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Bjorn Lynne (E-Mail)

Audio-CD: "Sidologie" by Marcel Donne
Sidologie is an album of Commodore-64 remixes Marcel Donne, all done in the style/sound of classic Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis albums. To put it simple, Marcel Donne has taken the *melodies* from famous C64 music, and mixed it with the *sound* of old-school Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis.

It is a great album for nostalgics of all ages, and especially those who enjoyed Jarre's and Vangelis' classic early albums, or those classic C64 melodies. The song name in [brackets] indicates which Jarre or Vangelis album that production was particularly influenced by.

  1. Sidologie Intro - Marcel Donne [Revolutions]
  2. Rambo Loading Theme - Martin Galway [Equinoxe]
  3. Lightforce - Rob Hubbard [Revolutions]
  4. Bombo - Ben Daglish [Oxygene]
  5. Cobra - Sylvester Levay/Ben Daglish [Bladerunner]
  6. Yie-Ar Kung Fu II - Martin Galway [Chariots of Fire]
  7. Knucklebusters - Rob Hubbard [Zoolook]
  8. Wizball High Score - Martin Galway [Band in the Rain]
  9. Miami Vice - Martin Galway [Equinoxe/Oxygene]
  10. Nemesis the Warlock - Rob Hubbard
  11. Rambo High Score - Martin Galway [Oxygene]
(nba) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2003, 00:20] [Comments: 0]
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