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Michael Ufer on ANF

Petition to Village Tronic
Since Village Tronic (VT) has canceled production of the Picasso IV for some time already, and doesn't give hard information if and when defective PIVs will be repaired in the near future (since one of the important persons so far managing the VT repair service has quit), Paul Qureshi from the Picasso mailing list initiated a petition. The votes collected will be presented to VT to motivate them to release documentation, so companies volunteering to repair PIVs can do so.

You can place your vote at the following links:

If all links should fail, you can send an e-mail to the initiator of this petition: All PIV users should participate, since only this way you could get VT moving. So far, there have been less than 200 votes. If you consider there are over 500 pre-orders for the Paraglide 3D add-on, that's not much :-(. What's a functional Paraglide worth if your Picasso IV doesn't work anymore...

[News message: 13. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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