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Burning software: Frying Pan 0.4c update 1
Another minor update of the CD- and DVD-burning program Frying Pan has been released by Tomasz Wiszkowski. It does mainly fix some bugs of the previous 0.4c release.

  • File dates are preserved
  • A tiny menu added - now you can set your FP mui settings
  • In_WAV module added (please note: there is no compression support. assumed file format is: 44kHz, stereo, 16b/ch, little endian)
  • Minor fixes done to the GUI
  • Minor fixes done to the ISO builder
  • I've done my best to make in_MP3 handle regular files a bit better, but libmad has troubles...
Download: FryingPan.lha (1,2 MB) (snx)

[News message: 09. May. 2006, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: download full version for free
Press release Since today various full versions have been available in the download section of the Amiga Future Homepage.

The Amiga Future owns dozens of licences for full versions. We now want to offer them for free irregularly at our homepage. At first about 25 full versions are available online.

Furthermore many issues of the Amiga Future are highly reduced for awhile. (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 09. May. 2006, 15:32] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 08 May 2006
Here are the Aminet uploads which have added since our last announcement.
sqlite3.lha             biz/dbase   1.5M  MOS  An Embeddable SQL Database Engine
wookiechat.lha          comm/irc    580K  VAR  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
amigg.lha               comm/misc   1.5M  VAR  Instant Messenger Application
Tidy.lha                comm/www    133K  OS3  Tidy your HTML - fixes common HTML error
lvmsgout.lha            comm/yam     22K  GEN  LeaveOut YAM message link on Workbench
make-bin.lha            dev/c       355K  OS4  GNU make including parallel compile
coreutils-bin.lha       dev/gg      4.1M  OS4  GNU core utilities
coreutils-src.lha       dev/gg      7.6M  GEN  GNU core utilities (source)
AmigaFuture60.lha       docs/mags   820K  GEN  Great german paper mag preview
OS-UK_news_vol_1.txt    docs/mags    45K  GEN  ASCII newsletter for the UK comp scene
biloba.lha              game/board  2.4M  OS4  Biloba - A strategy board game for 2 to 
torrent.lha             game/board  1.4M  OS4  Another mind game..
trimines.lha            game/board  265K  OS4  A mine sweeper game               game/data   1.9M  GEN  Freespace - Ryleh Campaign     game/think  657K  ARO  LTris
scramble.lha            game/think  2.1M  OS4  Scramble
GS8gui.lha              gfx/conv     85K  GEN  GUI for Ghostscript8 done with rxMUI
EVVelazquez.lha         gfx/show    284K  OS3  Shows and plays various picture/audio fo
PAR_READ.lha            hard/hack   346K  OS3  PAR: as a VOLUME in READ mode only.
cas_tools-aos4.lha      misc/emu    104K  OS4  MSX Cas converters
cas_tools-mos.lha       misc/emu     30K  MOS  MSX Cas converters
img2dsk-aos4.lha        misc/emu     25K  OS4  IMG to DSK MSX disk image converter
ZXLive.lha              misc/emu     98K  OS3  ZX-Spectrum 48/128k/Pentagon Emulator v0
ASense.lha              misc/sci    903K  OS3  Professional astrology software
ASenseFPU.lha           misc/sci    294K  OS3  Professional astrology software
AsianCult.mp3           mods/misc   2.8M  GEN  Asian Culture (MP3-version)
BrokenSoul.mp3          mods/misc   4.4M  GEN  Broken Soul (MP3-version)
Desert.mp3              mods/misc   3.3M  GEN  Desert (MP3-version)
LN4Intro.mp3            mods/misc   1.3M  GEN  Last Ninja 4 Intro (By Helgis)!
LN4Lev1.mp3             mods/misc   2.0M  GEN  Last Ninja 4 Level 1 Song!!! (MP3)
Wasteland-helgis.mp3    mods/misc   2.5M  GEN  Wasteland (LN4 Amiga-version by Helgis)!
WhoSays.mp3             mods/misc   2.8M  GEN  WhoSays (MP3-version)
rockbeat.lha            mus/edit    1.7M  OS4  Create drumming tracks and export them a
AMF-AnimalPNGIcons.lha  pix/icon     29K  GEN  PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch
AMF-Enemies.lha         pix/icon     35K  GEN  PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch
AMF-MixPNGIcons.lha     pix/icon    267K  GEN  PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch
AMF-ModelPNGIcons.lha   pix/icon    165K  GEN  PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch   text/edit   1.3M  ARO  Simple Text Editor
bibvision.lha           text/show   162K  VAR  Bible text viewer for OS4 / OS3.5 / Warp
SysLock33.lha           util/boot    67K  OS3  SysLock (HD-protection passcode program)
AKCC.lha                util/cli    163K  VAR  Advanced CLI-Commands for OS V33-50 (21.
DM_con_LL.lha           util/dir      8K  GEN  My DiskMaster configuration and associat
FileMasterPPC.lha       util/dir    353K  MOS  Multitasking directory utility (MorphOS)
Rival-V1.0a-MOS.lha     util/dir    156K  MOS  Compare two directories recursivelly
glload.lha              util/moni   125K  MOS  A 3D CPU load display
Scout_mos.lha           util/moni   1.1M  MOS  System monitor (MUI & TCP/IP stack optio
Scout_os3.lha           util/moni   944K  OS3  System monitor (MUI & TCP/IP stack optio
Scout_os4.lha           util/moni   1.2M  OS4  System monitor (MUI & TCP/IP stack optio
Scout_src.lha           util/moni   1.3M  GEN  System monitor - GNU-GPL source code
rac_aminet.lha          util/rexx     6K  GEN  search(download) aminet within the CONSO
crvectors.lha           util/shell    2K  OS3  clear reset vectors from shell
(cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 09. May. 2006, 01:00] [Comments: 0]
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09.May.2006 uploads until 08 May 2006
Here are the uploads at which have added since our last announcement:
filex.lha          dev/edi  312kb  FileX - the HEX editor
coreutils-bin.lha  dev/uti    4Mb  GNU core utilities
coreutils-src.lha  dev/uti    7Mb  GNU core utilities (source)
make-bin.lha       dev/uti  354kb  GNU make including parallel compile
uaeconfig.lha      emu/uti   48kb  Configuration program for UAE .uaerc fil
amigg.lha          net/cha    1Mb  Instant Messenger Application
lvmsgout.lha       net/ema   21kb  LeaveOut YAM message link on Workbench
scramble.lha       gam/puz    2Mb  Scramble
torrent.lha        gam/puz    1Mb  Another mind game..
bibvision.lha      uti/tex  162kb  Bible text viewer for OS4 / OS3.5 / Warp
rockbeat.lha       aud/tra    1Mb  Create drumming tracks and export them a
pong.lha           gam/act   33kb  Pong the desktop game for AmigaOS40
trimines.lha       gam/boa  265kb  A mine sweeper game
daimonin.lha       gam/rol   15Mb  An online MMORPG
wookiechat.lha     net/cha  580kb  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)          gam/act    1Mb  Freespace - Ryleh Campaign
(cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 09. May. 2006, 00:58] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives: uploads until 08 May 2006
Here are the uploads at aros-archives which have added since our last announcement:          gam/act  657kb  LTris  gra/the  308kb  A 3D picture that will enjoy being on yo        uti/tex    1Mb  Simple Text Editor
(cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 09. May. 2006, 00:58] [Comments: 0]
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09.May.2006 (ANF) up-to-date interviews with Rolf Boyke and Harald Horchler
A couple of weeks ago the second volume of the Starkiller comic was published. Therewith the publisher Harald Horchler has reprinted all of the ever published Starkiller episodes from the magazines Powerplay and PC Player in two volumes.

For this reason has interviewed both Rolf Boyke the illustrator of the Starkiller comics and Harald Horchler. In addition detailed information on the new Starkiller volume is offered.

By the way in the interview with Rolf Boyke gives away many details on the Starkiller past but also on the new Starkiller future. (cg) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 09. May. 2006, 00:54] [Comments: 0]
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08.May.2006 (Webseite)

MorphOS: SQLite 3.2.2
SQLite is a Program library, which includes a relational database system, which complies the ACID -properties. For MorphOS is sqlite3 as Version 3.2.2 available.

Download: sqlite3.lha (1,5 MB) (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 08. May. 2006, 18:58] [Comments: 0]
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08.May.2006 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Rival 1.0a
Christophe Genres Rival is a small MUI-Program for MorphOS to comparing two directories. To adapted both directories-tree is it possible to deleted or copy files.

Download: Rival-V1.0a-MOS.lha (156 KB) (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 08. May. 2006, 18:51] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (Webseite)

Team AROS: Bounty #38 for SCSI-commands
As Bounty-Projekt #38 for AROS a donation program was started to implement missing SCSI or ATA-commands. Also it is planed to initiated a small CLI program to play audio CDs (Options like play, pause, next, backwards and eject) (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 08. May. 2006, 18:32] [Comments: 0]
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Christian 'tokai' Rosentreter (ANF)

New Antarctic-Photos from MorphOS-coder Jacek Piszczek
Jacek "jacaDcaps" Piszczek (MorphOS Intuition, SSHcon), who is at the moment at the southpol, has new photos of his antarctica trip released. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 08. May. 2006, 16:03] [Comments: 0]
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08.May.2006 (Webseite)

MorphOS: semi-official Update for the rtl_8139pci.device
Harry "Piru" Sintonen has in according to his own notification a semi-official patch for the rtl_8139pci.device released.

The port works with the patched driver now principle with 100Mb/s, the old driver slow down the transfer rate to 10Mbit with some Hardware-configuration.

Download: rtl8139-50.12-100mfix.lha (704 Bytes) (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 08. May. 2006, 15:53] [Comments: 0]
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OSNews (Web page)

Acorn: Windows notebooks announced
With Acorn, it seems that another known home computer brand experiences its cannibalization: Acorn Computers Ltd., founded in January of this year, is announcing Acorn notebooks with Windows XP for the Computer Trade Show, which takes place on May 10/11 in Birmingham.

So far unclear is the legal situation: since whilst the company claims to own the rights to the Acorn name and logo, the UK Patent Office still displays Element-14 as the owner. Element-14 emerged as a result of the Acorn split and was later taken over by the US company Broadcom. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 07. May. 2006, 08:04] [Comments: 0]
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07.May.2006 (ANF)

Pegasosforum online again
After a short downtime due to upgrade, the MorphOS/Pegasos portal is online again. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 07. May. 2006, 04:06] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Gunnar von Boehn (194x, Arcade Game Construction Kit)
The wrights of have published an interview with Gunnar von Boehn, who is responsible for the Arcade Game Construction Kit and the shoot'em up 1942, which is created with this tool. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 07. May. 2006, 03:52] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

USB-Controller: New Subway is being delivered
After a very long time the usb controller "Subway" from E3B is being delivered to dealers worldwide.

As a small reward and surprise this Subway series is bundled with a full oem-license of Chris Hodges' USB-stack Poseidon 3. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 06. May. 2006, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi (E-Mail)

Genesi: Business plan for the Open Server Workstation
At PPCZone at the title link, Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck released two sections of a business plan Genesi developed for around the Open Server Workstation and Xen.

By doing so, the management asks for feedback in the corresponding thread. (snx)

[News message: 06. May. 2006, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Watterott / Tales of Tamar-Team (ANF)

Tales of Tamar in HiRes for the Amiga
The massively multiplayer strategy game Tales of Tamar now runs on the Amiga also in highresolution screenmodes. Details on this and other news on the game does the Tamar team comment as follows:

It is done! Finally, after eight months of continued work, we are pleased to present to you Tales of Tamar HiRes 2D!

The new client of our massively multiplayer strategy and role playing game runs in a resolution of 1024*768 with double buffering in 15, 16 and 32 bit as well as still in 640*480 pixels in 8 bit.

So Tales of Tamar still runs on all Amiga systems from an A1200/AGA with 68030 turbo card up to the most modern computers but takes advantage of the faster hardware of an Amithlon PC, an AmigaOne, a Pegasos or a fast UAE system.

Some older screenshots can be seen here but the engine's already improved in the meantime.

Unfortunately do many Amiga computers come to their limits with this engine. E.g., for the hires map is a 68060 processor and a graphics card the minimum requirement. An uncluttered installation is needed as well. Should this not be the case you'll have to stick to the 640*480 resolution in 8 bit.

Our experiences with speed are as listed below:


640*480/8 bit = yes
1024*768/15 bit = no
1024*768/16 bit = no
1024*768/32 bit = no

Reason: AGA cannot display a 1024*768 screen and would be too slow, either.

A500/A1200/A2000/A3000 with graphics board and 030/040 processor

640*480/8 bit = yes
1024*768/15 bit = no
1024*768/16 bit = no
1024*768/32 bit = no

Reason: the processor is too slow to run the hires map.

A500/A1200/A2000/A3000 with 4 MB Zorro II graphics card and 060 processor

640*480/8 bit = yes
1024*768/15 bit = yes/no
1024*768/16 bit = yes/no
1024*768/32 bit = no

Reason: the map works with 15 or 16 bit but not particularly fast as the bandwidth is limited by the Zorro II bus. 32 bit do not work as the graphics card comes with too little memory.

A1200/A3000/A4000 with 4 MB Zorro III graphics card and 060 processor

640*480/8 bit = yes
1024*768/15 bit = yes/no
1024*768/16 bit = yes/no
1024*768/32 bit = no

Reason: the hires map works with 15/16 bit when the OS installation is proper and optimized.

A3000/A4000 with PCI graphics card with at least 8 MB and 060 and PowerPC processor

640*480/8 bit = no
1024*768/15 bit = yes/no
1024*768/16 bit = yes/no
1024*768/32 bit = yes/no

Reason: the hires map works nut not fast. Usable with proper and optimizes OS installation.


640*480/8 bit = yes
1024*768/15 bit = yes
1024*768/16 bit = yes
1024*768/32 bit = yes

Time will show whether we can improve these values any further. Surely not witjout assembler code - and there comes the question to mind whether the support for the project is still enough.

Out last call for testers followed almost 40 users but only a small number did really test. So, if you want to see this project continued on the Amiga help us and participate. Alternatively we do not see any chance to fix all the possible bugs.

Now here are the features and bug fixes:

New features
  • HirES mode activated
  • 24 bit graphics support integrated
  • Auto conversion of 8 bit graphics integrated
  • From the residence you can return to the main screen using the ESC key
  • Input handler rewritten
  • The client now works with the prerelease version 4 of AmigaOS 4
  • The FTP download via tavern does not block the mouse anymore so that you can still work with the system in the meantime
  • Small optimization of the map screen (speed increased)
  • Tales of Tamar now uses the expansion.library to decide whether it runs on an AmigaOS 4 "Classic" system or an AmigaOne (thanks to Stephan Rupprecht)
  • The client loads the graphics faster on some systems
  • Descriptions of cities and landscapes remain when scrolling
  • Much program code of the map now supports the PowerPC unfortunately offering only a little speed increasement under WarpOS
  • Numbers about the workers remain visible when scrolling
  • New catalogs added
Bug fixes
  • FTP code changed and improved, bugs removed
  • Workaround for a MorphOS blit bug in CyberGraphX 5 integrated
  • WarpUp under AmigaOS 4 deactivated because it is slower due to the context switches with cache flush than the 68k emulation
  • Many more bugs fixed
Known bugs
  • Packed24 modes do not work
  • Under AmigaOS 4 there may appear some font errors (reason yet unknown)
  • CyberGraphX 4 color fonts >8 bit do ot support transparency
  • CyberGraphX 3 yet untested; as ForceChunky is missing there may appear colour bugs in the game (we need testers!)
  • Moduleplayer could still lead into problems under AmigaOS 4 (no testers = no information)
Download: ToT_Amiga_V0.55_R1.lha (15,6 MB)

The current 2D hires map is further on an integral part of the upcoming 3D map that will be built in first into the PC version to avoid a loss of time due to compatibilitiy problems and missing testers. On this note it was an important step for us.

A personal note: This 2D hires map is my personal thank you to the Amiga computer that has accompanied me through a great part of my life now. It is an ideal completion for the game and further development can only take place if enough gamers keep the game running.

The hires 3D map marks a step at least as big as this 2D map and it is indispensable that many testers take actively part in such a further development to identify bugs. Just a small example: only two or three AmigaOS 4 testers really support us in this project. The result is that bugs that are not obvious aren't found if you do not spend yourself very much time. So we wish that the support in the Amiga community will increase again.

Special thanks go to Stephan Rupprecht with whom I had many controversial discussions over weeks about the way of the blitting and whom I have to thank that Tales of Tamar runs smoother than before. Thank you, Stephan! Though it was not up your alley you had listened to me for weeks. :-)

Another thank you goes to Wolfgang Vogel. Without his PowerPC card I wouldn't have beeen able to finish this version as my two boards are broken once again.

Thanks to Frank Mariak, too, who is always there when there are CyberGraphX problemes. Hopefully development on CyberGraphX continues. ;-)

And thanks go to the whole AmigaOS 4 team and the MorphOS team. Both supported me well.

How does it proceed?

The hires 2D map wa ported to the PC now. There'll be some tests and then it will be released.

The Mac version will now adopt the finished sources and then offer the hires map, too.

With Richard Drummond we could contract a new developer who'll be working exclusively on the Linux version (PPC & x86) as well as possibly a Zeta version. Richard should be known to some AOS4 users and already present a first working Linux version. He, too, already owns the hires source codes and he will try to adapt the Linux client accordingly.

In addition we could sign a capable and known authoresswho ,to our pleasure, has dealt with the subject of Arbanor and therefore will write a book about Tales of Tamar. With this does will an old idea from the last century been picked up again. :-)

But nonetheless we need above all graphic artists who want to push our project. All in all we are looking for:
  • pixlers for 2D hexagons and improvements of the GUI
  • 3D object designers & 3D textur designers
  • Assembler programmers for optimizations in the 68k code
  • Musicians for Digibooster/Fasttracker modules
  • Translators for Portuguese
  • php programmers to support our browser version
  • Programmers for improving the Amiga installer script
Many regards,
and the Tales of Tamar team (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. May. 2006, 16:30] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasosforum (website)

MorphOS: GLload 0.4.2
Stefan Haubenthal ported Stefan Eilemann's GLload to MorphOS. GLload shows the actual processor load in a 3d view (screenshot).

Download: glload.lha (125 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. May. 2006, 12:28] [Comments: 0]
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05.May.2006 Update of WinUAE-tutorials
The WinUAE-tutorial by was updated. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. May. 2006, 21:37] [Comments: 0]
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05.May.2006 (Webseite)

Tutorial: USB-Game port mapping under AmigaOS 4
"McFly" has published a tutorial at which explains the connection of an USB-gamepad under AmigaOS 4. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. May. 2006, 15:55] [Comments: 0]
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Website: Pegasosforum temporary offline
As the webmaster of the Pegasos board, Matthias 'DJBase' Münch, informs, the website is temporary closed until the used software is completely revised. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 04. May. 2006, 19:52] [Comments: 0]
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04.May.2006 (Homepage)

Meeting: Amigathering 7 (Greece)
In May, 27 and 28, 2006 the 7th Amigathering is held in Kypseli, Athen under the motto "Back in Time!". Interested people who are not familiar with Greek language can ask for more details in English via E-Mail. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 04. May. 2006, 18:13] [Comments: 0]
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04.May.2006 (homepage)

Keyboard driver: MMKeyboard 3.18 for Amithlon, AmigaXL, MorphOS and UAE
Guido Mersmann has released an update of his multimedia keyboard driver MMKeyboard. Currently Amithlon, AmigaXL, MorphOS and UAE are supported, an update for classic Amigas is in work. A bug in the MorphOS routines was fixed in version 3.18: Scroll wheels at a keyboard should work properly again.

Download: mmkeyboard.lha (500 KB) (Readme (cg) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 04. May. 2006, 16:50] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Website)

AmigaOS 4: First screenshots of "Word Me Up XXL"
"Word Me Up XXL" from Boing Attitude combines elements of arcade and memory as well as puzzles. The developers have now published some screenshots of the OS4 version. (cg) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 04. May. 2006, 05:01] [Comments: 0]
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Instant Messenger: AmiGG
AmiGG is an instant messenger application (Screenshots) which can handle the Gadu-Gadu protocol, which is widely spread in Poland. Soon, a plug-in system will be implemented and other protocols supported - e.g. Jabber or Tlen, which is also quite known in Poland.

  • Unique tabs system which provides carrying on many chats in one single window
  • AmigaAMP plug-in which gives ability to bring the name of the played song into the status description
  • Sauranizator plug-in which gives ability to check IP or client version of people who you are chatting with
  • Display of animated smiley
  • Ability to send files through the protocol
  • POP3 module which gives ability to check e-mails
  • Enhanced and constantly improved preferences system which gives ability to adjust the look of the application to your needs and favours
  • Display of the photo of person who you are chatting with
  • Internet update function which can download and install any new version of AmiGG which is available
Requirements are:
  • AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4 or MorphOS
  • MUI 3.8
  • Some MUI classes:
    • TextInput
    • TextEditor
    • NList
    • NFloattext
    • NListview
    • Busy
    • Toolbar
  • wbstart.library (for internet update function)
  • openurl.library (optionally)
  • Play16 (optionally)
AmiGG is distributed in polish and english language. People who want to create other language versions are welcome and should contact the author.

There is also a contest for creating default logo and graphical theme (buttons, toolbars, icons) of AmiGG. Contributed artwork should be your own idea, no copy or remake. Size and format have to be reasonable, commonly used. Everyone who is interested can send his/her work to konkurs(AT) You may send more than one contribution. The deadline is on 20th May 2006. The winner will be announced on 27th May 2006. Prizes are waiting for the author of the best set of graphics and the next three runner-ups. (snx)

[News message: 03. May. 2006, 19:18] [Comments: 0]
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