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Olaf Köbnik (email)

Amiga Arena: interview with Michael Lanser (Realms of Power)
Olaf Köbnik wrote:
Michael Lanser is developing already for some months a Civilization clone for our Amiga with the name "Realms of Power". We wanted to know the current developing state of "Realms of Power" and talked to the developer Michael Lanser about his project. The interview is available in German and English.

Amiga Arena - Back in business!
The basic design has been finished and further rubrics are now following. For the time being some software titles are not accessible. But I may already tell you that with the opening of the download area further new programs will be released. I want to thank you for your patience and hope that you will remain loyal to the Amiga Arena! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2003, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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Rupert Hausberger (ANF)

Benchmark: AmigaMARK LPA 2003 v0.922 full-release
Rupert Hausberger writes:
Today it's time to release a full version of AmigaMARK LPA 2003. The release includes versions for M68k- and MorphOS-native! Both versions are fully compatible. Read docs before start. (ps)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2003, 16:31] [Comments: 0]
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Jurassic Pack Homepage

Scene: website version 1.2.4 of the mag Jurassic Pack online
Next to the repair of dead links that came to live due to our moving were the WinUAE tutorial and reactions to the issues #9 and #10 put online. All older issues of Jurassic Pack (#1 to #6 have also been made available online. Enjoy the reading! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2003, 13:43] [Comments: 0]
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Mikey C (ANF)

TOTAL AMIGA Magazine: Issue 14 coming soon - to a post box near you
The new multimedia authoring package for the Amiga. But can it topple SCALA? Our reviewers sit in front of the screen and bring you their verdict.

Our main Feature is: WEBDESIGN!
A true epic struggle, starring brave and determined reviewers, see if it can be done using an Amiga.

The good, the bad and the ugly. Oscar Nominee or Turkey of the Year?

QUAKE II - On the Amiga
A long established Title, but will the latest Hyperion Entertainment port leave you reaching for more popcorn or heading to the exit?

The latest, eagerly anticipated issue of Total Amiga Magazine issue #14 is coming soon via subscription, individually, and at an Amiga vendor near you! For more details including release date, visit our website at (ps)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2003, 13:28] [Comments: 0]
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Robin (ANF)

AmiBench online again
As update to the yesterdays AmiBench news telling AmiBench had been closed because of violent attacks can today be told: The Amiga Community lives! Because of many encouraging emails Marc 'tecno' Wilson decided to continue (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2003, 03:24] [Comments: 0]
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Falcon (ANF)

Interview with Petra Struck ( online
Falcon wrote:
Since today is the interview with Petra Struck (recorded on January, 25th 2003) thanks to the help of the 'User der Nordseeküste' ( finally online.

Download: interview_amiganews.mp3 - 6,15 MB

Sorry for the not so good sound quality but as the interview has a lenght of around 20 minutes and I wanted to make it available to as many users as possible I had shrunk the file to the end lenght of appr. 6.15 MB (40 kb/s).

Soon there'll be a CD released containing an exhibition video and the interview in word and picture (I'm just doing the video cut). On the CD may be a little surprise (if the timing's good) - no more words about it right now. As soon as the CD's finished I'll tell you right here. Enjoy! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Feb. 2003, 03:15] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 07.02.2003)
With WHDLOad you can install games which were formerly meant only for use with disks. The following packets have been added or updated:

  • 07.02.03 new: Rody And Mastico 6 (Lankhor) done by CFOU!
  • 07.02.03 new: Rody And Mastico 5 (Lankhor) done by CFOU!
  • 07.02.03 new: Rody And Mastico (Lankhor) done by CFOU!
  • 07.02.03 updated: Space Harrier (Elite) supports finale compilation version
  • 07.02.03 new: Night Shift (Lucasfilm Games) done by JOTD
  • 07.02.03 new: Lemmings 3 (DMA Design/Psygnosis) done by JOTD
  • 07.02.03 new: Rody & Mastico 3 (Lankhor) done by CFOU!
  • 07.02.03 new: Rody & Mastico 2 (Lankhor) done by CFOU!
  • 07.02.03 new: Subwar 2050 (Microprose) done by JOTD
  • 05.02.03 improved: Combat Air Patrol (Psygnosis) added support for intro
  • 05.02.03 improved: Another World (Delphine Software) supports another version, uses kickemu
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert (E-Mail)

Image Editing: SView5 Carnival Discount
Since requested by several registered SViewIV users, there's now the limited offer for a discount when registering SView5 as a previously registered SViewIV user.

If you sent in your SView5 registration form before 5th March (before carnival is over) you are allowed to subtract 5 EUR ($5 outside Europe) from the bill's total. Please write your SViewIV registration number on the form, since otherwise the discount can't be granted (postal stamp date counts). (ps)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 21:18] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 07.02.2003
It follows the Aminet uploads which have been added since our last message:

IBrowseSP.lha        comm/www    20K+IBrowse 2.x spanish cat. v2.3.0
DC2Lvl-C64.lha       game/data  191K+81 levels for Diamond Caves II
FS_25thyear.lha      game/data   42K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_ACSacrifice.lha   game/data   34K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_admnt10.lha       game/data   38K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_alliance.lha      game/data   77K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_attack-1.lha      game/data   58K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_babylon5mod.lha   game/data  232K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_BFAv2.0.lha       game/data   82K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_BForSol.lha       game/data   32K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_Black_H.lha       game/data  532K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_cap-node.lha      game/data   32K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_competition.lha   game/data  107K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_DDaunting.lha     game/data   94K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_DukeSquad.lha     game/data   83K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_FAway-Multi.lha   game/data   33K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_Lilith2.lha       game/data   32K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_LPrototype.lha    game/data   32K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_MultiPack01.lha   game/data   47K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_Nightfall.lha     game/data   33K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_pilotspic.lha     game/data  336K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_Prelude2.lha      game/data   31K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_SlaserCamp.lha    game/data   77K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_soc01.lha         game/data   34K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_startrekmod.lha   game/data  295K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_starwarsmod.lha   game/data   88K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_SWUO.lha          game/data   73K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_SWUO2.lha         game/data   72K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_ugep1m03.lha      game/data  177K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_wk_100b.lha       game/data  184K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
FS_W_P_Legacy.lha    game/data  124K+Descent: Freespace 1 MOD
wNpSnaps1.lha        game/wb    419K+Snaps of 'Picture' mode in watchNplay
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 21:12] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: Opera-browser gets wrong data of
» prevents a correct view when visiting it with Opera browser
In a current message Opera blames delivering wrong style sheets to the Opera 7.0 to give the user the impression the Norwegian browser would not show the sites in a correct way. Already in October 2001 there was an eclat because Microsoft had locked out users with the browsers Opera, Mozilla and Knoqueror of the website«
Have a look at the title link for the full message (in German). (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: Good Old Adventures - Guybrush Threepwood meets Larry Laffer
»Multi player versions of old Sierra- and LucasArts games based on browsers
The Dutch company Q42 brings back old Sierra- and LucaArts adventures on PC. The web-developers have copied parts of worlds together with the characters from Space Quest 1 and 2 as well as Police Quest 2 to an Internet version where several players can meet online in contrary to the original version.«
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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VMC Harald Frank (ANF)

TV-card software: AmithlonTV Beta 253 with new TV-cards supported
Guido Mersmann has published beta version 253 of the TV-card driver software AmithlonTV with support of new TV-cards. New in this version:

    Fixed the hauppauge driver to enable the msp audio chip.
    Added "Terratec TValue FM" card data.
    Added new card entrys into current supported TV-Card List.

Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 18:08] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schölzel (ANF)

ReDesign of CD³²/CDTV-Corner planned - Help needed
We are looking for an experienced Web designer who can develop a new design for the CD³²/CDTV-Corner. Thorsten Schölzel can answer questions via email.

Thorsten Schölzel: "The current design of the CD³²/CDTV-Corner is old-fashioned. With the new design we want to present the sites more clearly and professionally. Above all because it is the biggest homepage on the Internet which is for CD³² and CDTV. I especially want to point out that the CD³²-Alliance is a non-profit business. We invest our time and money. But we enjoy it otherwise we would not do it." (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 18:03] [Comments: 0]
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A.C.T. (ANF)

A.C.T. with new website
A.C.T. - until April 1999 successful Amiga hard- and software producer - is accessable with a new website for a few days. For Amiga users it is interesting to know that a German support forum has been created for users of the Prelude and Samplitude products. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 12:21] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Dittmar (ANF)

Inofficial MorphOS-Patch for IBrowse 2.3
Unofficial MorphOS version string patch for IBrowse 2.3.

IBrowse 2.3 falsely claims MorphOS system is using AmigaOS. (Particularily misleading since MorphOS systems are reported as running AmigaOS 4.0).

This is a crude hack that just replaces all "AmigaOS" strings with "MorphOS", and "3.1", "3.5", "3.9" and "4.0" with "1.1" or "1.2". Better solution should be provided by the IBrowse authors.

There is no warranty. Use at your own risk. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 12:15] [Comments: 0]
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Advertisement: AmiBench closes website
Mark 'tecno' Wilson who is the maintainer of Amibench which is the website for international and free advertisement has announced that he will close his site. The reason are users who insult him for admitting sales of pirat copies. Completely enervates and disappointed of the remained users he decided to close his site. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 02:23] [Comments: 0]
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Mirko Naumann (ANF)

Mail program: YAM 2.4-dev [060] from 06.02.2003
Since yesterday there is a new version of the current beta 2.4 of the mail program YAM which is compiled for the 68060. It is OPen Source and can be downloaded under the title link.

Download: yam2.4dev_20030206.lzx - Readme

The archive only contains the new main program. But before running it you must install the archive of the developer version. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Feb. 2003, 02:03] [Comments: 0]
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06.Feb.2003 New Glossary
Under the title link you will find a newly formulated glossary, which is based on the old Internet-ABC. In order to tend the slogan designations better, Sven Drieling has put together a small databank that allows cross-connections to be made.

Whoever has suggestions for further concepts can send them in an email to Petra Struck or enter them here in the commentary function - if at all possible, with an understandable description of the keyword.

The glossary has been reachable for some time through the upper menu in the last row, in the second spot. The link had to be led through to the guestbook, which is also reachable through the footer. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 21:35] [Comments: 0]
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VMC Harald Frank (ANF)

TV Card Software: AmithlonTV Beta 252
Guido Mersmann released Beta-Version 251 of the TV card driver software AmithlonTV. New in this version:

What's new:
    Again some small MSP audio fixes!
    Fixed subvendor setup within the TVCardSetup.

Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 16:48] [Comments: 0]
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Manager Magazin

Manager Magazine: Will UMTS Flop?
»The adventure UMTS costs millions and the new technology won't bring in a profit until 2014. A mistaken investment? Deutsche Telekom, Nokia, Siemens and Nortel Networks still claim to be optimistic that UMTS will be a success.«
Click on the title link for the complete article. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 16:43] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Filesharing: DirectConnect Client for AmigaOS
Diego 'DCR8520' Casorran has ported DCTC ("DirectConnect Text Client") to the Amiga (see also today's report). DCTC is a text-based client for the file-sharing network "Direct Connect". An early beta version of Amiga-DCTC is ready for download. Diego needs beta testers to support him in debugging the program.

More information about DC (DirectConnect) may be found on the website of the manufacturer publisher's website for the Windows version. Diego shows how one may get the initial results with DCTC. First you need a list of all usable HUBs:

run: hublist >ram:HubList

Each line of the list looks like this:

[DK]Moviezone©||Min 60 GB. [MZ-Group]|507|||||

Next you pick out a HUB (in the above example ""), additionally you must select a pseudonym and put in your IP Address (it should work with these minimal entries):

dctc --nick=YOURNICK -a=YourHost/IP

If everything works, you'll now be connected to the HUB and the HUB will show a few bits of information (read it!) and now you may begin to send orders to the hub.

HINT: You might be banned for the HUB, when your combination of "Connection" and "Shared Bytes" is not meeting the standard. In such a case you should use the command "/CNX T3" to set the server to a higher connection speed ("Connection") or "/OFFSET 1234567890" to raise the "Shared Bytes" (the amount of the data you are offering).

Please BE SURE to read the supplementary documentation, and let us know your experiences with it.

Direct download: dctc-0.84.1.lha

[HINT: DCTC was unavailable on the master server (title link). The link for the direct download may in that case be accessed via a mirror]. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 15:20] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: Hewlett-Packard Decides Against Package Fee on PCs
»HP: "12 Euros Just for the Designation 'VG' - Requirements of the GEMA stand out"
Sharp criticism is directed by Hewlett-Packard at the ruling of the German Patent and Trademark Office because of the fee on PCs in the amount of 12 Euros for every purchased machine. The regulatory officials of the Evaluation Society (VG) placed this fee for carrying the VG designation on the 31st of January. Originally it was to be 30 Euros.«
Click on the title link for the complete article. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 15:06] [Comments: 0]
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Golem IT-News

Golem: GNOME 2.2 - New Version of Linux Desktop Appears
"New Features, Better Performance and Increased Stability"

Five months after GNOME 2.0 and so a month earlier than planned, the GNOME-Team has released version 2.2 of their Unix/Linux Desktops for all of their development platforms. The new version is expected to have raised performance and higher stability, as well as numerous new features and tools.

Click on the title link for the complete article. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 15:01] [Comments: 0]
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DCR8520 Amiga Ports: Updates from 04.02.2003 (Update)
Diego 'DCR8520' Casorran has put some programs up for download on his SourceForge website. The day before yesterday the following programs were updated or added:

04. Feb. 2003 Download dctc v0.84.1
04. Feb. 2003 Download HyperMail v2.1.6

January updates resolved, as earlier reported.
If the above links don't function all the time, you may give this download link a try. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 14:10] [Comments: 0]
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06.Feb.2003 Interview with Richard Löwenstein (PC Joker)
Under the title link you'll find an interview with Richard Löwenstein that was conducted by the fan site of the game magazine '' In this interview Löwenstein talks about the Amiga situation. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 13:51] [Comments: 0]
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OS4 Team seeking Translators
As you can see in the title, translators for German and other languages are being sought for OS4, because the translation service ATO can't help in all areas. Other needed translations include: Bosnian, Croatian, Hungarian, Norwegian, Persian, Portugese and Swedish.

Whoever wants to help must sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement = silence stipulation) at Amiga Inc. Other requirements are an Amiga with AmigaOS 3.9 and Boing Bag #2 installed, and a PGP key of at least version 2.6.3 (or compatible).

Interested people should send an email to the coordinator, David Rey. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 13:21] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Hodges (E-Mail)

Thomas Richter in c.s.a.p.: Further Developers Needed
Thomas Richter writes in the newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.programmer:
As you may or may not know, my Amiga "died" a few months ago and I decided to shelve all support for my Amiga software, starting with DiskSafe and ending with MuLib Packet. A new Maintainer must also be found, one who is interested in further developing all or part of my software. The terms are that the software must continue to be publicly available on terms simlar to the ones that I've established. I will NOT agree, to release this stuff under GPL or LGPL.

The skills needed are C (ANSI-C) Programming for one half of the projects and advanced Motorola 68k Assembler for the other.

Additionally needed (naturally) an Amiga and a C-Compiler, possibly SAS/C, because the projects are based on this. And Motorola-Assembler, possibly the DevPac, because I used a lot of notes with the macro-functions. The PhxAss is not sufficient for most Assembler-based projects.

The "earliest works" (not the MuLib Packet of course) are documented in German (...).

The sources are completely backed up and available and usable, because I was always a bit concerned about backups, and rightly so. Please send inquiries to my normal email address:

So long and see you later!

Thomas (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2003, 10:57] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Demo scene: Genesi sponsors Equinoxe
For the Demo-Contest by Equinoxe Genesi donates Pegasos mainboards as prizes. Furthermore all contributors for Pegasos/MorphOS will get polo shirts with the slogan "MorphOS Demo Team".

At the comments regarding this news item at Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco by Genesi explain which meaning they apportion the demo scene and their contribution for making the Amiga that which it is known for. Genesi's goal is to bring the demo scene back along with their creative and technical skills which were characteristically for them.

In the end the remained teams are invited to ask Genesi if they are looking for a sponsor. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 23:06] [Comments: 0]
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Instant Messenger: Jabberwocky V1.3 - 8. Preview
Tom Parker and Matthias Münch have released preview 8 of the Instant Messengers 'JabberWocky' version 1.3 for Amiga computers. Jabber is an open XML protocol for the direct exchange of messages.

Connections to other Instant Messengers like AIM, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo is possible via gateways.

Download: Jabberwocky030205.lha (ps)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 19:45] [Comments: 0]
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Mail program: new YAM developer version dated 05.02.2003
Since today there's a new developer version 2.4-dev [020] BETA of the mail program YAM available which is Open Source for some time now. This version is a pure developer version that may still contain bugs and for that the developers team doesn't give any warranty and support. Request regarding the developer versions via email aren't answered, either. Usage at your own risk!

The made changes can be taken from this list. Further information can be found on the Yamos SourceForge page.

Download: YAM24Dev.lzx (ps)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 19:37] [Comments: 0]
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David "Daff" Brunet

Amiga Games Hit Parade - Results from Jan./Febr. 2003
Because the website of 'Amiga Games Hit Parade' is down actually David 'Daff' Brunet sent the results of the poll from January/February 2003 via email:

1. (2) Payback - 150 points
2. (3) Quake - 135 points
3. (88) Tales Of Tamar - 114 points
4. (1) Napalm - 109 points
5. (6) Slam Tilt - 99 points
6. (5) The Settlers - 94 points
7. (4) Sensible World Of Soccer - 73 points
8. (16) Foundation - 70 points
9. (7) Earth 2140 - 67 points
10. (14) Heretic 2 - 61 points
11. (23) Wipeout 2097 - 61 points
12. (60) Quake 2 - 57 points
13. (18) Freespace - 55 points
14. (9) Exodus The Last War - 54 points
15. (13) Fields Of Battle - 51 points
16. (11) Colonization - 50 points
17. (8) Civilization - 49 points
18. (10) Worms / Worms DC - 45 points
19. (15) Moonstone - 44 points
20. (21) Nightlong - 43 points

The problems regarding the website will be solved within some days. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 18:06] [Comments: 0]
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The Amiga RC5 Team effort (ANF)

Amiga RC5 Team Effort: RC5-72 status
The "Amiga RC5 Team Effort" reached in the meanwhile position 15 of the team charts at RC5-72-Contest. In January the team got position 18/19 avaragely. More participants are allways much appreciated!

Within 64 days only 0,006% of the RC5-72 key space were determined. There is still enough time to show which kind of power is among the Amiga community! (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 17:10] [Comments: 0]
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Etienne Vogt

Filesystem: muFS- and FFS-Patch (both V45.14 Beta)
By the title link there is a patch (beta version 45.14) by Etienne Vogt for the multi user filesystem 'muFS' for AmigaOS 3.5 and better available. Please read the Readme for more details. Furtherore the author provides a patch (beta version 45.14) for the filesystem FFS for OS3.9-BB2. Like above the Readme will offer more information regarding this release.

FFS4514p.lha (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 16:11] [Comments: 3 - 12. Feb. 2003, 17:40]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Genesi sues Amiga Inc.
According to a posting by Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco at ANN Amiga Inc. has been sued by Genesi already because of breaking a contract. This is to obtain from the following document, found at the 'U.S. District Court Western District of Washington'. The assigned Judge is Robert S. Lasnik.

Details about the actual content of that charge were not given by Bill Buck. Ben "HyperionMP" Hermans (managing partner of Hyperion) says the following at the according thread at regarding this issue and tells the charge would be about the AmigaDE license for the WinCE based handheld "Smartboy". According Hermans Genesi means this license would be valid for the Pegasos as well - therfore the action

Within the comments of Bill Buck says that it might be possible to get a verdict still this week. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 15:35] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Wollert (ANF)

the inquirer: Playstation3 architecture revealed
Like from the article above by 'the inquirer' is to hear the new Playstation3 will be powerd by a PowerPC-CPU. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 14:53] [Comments: 0]
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GFX-Base: Interview with Gregory Donner
The English online magazine has interviewed Gregory Donner known from his huge and helpful website. The detailed and informative interview is available by the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 14:53] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Asse (ANF)

Game: Mac version of Payback published
On January the 15th 2003 the Mac version of 'Payback' has been published. You can order it at the Virtual Programming Website.

With 'Payback' you jump into the role of a young driver who is on escape and tries to become an important gangster boss. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 12:26] [Comments: 0]
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VMC Harald Frank (ANF)

TV card software: AmithlonTV Beta 251
Guido Mersmann has released beta version 251 of the TV-Card driver software AmithlonTV. New in this version:

    Many small changes. Nothing realy important.

    Well, not realy a feature. There is a new debug setup window for the msp sound chip. You are only able to open it, if your card is using such chip.

    The usage is very simple! Start AmithlonTV and select a TV picture. Make sure that your audio mixer is not muted and the volume is at maximum. Now use the debug menu and open the msp debug window. There are three cycle gadgets. Start with first one. Cycle it. If you hear any sound, than report the gadget status and make a TVCardDump.

Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha (ps)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 11:53] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer (ANF)

Mailer: SimpleMail 0.19 / NListtree 18.6
The new version 0.19 of the mailer 'SimpleMail' is available from today. The following changes have been made since the last version:

  • PGP works again like before the version 0.18 (de- and encode)
  • By scrolling through the mails within the read window the status is updated correctly (Bernd Gollesch)
  • Secondary sorting mode is implemented correctly now (Bernd Gollesch)
  • Signed S/MIME messages are shown in the right manner (AmiSSL is needed)
  • The import of the addressbook of newer YAM versions works now
  • Some more bugfixes
The new NListtree version is available at and solves the problems which were reported from the recent version. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 11:49] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Centsible buy up should be avoided
Brad Webb asks within an extra edition of the Amiga Update Newsletter for support to avoid the buy up of the US Amiga dealer Centsible by a third party and following clearyfication.

Bill Griffin, chief editor of the print magazine "the NEW AMIGANS", tries to save the business with his own funds and with the help of the Amiga community and so to avoid the sell out of the existing chip warehouse. Interested people who think of support this action with funds or loans are asked for help to get the required amount of 2000 US$. Further information is to obtain from the newsletter available by the title link. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 03:50] [Comments: 0]
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Constantinos Nicolakakis (E-Mail)

Tool: SRename Version 3.6.1 Beta
Constantinos Nicolakakis has released beta version 3.6.1 of the tool 'SRename'. With this tool (AmigaOS 3.0+) you can comfortably rename files. This version is a bugfix.

Download: SRename361.lha (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2003, 21:25] [Comments: 0]
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DeliPlayer (ANF)

Music: Public-Beta of Deliplayer2 for Windows
A few days ago from the well-known DeliTracker a new public beta version for Windows was published. This multiformat player for Windows is available as public beta for download under the name Deliplayer2. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2003, 20:56] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding (E-Mail)

e.p.i.c. and GTI team up for Pegasos distribution
GTI and e.p.i.c. interactive sign an exclusive distribution agreement for the upcoming Real Time Strategy game Knights and Merchants for the Pegasos/MorphOS. Knights and Merchants will be the first commercial game release by e.p.i.c. interactive that is exclusively available for MorphOS and the Pegasos. Knights and Merchants is priced at Euro 49,95 and will be shipping from Februray 12th, 2003. More information on Knights and Merchants can be found at (nba) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2003, 16:12] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 4th February 2003
Since our last message there have been the following updated on Aminet:

SN-KontoArc.lha      biz/dbase   93K+V1.10  Accout archives (Germany only)
XBaze-7.2.lha        biz/dbase  518K+Very easy2use flexible and fast database
FServ.lha            comm/irc     3K+Shell-type file server for AmIRC
amiycoders.lha       comm/mail   17K+V0.3beta yEnc Encoder / Decoder for the 
gelbesPanel.lha      comm/tcp    35K+Another MiamiDx Control Panel
ib2email.lha         comm/www     2K+ARexx scripts to pass mailto: links from
ibmht.lha            comm/www     5K+Adds support for .mht files to IBrowse v
SegTracker_pch.lha   dev/debug   13K+Patches SegTracker V37.74 to V37.75
amigatalk.lha        dev/lang   1.3M+V2.3 Update of AmigaTalk (Smalltalk GUI)
ThePolice.1.45.lha   docs/hyper  48K+The Police: albums, lyrix, singles +more
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/lists 1.5M+Mailing-list NotizieAmiga 01/2003 (Itali
nocover107.lha       docs/mags  1.6M+Great german diskmagazine
AxisAlliesGM.lha     game/board 1.2M+World War II strategy wargame
DC2Lvl-EMine3.lha    game/data  508K+99 levels for Diamond Caves II
Liga2002-03.lha      game/data   25K+Up-date of Liga 2002-03 for SWOS game
Montezuma.lha        game/data  233K+Digital map for Montezuma's Revenge (C 6
Mattonite.lha        game/demo  671K+Arkanoid demo game, working in progress
Skeleton.lha         game/misc  174K+3D Maze game for AtariVCS, translated to
AS-Freecell.lha      game/think 156K+The well known game
AS-Memory.lha        game/think 209K+Finding Pairs in fewest moves possible
MazezaM.lha          game/think  55K+Puzzle game, Sokoban Alike.
Aye_Q.lha            game/wb     43K+My version of a peg game...
Hexa_Q.lha           game/wb     43K+Surprise!! A peg game... updated!
robotfindskitt.lha   game/wb     17K+Robotfindskitten clone for AmigaOS with 
JPEG2MOV.lha         gfx/conv    30K+Creates a QuickTime-Movie
Sv5-1.lha            gfx/misc   557K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 1/8
Sv5-2.lha            gfx/misc   155K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 2/8
Sv5-3a.lha           gfx/misc   127K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 3a/8
Sv5-3b.lha           gfx/misc   326K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 3b/8
Sv5-4.lha            gfx/misc    38K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 4/8
Sv5-5.lha            gfx/misc   143K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 5/8
Sv5-6.lha            gfx/misc   158K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 6/8 (opt
Sv5-7.lha            gfx/misc   157K+SView5 V1.10 (31.1.2003) - Part 7/8 (opt
imdbDiff030124.lha   misc/imdb  1.5M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
AmiBiorythme.lha     misc/misc   68K+MUI Biorythm tool. Now localised. v1.2
LiFun4speed.lha      misc/sci   175K+Ant and flee like simulation. Optimized.
TheMPegEncGUI.lha    mus/misc   281K+GUI 4 Lame,OggEnc,BladeEnc,Pegase,Ncode,
EP_MFP.lha           mus/play    16K+EaglePlayer "Magnetic Fields Packer" ext
XenoMorph_pk01.lha   pix/icon   272K+XenoMorph's Icons PACK I MMX
anl-strip_8.lha      pix/misc    51K+[ancor] a normal life
nwo-strip_11.lha     pix/misc    49K+[ancor] now way out
sgf-strip_3.lha      pix/misc    50K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
sgf-strip_4.lha      pix/misc    51K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
HowDif.lha           util/cli     9K+File comparison/examination utility
TxtToHTML.lha        util/conv   92K+Converts txt files to HTML Docs (+GUI v1
Alkotest.lha         util/misc   68K+Calculate how much you`re drunk *PL*
Frogger-GUI.lha      util/misc   20K+Reaction GUI for FroggerNG
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  307K+Report+ 5.64b: Multipurpose utility
AmberRAM.lha         util/sys    56K+Replacement RAM disk.
AmiMemos.lha         util/wb     28K+A memo utility for OS 3.x. C sources. V0

[News message: 04. Feb. 2003, 13:56] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 03.02.2003)
With WHDLoad you can install games which were formerly only meant for playing from disk on your hard drive. The following packets have been updated or completely new added:

  • 03.02.03 new: Battle Master (PSS) done by CFOU!
  • 02.02.03 improved: Space Harrier (Elite) supports another version, new icons
  • 02.02.03 improved: Mortville Manor (Lankhor) supports another version, new install script
  • 02.02.03 improved: Iron Lord (UBI-Soft) supports another version
  • 02.02.03 new: G.Nius (Lankhor) done by CFOU!
  • 31.01.03 updated: Murder (U.S.Gold) supports another version, keyboard fixed
  • 31.01.03 new: Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess (Interplay) done by Psygore
  • 30.01.03 new: Virtual World (TomSoft) done by Psygore (Info,Image)
  • 30.01.03 updated: Puffy's Saga (UBI-Soft) supports hit squad release
  • 30.01.03 improved: Combat Air Patrol (Psygnosis) added support for intro
  • 27.01.03 improved: Space Crusade (Gremlin) extra files, access fault fixed
  • 27.01.03 fixed: Lunar-C (Mindscape) fixed install script, more icons
  • 25.01.03 new: Combat Air Patrol (Psygnosis) done by JOTD

[News message: 04. Feb. 2003, 11:35] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox (E-Mail)

Elbox: Mediator Multimedia CD UP 1.22
The Mediator Multimedia CD UP 1.21 update for users of Mediator PCI 3/4000T, Mediator PCI 4000D, Mediator PCI 4000Di, Mediator PCI 4000, Mediator PCI 3000D, Mediator PCI 1200 SX, Mediator PCI 1200 and Mediator PCI ZIV, who are registered owners of the Mediator Multimedia CD has been released today.

The update includes a new AHI driver:
This driver handles Fortemedia FM801-based sound cards in all currently produced Mediator busboards. It allows using all analogue and digital (S/PDIF and TOS-Link) inputs and outputs provided in the user's FM801-based sound card model.

The update includes the new versions of:
  • mixer.library
  • tv.library
  • FastEthernet.device
Changes were made as follows: driver ver. 4.8 - support for the Sound Blaster 4.1 Digital
sound card added - supports for the digital S/PDIF output added

mixer.library ver. 1.5 - support for new revisions (rev.3 and 4) of the CT5880 chipset added

tv.library ver. 1.14 - I2C software support added

FastEthernet.device ver. 1.8 - internal changes

Info on the current versions is available in the DOWNLOADS | Mediator section. (ps)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2003, 10:38] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Amiga Update Newsletter from Brad Webb #030131
Under the title link you will find the complete newsletter from Amiga Update (Brad Webb) for January. His newsletter is a monthly summary of all news around the Amiga. (nba) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 04. Feb. 2003, 04:07] [Comments: 0]
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Rudolph Riedel (E-Mail)

File manager: DiskMaster beta version 2.5RC9
Rudolph Riedel today published the beta version 2.5RC9 of his file manager. The download is available at the title link. The following details are changed:

  • 2.5RC9 needs new locales as we needed to expand it by one string!
    a) Copy the new DM2.catalog for your language.
    b) Quit your older DM2 version.
    c) Run "avail flush" from a shell to remove DM2.catalog from memory.
    d) Start current DM2 version.
  • The reason for not just making the new catalog a V2 is that all 2.5xxx versions are only steps to 2.5 final.
  • And some translators haven't answered my request to confirm the changes

Download: (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 21:56] [Comments: 0]
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Game: Tales of Tamar - Amiga Public Update V0.48R1
Dear players,

it is our pleasure to announce the third official update to the Amiga version.

New features in V0.48 R1:

  • rebellion of town added
  • new town anims
  • executables are now crunched (Bitmap-Brothers- or Team17-Style :-))
  • improved memory management in SetPeople, BlitFigur and Motion, flickering
  • start anim fixed
  • Residencedownload now goes offline immediately after downloading the turn and before decoding it
  • ResidenceUpload shows more progress information

Bugfixes in V0.48 R1:

  • hardware check bug with MorphOS/Pegasos fixed
  • memory for CloseAllPattern is properly freed now
  • bugfix with loading/unloading units
  • slider in report screen activated
  • training of armies with more than one part didn't create a figure. fixed
  • towns at the worlds turning point can have ports now
  • if the capital was lost and thus the town with ID 0 disappeared, Bardstale and diplomacy created a new town with Id 0
  • SMTP Auth problem with some servers fixed
  • If two or more towns were founded at the same time, names could be messed up

A word about rebellions: Rebellions are a way of stopping players growing uncontrollably. From a certain size of a realm onwards you need to have town guards or risk that town rebelling against you. A rebelling town can no longer be controlled. You need to send a big enough army to restore order. Rebelling towns are also easier to take over for other players of course. Soon, there will be another update that will introduce the option of taking vassals. This makes it possible to extend your power even further and ascend through the ranks towards emperor. Unfortunately, the test phase of this feature is not completed yet. The current version should also please users of a Pegasos and MorphOS. There had been a problem with registration but this is now fixed.

What else is going on around Tales of Tamar? Quite a lot, actually... First and foremost, we would like to thank AmigaFuture [a German Amiga print magazine] for the new "Messenger from Tamar" feature. It appears in every issue and reports the current events on Tamar. Georg Breitsprecher sums up updates, events, tips and tricks and rank lists. We are very pleased about this co-operation with this magazine. We were also reviewed in the current issue of AmigaPlus [another German magazine]. In the four page long report, we received 6 out of 6 points. A very gratifying result. Thanks to Nico Barbat and the team.

We would also like to thank the Amiga community for the award as Game Of The Year 2002, which was also hosted by AmigaPlus. Even if the sales don't show it yet, the still active Amiga users show us that it is still worthwhile to support the market. We know that there are more active users out there and we hope to convince some of you to buy this game as well :-) Meanwhile the PC version is progressing equally well. We recently received an offer from Vivendi Universal, which is a real honor for us. Vivendi Universal is a publisher of high-quality games, the whole line of Blizzard games, for example.

Last but not least, we would like to point to another event. On February 28th 2003, the third Tales of Tamar con will take place at castle Hessenstein. This time, we will take it slow and just celebrate in a dignified way. Unfortunately, the event is booked out completely already, but we will report from it.

Until the next update, we remain, with best regards and saying "Amiga forever"  

Wolfen & the ToT-Team (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 21:34] [Comments: 0]
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Book of budget: HomeBank Version 2.1 (Beta 3)
With the Shareware program called HomeBank you can manage your finances and e. g. calculate the costs of your car. There is the possibility of displaying the cost in graphical statistics. The new version 2.1 (beta3) fixes again some bugs from v2.1 beta 2 and the add of an import/export into csv format.

Download: HomeBank21beta3.lha - 312 KB (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 21:06] [Comments: 0]
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Greg Donner

Greg Donner: AmigaOS 3.9 FAQ (Miscellaneous section) updated
Greg Donner has added a couple of notes to the bottom of entry 14 in the Miscellaneous section of the OS3.9 FAQ. (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 20:49] [Comments: 0]
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GAUHPIL: Many sections updated (02.02.2003)
GAUHPIL (Geographic Amiga User Home Page Internet List) is a list of websites of Amiga users which has been created by Dietmar Knoll which has been sorted considering continents and countries. The following sections have been updated:

Furthermore Dietmar Knoll updated the following sections: (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 20:36] [Comments: 0]
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TV card software: AmithlonTV Beta 247
Guido Mersmann has released beta-version 247 of the TV-Card driver software AmithlonTV.

Neu in dieser Version:
    Fixed the color setup of the video_bt8x8.lib.
    Added a volume slider to the former picture quality window, which is now an audio video setup.
    English online help added.

Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 20:19] [Comments: 0]
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Font: TTEngine Version 6.1
TTEngine is a text rendering environment basing on TrueType Font for AmigaOS. Yesterday the author Grzegorz Kraszewski has released TTEngine version 6.1. Following three bugs are fixed:

  1. Font requester gadgets now remember their state after window resizing.
  2. Removed requester layout bug preventing window from opening in some circumstances.
  3. Font handle returned by TT_OpenFont() can be now shared between different system processes. It allows for using TTEngine in multithreading applications or BOOPSI classes.
Download: ttengine-6.1.lha (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 16:51] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Rupprecht

Tool: SGrab Version 1.23
Stephan Rupprecht released version 1.23 of his screen grabber SGrab. With this program you can create screen grabs and save them in different formats. You can also grab single windows and parts of pictures.

Download: sgrab.lha - 182 KB (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 14:56] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Demo scene: Scenery 1.41 released
Version 1.41 of the English language scene book Scenery was published today. This book is an overview of all current and erstwhile groups, which are or has been active in the Amiga and C64 demo scene. This encyclopedia contains also various reviews and an overview, which good productions were published in which years. Scenery can be read on-line or downloaded as text files. Amiga fans with English knowledge will get a good first glance into the demo scene. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 14:14] [Comments: 0]
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03.Feb.2003 and Amiga plus announce co-operation
Cologne, Erkrath, Germany, 03 February 2003 -- Amiga, the internationally visitor-strongest Amiga portal, and Amiga plus, the world-wide strongest independent Amiga print magazine, announced on 3 February 2003 their comprehensive co-operation.

The partnership between Amiga, Erkrath, and AMIGAPlus, Cologne, leads to a bundling of the know-how, to garanty and expand a daily competent reporting about the Amiga market and the adjacent surrounding field. In the context of the partner contract laid out on a long-term basis the team of, wich is highly recognized in the industry, will be supported by the AMIGAPlus editorship in terms of creating content and write reports. Furthermore the four exisiting pages will be incorporated into the AMIGAPlus. Current short messages are published on-line on Amiga with the well known authority and regularity, while the AMIGAPLus homepage will concentrate on deep-going reports and service sides for the print version of the magazine..

"This could be the beginning of a developable partnership." Petra Struck says, editor-in-chief of "We understand this co-operation also as an encouraging call for a closer co-operation between the numerous enterprises in the Amiga market." explains Nico Barbat, editor-in-chief of the AMIGAPlus.

About AMIGAplus
The print magazine AMIGAPlus was published for the first time in November 1991 by the ICP publishing house. In January 2000 the Amiga pluses fused with "Amiga OS" and published by the Kieler publishing house Falkemedia from then on. Today the AMIGAPlus is the strongest independent Amiga specialized magazine world-wide. Parallel the editorship is active in the on-line range, with the meeting of fairs and at the organization of the Amiga Awards.

The on-line EMS magazine Amiga was created in August 1998 by Petra Struck and is today, with 100.000 hits daily, the prominent german-language web project for Amiga related reporting. The contentwise emphasis lies on News, which are supplied by different Backends. Apart from the Web version also by WAP, E-Mail, KDE and PDA. The subregions of the Website cared for by 17 active volunteers cover the Amiga link directory, the Free Amiga job, a well visited forum, meeting calendar, search archives and other interactive elements.


AMIGAplus / falkemedia
Dürener Str. 387, D-50935 Köln
Tel: 02 21 - 430 82 933
Petra Struck
Trills 9, D-40699 Erkrath
Tel: 0 21 04 - 17 16 97
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Greye (ANF)

C-One is not delivered yet
Alexander Greye wrote:
Against the statements of some persons the C-One is not delivered yet. According to Jens Schönefeld the board was not yet sufficiently and completely tested and therefore it will not be delivered before these tests will be finished. An exact date for the release date is not certain. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 12:07] [Comments: 0]
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Jim Steichen; Author of AmigaTalk (ANF)

AmigaTalk V2.3 uploaded to Aminet
The latest and greatest version of AmigaTalk (V2.3) has been uploaded to Aminet. The most significant change is the addition of catalogued language support to the main program. Please send me any translations that you develop for inclusion into later versions of the program, thanx, Jim Steichen, author of AmigaTalk.

For version 2.3 the following enhancements/bug fixes were made:
  • Added catalog support for the program (now, send me your translation files!)
  • Added to the Intuition/ directory to support using layers.library (why anyone would want to put themselves through the torture of using layers is beyond me).
  • Fixed some bugs in so that the test files now run correctly.
  • Added to the System/ directory.
  • Added to the System/ directory.
Download: amigatalk.lha (ps)

[News message: 03. Feb. 2003, 12:07] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Weyrauch (ANF)

Amiga Inc.: First issue of Amiga Club Magazine published
Amiga Inc. have published their first Amiga Club Magazine. This issue is currently only accessible at Amiga Inc. by logging in with a password, i.e. only for club members and developers. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2003, 13:42] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator with live monitoring: Coppenheimer V0.2 (01. Jul.)
Game: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) released (30. Jun.)
Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
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Hollywood goes LaTeX: hTeX 1.0 released (02. Jun.)
ACube Systems: UBoot 2015.c for Sam460EX, Sam460CR and Sam460LE boards (18. May.)
Interview: Announcement of a cost-reduced MiSTer FPGA board (08. May.)
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