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Matthias Henze (ANF)

HSMathLibs v44.50 beta 2 and v44.50 beta 8
HSMathLibs v44.50 beta 2 (for MC68881/82) and v44.50 beta 8 (for MC68040/060)

Finally it is done. After a very long period of time there are new versions of the HSMathLibs. In these versions, that exist also as demo versions, have all known bugs been removed, some smaller optimizations have been done and some new features (e. g.: full support of the programs "BlizKick", "LoadResident" and "LoadModule") have been added.

I regret that there has been so much time since my announcement on July, 6th 2002 to the release of these versions but this wasn't up to me. Already on July, 6th 2002 was the German version of the HSMathLibs finished and I have sent the files to the ATO (Amiga Translators' Organization). But though I had taken a lot of work from the translators it had taken much time. 2 teams of the ATO haven't been able until now to translate the files. This is also the reason why with the new versions only 12 instead of 14 languages are supported. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 23:09] [Comments: 0]
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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

AmithlonTV looking for programmers!
Programmers wanted!

We need people for AmithlonTV who know how to code, who have knowledge of TV cards (bt8x8, SAT, DVB, ...), who own one and who are willing to write drivers for the single components.

This is how things are right now:

We have a three layers drivers system. On the lowest level there's a text file that follows a library serving as interface to applications. This library calls single sub drivers.

The drivers system behind the library is chip based. Simply spoken there's not a driver for each card but for each chip. The advantage is that the user has just to change a text file and makes an entry there containing the chips that are on his card and his TV card will already work. Missing components are of no importance in most cases. Is there no tuner does this mean that the application doesn't have any, either. So a driver for a particular chip works without any adaptation with different cards.

The library is kept that flexible that it can deal with as many TV cards simultaneously as you like. And as many applications as you like can share one single TV card what is very practically e.g for video recorders, TV and web cam. This way it will be switched between the applications if needed. E. g. a web cam application can interrupt a TV application for doing a snapshot but it cannot do this with the video recorder application.

In contrary to the main library that is already working very well there's much work to be done on the external components. There's no real TV application, yet. There's a small test version showing the possibilities and being used for testing purposes but it doesn't really offer functionality.

It's even worse with the chip drivers. To date there are only the drivers for the Medion TV card (MD 9592) existing. That means that an audio driver, a tuner driver and the bt8x8 are existing. The bt8x8 driver should be capable in creating and displaying an image on all TV cards using a BrookTree chip. Especially the bt8x8 support causes still quite some trouble and I could need specialist knowledge.

This may all now sound very complicated but it isn't as the complex things are all implemented in the tvcard.library with the drivers themselves being very small. The sub library for the tuner is for the time being not even 2 Kb in size!

Urgently needed are:
  • Drivers for as many chips as possible.
  • A TV application with a nice GUI using Reaction or skins.
  • A video recorder application.

Capabilities that you should have:
  • C knowledge.
  • 68K knowledge are of advantage.
  • Library coding (the chip drivers are normal libraries with four functions).
  • Knowledge of the single chips are very advisable.

What can't be expected:

AmithlonTV is not commercial and it is not supposed to become in the future. Therefore there'll be no payment. With this call I want to push the development that is going on only slowly until now.

Interested people may contact me!

Guido Mersmann (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 21:38] [Comments: 2 - 14. Oct. 2002, 16:07]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Video converter 2.1 update
Today I have finished a new update of the video converter. It is the version 2.1 and it can be downloaded following the download link below.

  • default settings can be saved and loaded
  • app window and app menu functionality
  • menu bar added
  • online help that can be switched on and off (is listed in Workbench's menu bar)
  • eleven pages documentation as PDF (partly in English)
  • VideoCD authoring can now handle multi track VideoCDs (max. 5 tracks)
Carsten Siegner is looking for somebody who would translate him the program and the documentation into English and French.

Download: Videokonverter.lzx (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 21:27] [Comments: 0]
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G. Brosig (ANF)

Amiga 600 as car MP3 player
G. Brosig draws your attention to an interesting project to build. A student from Clausthal (Germany) has implemented his A600 into a car and uses it there as an MP3 player, routing planer and for gaming. Further information can be found following the title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 21:19] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Wille

Frank Wille: vbcc version 0.8 und vlink version 0.8 (Update)
Frank Wille has updated two of his programs. The first is vbcc version 0.8, a highly optimized portable ISO C compiler, available in versions for Amiga and MorphOS. The compiler supports ISO C as defined in ISO/IEC 9899:1989 and part of the new standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C99).

Furthermore has Frank Wille released version 0.8 of the linker vlink. vlink is a portable linker written in ANSI-C for several object file formats. The source code should compile under AmigaOS as well as under Unix without any problems. For now are supported: AmigaDos, EHF, ELF32-PowerPC-BigEndian, ELF32-PowerUp, a.out (NetBSD68k, SunOS010, SunOS020, NetBSDi386, PCi386, VOBJ), as well as Motorola S-Record and Raw-Binaries via linker scripts.

Update 14.10.2002:
vbcc was'nt written only by Frank Wille, but also by Volker Barthelmann. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 15:18] [Comments: 0]
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Amigan Software: Worm Wars V7.21 and Saga V1.2a
On the web site of Amigan Software have updates been released for the following two games:
  • Worm Wars version 7.21 - download: Wormwars.lha (621 KB)
  • Saga version 1.2a - download: Saga.lha (284 KB)
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 15:08] [Comments: 0]
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Otto Dette for U.d.N. (email)

Closing report: U.d.N. presented Pegasos in Bremen
As already reported had the "Users der Nordseeküste" (U.d.N.) shown on October, 5th and 6th 2002 the Pegasos in Bremen at the Videobörse.

We thank the participating companies Vesalia, bplan and MorphOS who made it possible for us to show the Pegasos. On the one hand we didn't want to put the beta testers at a disadvantage but on the other hand we wanted to show the computer to the publicity and we believe that we succeeded. Because of an article in Bremen's biggest newspaper on Sunday we had 5432 visitors on both days. Via the U.d.N. came interested users who wanted to see the Pegasos.

The Videobörse in Bremen was the opportunity for such a presentation, for years we participate there in spring and autumn with our computers. After we had dissolved the A.U.C - HB in the end of 2001 as there were less and less Amiga users in Bremen and founded the party U.d.N. in this we got the promise from the organizers of the show to further use our room in the citizens center for free as we are known as magnet for the event.

The two days have confirmed that our chosen way, a calm juxtaposition of different operating systems, is practicable. It doesn't matter whether it is the Amiga, PC, Mac, Palm, Linux or another system.

The Amiga and new hardware for the Amiga have therefor a platform to show themselves to non-Amigans. Our experiences show that many PC users remember their beginners time with the Amiga at such an event. As the PC users saw the tower with the Mediator board and as such with the PCI slots equipped with Voodoo card, TV card, sound card and Ethernet card they almost couldn't believe that it is an Amiga with a PPC card.

USB on the Amiga? Satellite dish and television? Flat screen? Playing videos and MPEG? What, this all is possible? In the net via PCI-Ethernet? And then online showing the Amiga-News, our Ralf had no break because of all the explanations about his system and his video equipment. At the end the ATARI users being also at the show explained this upgraded Amiga to their friends and afterwards even the Pegasos. Our special thanks go to "Professor Dellert" (we call him respectfully so) of DCE who had taken care for a BRILLIANTLY modified PPC card.

On Thursday, October 3rd, 2002 had two users of the U.d.N. set of from Bremen and picked up the two Pegasos computers, so we had had two days to get to know the computers. Our biggest worry was to put the beta testers who had subscribed an contract at Thendic to a disadvantage. So particular functions of the soft- and hardware of the computers had been locked. We had already before decided to show only those things that don't fall under the beta testers contract. So there was only the version 0.6x of MorphOS shown and Suse Linux was installed in a version 7.x. It would have been a simple thing for our Linux expert of the company SUSE and member of the U.d.N to install the new version 8.1 but this version wasn't officially been released, either. We could have had shown the MacOS, too, but unfortunately only two computers had been available.

So we restricted ourselves to the possible as it was the most important thing that everybody who was interested in the Pegasos could try it himself/herself without the need for us to be all the time at hand. This was accepted this way by the users, they tested and tried to crash the computers. At the end of the show was the Suse Linux in some parts German and in other parts English. From Bavaria, Gera, Halle, Berlin, Hamburg, Flensburg, Osnabrück, Göttingen and from the Netherlands (there were surely still more places) had the users come to see and test the Pegasos. During the two days there had been no need to reinstall the systems from scratch. And this was exactly our goal!

We had been especially pleased that Mr. Michael Garlich from TITAN-Computer came and we could present a video of Motionstudio. Michael had been several hours with us and had given much information to the visitors about the progress of the software. And he took consideration of the beta testers and told only as much about the current version 9.x of MorphOS as he could take responsibility for. Of course we would have loved to see his developers team showing presentations on their systems but this wasn't possible because of existing contracts with sponsors.

On Sunday were Mrs. and Mr. Does of the company Vesalia at the show and gave information to the interested users. As we were already finishing there was still a discussion going on and we could only with smooth pressure move the group along. We were glad when we could hand the Pegasos computers over undamaged.

The Pegasos had been very well accepted by the PC and Linux users, too.

The following excerpt taken from a comment by "mk" from October, 06th 2002 describes exactly what people told us all over again:

»And then it's not only suitable for the living room but even for the bed room. No CPU fan, no fan on the graphics board. Should the fan of the power supply even need to run because of the small power amount of the system it was at least not hearable. When completing the computer you only have to look for quiet hard discs etc. and then you get really problems to tell whether the computer is switched on when you do this by just listening to the system«

But there had been more than the presentation of the Pegasos. On a PC video editing had been shown and explained in a factual way and with much patience. We had been very astonished because of the many questions and often people had told that not even at the specialists they'd experienced that much about editing of videos. That encourages us, of course we will extend this area until the next show in spring 2003. Besides that had our PC experts been pestered to death with questions regarding the BIOS and the hardware.

Reports of single users regarding the event and their experiences at the show can be found under: On our video page you can watch a video of the Pegasos in action. Pictures of the event and of the Pegasos can be found under:

Further images of the event (especially interesting for the people from Osnabrück (Germany)) are on the computer of our Linux expert.

Many questions regarding the new operating system Jaguar and to the upgrading of old MACs to be able to install the OS X were asked our MAC users.

There'll be an comprehensive report in the Amiga Future that'll be written by Rene Stelljes (member U.d.N.) for the magazine. Rene had explained the Pegasos on both days and he had also installed the software.

Two short story alongside the event:

1.) The Atari people had found a power supply at the flea market, connected it to the power point - "PENG" could only a dust cloud be seen, the upper floor had no power anymore. Oh, there's another power point, connecting the power supply with it - "PENG", down in the sales room no power anymore. Oh, one more power point, let's try it there once more - "PENG", that was the fuse of our room. Pegasos, Amiga, MAC and PC suddenly without power while accessing the hard disc, the agitation was very big. After the power was back again all computers booted without any problems. We hadn't seen the Atari people again after this, they left the event very early

2.) Several times people called via the cell phone number we had given, mainly because of price reducing cards or to tell us that the web cam was unusable because of the bad ISDN connection. But one call made us laugh, the person asked indeed whether we'd know where to find a free parking room but unfortunately we really couldn't answer as we hadn't installed a camera outside ;-).

Our result of the event:
It was great, we hadn't expected that much interest in the Pegasos, coming also from people who had heard for the first time about the Pegasos and MorphOS. And the questions we are receiving after the event show us the big interest. 300 visiting-cards were given away, we have two new members since the show. We thank all users who had gone the long way to us we'll certainly see at the next fair. And as always at the end, what comes next after this top event? Ralf and Otis have already something in the planning, more about this in March 2003 when it's time for: "Let's go to the Videobörse to Bremen". Special thanks go to Landshut (Germany) to Markus Bindhammer who came especially to us by plane.

Otto Dette for U.d.N.
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 14:02] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Miller (ANF)

Event: Pegasos and MorphOS Demonstration in USA
Barring traffic jams or sniper fire I will demonstrate the modern alternative home computer system Pegasos and MorphOS at the NCAUG meeting today in McLean, Virginia, USA. My 14 year old nephew David Fletcher will assist. To the best of my knowledge this will be the first public demonstration of the system on the North American continent.

We will show the hardware, certain graphical demos, a directory utility, maybe a game, and I will tell everyone the latest developments in the MorphOS scene and answer questions. We'll take some pictures and upload them later this weekend.

Besides Pegasos there will be unrelated demos of LCD glasses, a 3D game, VR Slingshot and plenty of other stuff from NCAUG members. More information is at

"Today is ad gift. That's why they call it the present." (ps)

[News message: 12. Oct. 2002, 12:46] [Comments: 0]
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T.o.T. (E-Mail)

Tales of Tamar: First basis set of boxes delivered
Today the first basis set of boxes of Tales of Tamar has been delivered. Already in the next week over 250 players will romp on Tamar and therefore will give the additional stimulation of a "massive multiplayer" genres. .

Forcing the sale from the next week on we will give the possibility to the players to advertise other ones and thus getting further rounds for free. Each registered player will get additional 50 rounds to play for free if this person shows Tales of Tamar somebody else and if this one will order the basis set on Tales of Tamar is UAE compatible and thus can be also bought by owners of a PC. The future version for the PC will be then available for free! This also applies to other platforms.

Tales of Tamar is a round based PBEM strategy online game (PBEM = PlayByEMail) of Eternity where you take over the control over a nation just like at Civilization or Kaiser and where you have to bring your nation in a world of the Internet called Tamar to glory and honour. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2002, 19:20] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: New driver for Spider USB 2.0 High-Speed card
The SpiderUP 1.7 update for the Spider USB 2.0 High-Speed card has been made available today.

usb.device ver.1.7
The possibility of setting the usb.device driver task priority with Trident GUI added. This option requires the Poseidon stack ver.1.31 as a minimum.

Info on the current versions is available in the DOWNLOADS | Mediator section. (ps)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2002, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Digital Almanac III - News
There are some news of the astronomy program DA3:

  1. The email address has changed. It is now I therefore ask all customers and all who are interesed in this program to replace the old address by the new one.
  2. The new version of DA3 is nearly complete. Still only the HTML documentation has to be adopted.
  3. Additional to the HTML documentation a manual in PDF format is also in progress. This has the advantage of being able to print it as one thing. Because of high expenditures there will be no hardcover manual.
  4. Maybe there will be also a Czech locale for DA3.
  5. I guess that the complete distribution will be ready on December.
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2002, 18:35] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

VisualMI changed and new Bonus Theme
Due to the caused confusion about the last "VisualMI" release I decided to split the archive. The single archives and a new bonus them are available now. (ps)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2002, 18:30] [Comments: 0]
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AOne Gothenburg 2002

Meeting: Sound Files from the AmigaOne Show in Göteborg

The AmigaOne Show took place in Göteborg, Sweden on the 21st of September. On the website of the show there are two sound files (from the show) available for download:

Gunne/GGS-Data showed parts of OS4 (in Swedish, 33 MB file size): os4.mpg

Ole-Egil and Justin told us about their time as AOne beta testers and their work so far (in English, 37 MB file size): Ole-Egil.mpg

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 23:39] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Goenster (E-Mail)

Dragiton: New Sharp Zaurus?

»Die Sharp Corp. has developed a new handheld, which resembles a small notebook computer and works with Linux.«

See title link for the complete article.

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 19:33] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview with Chris Hodges (Poseidon USB)
Many users considered the name "Chris Hodges" a concept since the mid-nineteen nineties, since Chris (in addition to writing demos and tools) also authored PD games like "Tubes."

Most recently with the introduction of the USB cards "Subway" and "Highway" developed by Michael Böhmer, most users will again consider this concept, because Chris has authored "Poseidon USB," making it possible for Amiga users to use standard USB hardware.

In the interview with Amiga Arena he discusses how this development came about, the concept behind "Poseidon USB," and what more great stuff users may expect in the future.

You'll reach the interview here in German and English. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 18:03] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGAplus: Article Index and Classified Ads Updated

The newspaper AMIGAplus has updated its Article Index as well as its Classified Ads.

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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Kultpower: New Cover Scans and Chat Channel

The online fan page of diverse cult newspapers collects scans of test reports and covers (title page) in its databank. Today the first nine covers of the newspaper Mega Fun have been added (scanned by Matthias). Next up will be a few test reports.

The cover of the Happy Computer Games Special 1/88 is found under the design "Powerplay-Cover" (thanks to Christian), the two ASM covers from 5/1994 und 6/1994 are now available at a higher quality (thanks to Michael). The Pirates Sea Card from the last update has now been scanned in color by Michael M!

Also new is the Cult Chat! In cooperation with the website, and we've opened an IRC channel for all fans of cult games. More exact information may be found on the page

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 16:37] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New Packets (through 10th October, 2002)

With WHDLoad you can install to your hard-drive games which were originally only intended for floppy boot disks. The following packets have been freshly added since our last announcement:

  • 10th October, 2002 new: Theme Park (Bullfrog) done by JOTD
  • 10th October, 2002 new: Strip Poker 2+ (Anco) done by Psygore
  • 8th October, 2002 new: Empty Head (Rednex) done by Psygore
  • 8th October, 2002 new: Hollywood Poker (reLINE) done by Psygore
  • 8th October, 2002 new: Budokan (Electronic Arts) done by Psygore

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 16:15] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Member Area Opened

From today on there is a member area in the Forum of the Amiga Future homepage, where in the future preview articles (for example the interview with Steffan Haueser) will be published. This section is exclusively created for and accessible to subscribers. Further there may be online articles, interviews and the like that will only be available there.

Subscribers who would like to have access should send an email to the editors of Amiga Future. The following information is required:
  • Username in the forum
  • Real name
  • PLZ
  • Customer number if you know it
(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 15:59] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: Mediator PCI 1200 SX sales began
We are glad to inform that the Mediator PCI 1200 SX busboard is on sale now from our distributors. To find the distributor near you, please go to our Where To Buy section.

Mediator PCI 1200 SX is the successor to the Mediator PCI 1200 busboard. Mediator PCI 1200 SX offers Amiga 1200 users the opportunity to use up to 6 PCI cards, significantly improving the computer performance. Additionally, the new Mediator model has a Power Management Interface, which allows waking up the computer with external events (e.g. with USB or LAN signals) and shutting it down controlled by software.

More info about Mediator PCI 1200 SX. (ps)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 12:21] [Comments: 0]
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Charlene of Virus Help Team Canada (ANF)

VirusExecutor Version 2.25 Update
Jan Erik Olausen released a new version of his virus killer. It is now available for download at Virus Help Team Canada. (ps)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 12:10] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)


Cyborg writes in: Well, it took a while but BenderIRC is finally making progress again. The program components that were lost in the hard-drive crash have been fully restored, and it is now possible to add a PGP-encoded communication over the Internet with BenderIRC's DCCCHAT.

At this time it's unfortunately still not possible to comfortably go from BenderIRC to the PGP-DCCCHAT, because a specialized CTCP command must be defined. Whoever would like to take part in this effort can let us know via email. Attention must be drawn to the fact that PGP2 and PGP5 are both supported but must be separated.

For some time now a help system has been on the BenderIRC website. It is for the purpose of simplifying the reporting of bugs, so that more people will send us bug reports. The future plans are to eliminate some of the smaller bugs and then add the long-awaited configuration/installation tool.

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. Oct. 2002, 00:26] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Interview with Steffen Häuser
At the Amiga Future home page today an interview with Steffen Häuser (programmer of Quake 2) was published. A detailed interview will be in the Amiga Future 39 (November/December 2002). (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 17:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News (until 09.10.2002)
At DiegoCR will find three updates of his ports: highlight v1.2, abcm2ps v3.1.10 and RingTone Tools v1.08.

For the Workbench replacement Scalos there were the plugins WBRexx V39.13 and WB3.9 V45.23 updated and are ready for download.

The German programmer Oliver Achten has joined the team for the NES emulator for Amiga A/NES CGFX. "His skills and coding-experience will be of great help when developing A/NES CGFX. A closer presentation of this guy will soon be available on this website."

At the Hungarian programmer LouiSe you will find loads of Amiga ports of useful programs. Among there is the source code of Thttpd and php version 2.21b P22, a simple Web and PHP server solution for AmigaOS.

SixK, as well known for his many Amiga ports, has put at his new website Amiga Community several SDL ports of games online. New are Mures and Foobillard 1.7 for 68k.

Serverwatch reports, that the server software 'Apache' (not the Amiga version!) is released in version 1.3.27. The new Apache HTTP includes many bugfixes and should be more secure because three security holes were closed.

At Rekonet are six new card sets for the well known card game Klondike available. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 16:58] [Comments: 0]
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IBrowse: Mailing list for announcements set up
Those who don't want to participate the discussions regarding the webbrowser 'IBrowse' but are interested in the news may sign the new announcement mailing list:

(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 14:31] [Comments: 0]
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Arkadiusz [Yak] Wahlig

Window organisation: DepthMenu version 2.38
The Polish programmer Arkadiusz [Yak] Wahlig has released version 2.38 of his program 'DepthMenu'. With this program you may manage, minimize, maximize etc. all opened windows at your Workbench. New in this version is a completely reworked API, the AmIRC modul and a new ScreenType modul.

Donwload: DepthMenu.lha (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 14:17] [Comments: 0]
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OSNews: A Closer Look at MorphOS on the PEGASOS
Mike Bourma has edited for the online magazine 'OSNews' an article in English which deals with the advantages/disadvantages of the new PowerPC computer 'Pegasos'. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 14:09] [Comments: 0]
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Matay: New software for Prometheus - PromUpdate 2.3
For the PCI busboard Prometheus there has been published the software PromUpdate version 2.3. The update contains the following elements:

  • prm-rtl8029.device V1.2 (fixed bug - it will just fail with prometheus.library 1.x instead of hanging up the system)
  • prometheus.library V2.3 - prepared for firmware upgrade and DMA handling, can be used on old firmware however with all the drivers not using DMA (10 Mbit ethernet, S3Virge, Voodoo3, 4, 5)
  • PrmScan V1.5
  • DMAList V1.2 - a tool displaying allocated DMA buffers (requires Prometheus firmware upgrade)
  • prometheus.card V6.506
  • 3dfxvoodoo.chip V6.412
  • emulation.library V40.893
  • fastlayers.library V40.48
  • rtg.library V40.3992
  • Newer "vendors.txt" file used by PrmScan for identifying of PCI cards.
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 14:02] [Comments: 0]
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aseq (ANF)

Aseq not delayed anymore
I managed to revive the bppc and bvision by flashing the rom. So I can continue development normally (keeps fingers crossed ;) Thanks for the response. (ps)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 13:07] [Comments: 0]
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Ben Hermans (ANF)

Hyperion completes Quake 2 Amiga port
Hyperion Entertainment is pleased to announce the completion of its highly optimised Quake 2 port for the Amiga.

A bundle containing the full PC version and a separate CD with the Amiga executable, the Quake 2 installer, GUI and over 600 MB of (compressed) extras such as (nearly 40!) Quake 2 mods , levels and models, will be available shortly from your local dealer. Pricing may vary.

The game complies with all the usual quality standards for which Hyperion has become known in the Amiga market.

Users can register their copy of Quake 2 on the Hyperion website ( to obtain support and download further mods and updates as they become available.

System requirements are as follows:
  • PPC equipped Amiga (WarpOS)
  • 64 MB of memory (more recommended for certain mods)
  • Graphics-card (3D acceleration supported but not required)
Dealers interested in distributing this product may contact (ps)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2002, 13:07] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Version 2.0 of Videokonverter-GUI for ffmpeg + VideoCD-Authoring
Carsten Siegner wrote:
The GUI "Videokonverter" in version 2.0 is finished. I have build in all features of ffmpeg not suspending each other. New is the port for plugin's of other GUIs. A plugin named "VideoCD Authorung" is added. With this plugin you are able to create VideoCD for DVD-Players. This means only the Mode-2-Images are created.

You have to use a compatible Burning Software. A created sample from the plugin I burned with MakeCD and tested on a Panasonic DVD-RV41 and it runs without problems, but the burner has mentioned an error and stopped burning. The first few seconds were played. I have to fix this error and then it will be free for download.

Now you can burn nearly every video format to a VideoCD, usable on a DVD-Player. If you want to get the program now send an email to me. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 08. Oct. 2002, 19:51] [Comments: 0]
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Computer City (E-Mail)

Event: Pictures from the Computer City Pegasos Presentation
On October, 5th'2002 in Rotterdam (NL) at Computer City a presentation of Pegasos took part. Under the title link you will find some pictures of it. The configuration of the computer you will find here. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 08. Oct. 2002, 14:08] [Comments: 0]
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Fr3dY's Amiga Web Page

Tool: Normalize Version 0.7.6
On October, 7th 2002 Fr3dY has released version 0.7.6 of the tool 'Normalize'. With this program you can regulate the volume of sound files (WAV, MP3, AIFF, NeXT/Sun, IRCAM).

Songs from different sources have different volumes you can now adjust onto the same level.

'Normalize' is available for the Amiga processors 68000, 68020, 68040, and 68060.

Download: normalize.lha (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 08. Oct. 2002, 13:59] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Neubauer (ANF)

Installer: WHDLoad Version 15.1
On the WHDLoad website you can download the new version 15.1.

With WHDLoad you can install games you only can play on disks on your hard disk. Since our last message the following games are added or updated:

  • 07.10.02 New WHDLoad V15.1, minor fixes, manual translated to cz/de/fr, some changes on developer files
  • 06.10.02 improved: Wild West World (Software 2000) supports another version
  • 06.10.02 improved: Nebulus (Hewson) supports another version, new icons
  • 06.10.02 fixed: Moonstone (Mindscape) intro sound fixed
  • 06.10.02 improved: Maximum Overdrive 2 (Rage) interrupts fixed for 040/060, new icons
  • 05.10.02 fixed: Hero Quest 2 (Gremlin) slave was missing
  • 05.10.02 improved: A10 Tank Killer (Dynamix) another version supported

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 23:09] [Comments: 0]
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Anu Seilonen (ANF)

Finnish Amiga Users Group's Meeting Showed AmigaOne and Pegasos

Finnish Amiga Users Group's Meeting Showed AmigaOne and Pegasos

OULU, FINLAND - October 7th, 2002 - Finnish Amiga Users Group's annual meeting was held in Oulu, Finland on September 28th, 2002. The meeting was visited by some 60 people and this well exceeded last years visitor count. This didn't come as a surprise, even though the location was a bit remote for people living in the more populated south of Finland. After all, the users group had a lot more to show this year.

Travelling all the way from Holland, Sharwin and Rakesh Raghoebardayal of Coyote Flux/Thendic France, were there to demonstrate MorphOS on the Pegasos. This was the first public demonstration of Pegasos in Finland. Sharwin and Rakesh spent the entire afternoon showing off the speed and capabilities of their machine. Impressive demonstrations included J Miner, a photogrammetry software that created 3D images out of 2D photographs, and various features of MorphOS and emulation software.

Also on hand to discuss their work on MorphOS were the Finnish developers and long-time Amiga enthusiasts Teemu Suikki and Harry Sintonen. They travelled quite a distance as well, paid by Thendic France. Tomi Ollila of the original AmiTCP group was also present at the venue. Discussions about computer technology, operating systems and life in general were rampant throughout the day. Finnish Amiga Users Group offered free refreshments to all visitors, and some of the people went on to continue the discussions at a dinner later that night.

Gentle Eye Ky, the only active Amiga dealer in Finland, was also present with some of their inventory and two interesting pieces of new technology. The AmigaOneG3-SE and a prototype AmigaOne-XE motherboards were on display. Unfortunately the AmigaOneG3-SE had no working BIOS and the AmigaOne-XE, which was all ready to go and hooked up, didn't boot Linux all the way. This may be due to a configuration error or the fact that it was only a prototype. It was interesting to see AmigaOne there anyway.

Finnish Amiga Users Group also held their official annual meeting and the club is moving ahead with the help of new people and new ideas - although more input and involvement is always welcome. The event was covered on the Internet via IRC, a Shoutcast audio connection, digital photography and a webcam. Unfortunately technical problems delayed these services quite a bit. More photographs and notes from the meeting will be made available via the users group website ( and the Saku e-zine.

Finnish Amiga Users Group is interested in showcasing all progress made in the extended Amiga community. In addition to the above-mentioned people, Amiga Inc. was also invited to participate. We were frequently asked about this by our members and visitors, but unfortunately Amiga Inc. did not respond to emails from group officials this time. We hope to display AmigaDE and other products from Amiga in the future, like we did last year with our demonstartions of the Party Pack and the AmigaDE Player.

If you or your company are interested in getting in touch with Finnish Amiga users, please contact the chairman of the Finnish Amiga Users Group, Anu Seilonen, at to organize something. You do not have to come here in person, we are happy to demonstrate products for you at our meetings. Finnish Amiga Users Group is operated by volunteers interested in supporting a common hobby, so our services are usually free of charge.

The Finnish Amiga Users Group would like to extend its warmest thank you to those who supported our meeting and made it a truly memorable event. We look forward to bringing together like-minded computer hobbyists in the future as well.

About Finnish Amiga Users Group

Finnish Amiga Users Group (officially Suomen Amiga-käyttäjät ry.) is a registered, non-profit organization dedicated to helping Finnish Amiga computer users by preserving and advancing the Amiga hobby and knowledge of the Amiga computing platform in Finland. The group aims to reach its goals through volunteer efforts such as organizing events and publishing an e-zine called Saku. (ps)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 23:04] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

New Themes for VisualPrefs
A new version of VisualMI is available on the MasonIcons homepage. The following new themes were added: AmberMI, MirrorMI, WinMI and XenMI.

Please visit (title link) for further information. (ps)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (E-Mail)

Official Amiga and Retro Computing 2002 Website on-line
Today the official website for the German Amiga exhibition of this year is on-line. Jens Schönfeld of Individual Computer organizes this fair, which will take place on 7th and 8th December 2002 in the Eurogress Aachen. Thus Schönfeld breaks the good old tradition to let the exhibition take place in Cologne but Aachen is a city worth seeing, and the proximity to the Benelux countries is reliably a large advantage. Refrained from it the organizer gets ready to break with another tradition since he would like to turn around the trend of the last years after, and attract more visitor than before.

The current website is only a preversion of the final one. It will be filled up with contnent bit by bit. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 21:07] [Comments: 0]
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Wojtek Kozlowski (E-Mail)

Elbox: New Product Reviews Section in the Elbox website
You are welcome to visit the updated website of Elbox Computer.

A new section --Product Reviews-- has been added in the NEWS area.

The new Product Reviews section offers tests and comparisons made in the Elbox laboratory as well as links to reviews of Elbox products published in the Internet. If you know other reviews of Elbox products in the Internet please inform us at (ps)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 19:55] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Mann (ANF)

At the title link there are two TV-spots advertising for Amiga available for viewing and downloading. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 17:16] [Comments: 0]
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Lars "Ghandy" Sobiraj (ANF)

The music group Moods publishes the two-hundredth song
The music group Moods working on the Amiga published recently their two-hundredth song in the Internet. This Goatrack by the German musician Psycho is called "Schmerz_Verschmelzumg". All 200 songs are available as med, mod and mp3 file and can be downloaded free of charge from the MOODS-side. On further publications and contributions to various scene parties must be counted - Keep the trackers rolling! (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 17:13] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Carillo (ANF)

WOASE - Quake 2 Announcement
World of Amiga Southeast 2002 is proud to announce that the Amiga area will be demonstrating the soon to be released Quake2 for AmigaOS 3 and AmigaOS 4 by hosting a 4-player deathmatch using the Roadshow TCP/IP service on a custom designed Amiga level.

Come and marvel at one of the best games ever, now on the Amiga platform, and look forwards to it appearing on the newest incarnation of the Amiga platform.

All this and even more hot news to follow shortly. Buy your ticket now from Fore-Matt Home Computing or Kicksoft.

Tickets are only £3.50 (buy 5 or more you pay only £3.00 each). World of Amiga Southeast 2002, Happens on the 2nd of November, Don't miss it. (ps)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 12:17] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (E-Mail)

Amiga Games Classifying: Results for Sept./Oct. 2002
Here the results of the elections by September/October 2002 by Amiga Games Classifying:
  1. (1) Napalm - 140 pts
  2. (4) Quake - 124 pts
  3. (2) Payback - 118 pts
  4. (3) Earth 2140 - 108 pts
  5. (5) The Settlers - 103 pts
  6. (7) Slam Tilt - 99 pts
  7. (6) Heretic 2 - 77 pts
  8. (8) Worms / Worms DC - 73 pts
  9. (9) SWOS - 64 pts
  10. (10) WipEout 2097 - 57 pts
  11. (11) Foundation - 55 pts
  12. (21) Fields Of Battle - 50 pts
  13. (18) Xtreme Racing - 50 pts
  14. (15) Colonization - 47 pts
  15. (33) Simon The Sorceror 2 - 47 pts
  16. (13) Civilization - 47 pts
  17. (17) Exodus : The Last War - 46 pts
  18. (12) Shogo - 43 pts
  19. (28) Speedball 2 - 37 pts
  20. (25) Nightlong - 35 pts

The next on-line election of Amiga Games Classifying for Nov./December 2002 for the most popular plays will start in the middle of November. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2002, 12:15] [Comments: 0]
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A.D.A.: 9 new productions
On 5th October 2002, 9 productions have been added to the Amiga Demoscene Archive (A.D.A.). The additions are:

  • Big!/Ephidrena
  • Toxik/Amnesty
  • Elektroboy Inside/Smoke
  • Multica/ Andromeda
  • Prism/Melon Dezign
  • Roots 2.0/ Sanity
  • Television/Bizarre Arts
  • Guardian Dragon/ Kefrens
  • Groovy/Lemon
(sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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Mediator: PatchInt V1.2 (3rd release)
Already on 3rd October 2002, Matthew Allatt has released version 1.2 (3rd release) of 'PatchInt' for the PCI board 'Mediator' from Elbox.

The tool gets rid of the lockups which occur with various sound, ethernet, serial and other PCI boards.

This update should fix the sound distortion which occurred with the SoundBlaster after some time of playback.

Matthew Allatt writes on this:
"I'd just like to let you all know that I've finished a new version of PatchInt..." - "I found that when using PatchInt, and playing tunes through the SoundBlaster card, the sound would become distored after a while. Others have reported this to me as well, so, having found some time, I've written a new version which should hopefully fix this."

Download: PatchInt1_2.lha, Readme (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 18:09] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Society

Amiga Society: Schlachtfeld page updated and Status
From the Amiga Society site:
"The Schlachtfeld page has received a new design. The contents is not that far yet, but the first graphics for a second level can already be seen.

Over the next weeks, some submenus etc. will be added to the page and some more information will be provided.

Possibly the page will also get its own domain soon.

We still hope to have at least a beta of Phase I (with the old graphics) until the show in December.

According to current estimation of the situation, Phase I will probably not get over the beta stage.

The graphics of Phase II have advanced that much already that a parallel development of code and graphics is beginning to make sense." (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 18:06] [Comments: 0]
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Peter's Amiga Homepage

Hard disk: Hard Drive Guide updated, UAEInstall disk
On 6th October 2002, Peter Hutchison updated his Hard Drive Guide and released a UAEInstall disk for hard disks.

Hard Drive Guide contents:
  1. Choosing a hard disk
  2. Installing a hard disk in your Amiga
  3. Partitioning a hard disk
  4. Changing or Upgrading the FileSystem
  5. Installing Workbench on your Hard disk
  6. Installing software on your Hard disk
  7. Looking after your hard disk
  8. Problems that may occur
  9. Using Large Hard Disks
  10. List of SCSI and IDE Devices
  11. About the author
The guide is available as an HTML version for online reading and as an AmigaGuide version for download.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 18:06] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: Petunia - Web site update about 68k JIT emulator
Already on 3rd October 2002, the Web site about the 68k JIT emulator 'Petunia' for AmigaOS 4.0 has been updated.

Some information has been added, as well as a benchmark test to compare your own computer with Petunia's benchmark results. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 16:50] [Comments: 3 - 11. Oct. 2002, 09:01]
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amiga.sf: SWFTools V0.4.2, cURL V7.10
The Amiga directory of by DiegoCR contains the following updates:
  • SWFTools V0.4.2 (020/040)
  • cURL V7.10
(sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 16:49] [Comments: 0]
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Web catalog: AmigaSource online again
The Web catalog 'AmigaSource' has been online again since 3rd October. It currently contains 804 links in 40 Amiga categories. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 16:49] [Comments: 0]
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aseq (ANF)

MIDI: Amiga version of 'Aseq' frozen
aseq writes:

"Part of my Amiga hardware died (bvision, perhaps more) so I have to freeze development of the Amiga version of a midi and audio sequencer called Aseq (

On a brighter side ;-) I can now spend more time on porting it to QNX, Macintosh and Linux. A version for Pegasos-Morhpos has been planned, but seeing as I can not yet even afford to replace Amiga hardware it will be a while.

In case you care about dead Amiga hardware, I am using an A1200 with ppc card and bvision, the system is not showing up any image through the gfx card and I have no way of detecting if the ppc card is working, but I assume it is as the system will boot normally from floppy. Not from hd though, a gfx card related thing in the startup may very well screw up, or blizkick, which could mean the ppc card IS dead (also) after all." (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2002, 16:06] [Comments: 0]
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