Amiga Link Directory got an external rating feature
As mentioned in our show report (English translation is in process) we talked with many of our audience at the Amiga show in Neuss and noticed some very good suggestions. Some asked to design the rating possibily inside Amiga Link Directory (ALS) in a way that the webmasters are able to include a rating code directly into their websites. Felix Schwarz from Innovative, who has written the ALD for us, immediate put this query into action.

If you choose a single entry inside the ALD now, you will allways get a link to "HTML-Code for rate boxes four your hompage" below "Rate this site!". At this you will be able to choose between three different layouts which will show up with the relating HTML code below. Using cut &'n paste you than can easyly put your favourit HTML code into your homepage. Then the visitors of your hompage will be able to rate your site! If you get an adequate number of ratings your site will get highlighted inside the search result list!

Example layouts for

Rate this site!!
Very bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very good
ALD powered by and Innovative

Rate this site!
ALD powered by and Innovative

Rate this site!
ALD powered by and Innovative

[News message: 15. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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