Wolf Zimmer (E-Mail)
Online magazine: NoCover #113 published
Punctual as usual issue 113 of the online magazine NoCover has been published
and already delivered via eMail to all subscribers.
The current issue can be read online on NoCover
and the homepage of the APC & TCP.
Furthermore the magazine is availbale on the Aminet and on the well known cover
CD-ROMs or may be ordered directly via the eMauil address nc113@nc-mag.de.
At last there are again many articles to be read in this issue. Regrettably the
Amiga themes are growing less and less, and the operators would wish for more
Amiga users writing about their computer system. Thus diligent writers supplying
the team with articles on a regular basis are wanted. Single articles are always
welcome, too. Regular authors are rewarded with a Web online package by
ConnectWeb.de which includes free eMail address, POP3 mailbox with up to 256MB,
SMTP-Auth server usage and sub domain. (nba) (Translation: cb)
[News message: 03. Aug. 2003, 13:56] [Comments: 0]
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