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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
29.-30.06.24 • Kickstart 02 • Nottingham (England)
15.09.24 • Passione Amiga Day 2024 • Spoleto (Italy)
17.08.24 • ZZAP! Live 2024 • Kenilwort (England)

Nico Barbat (ANF)

German translation of "Commodore: The Inside Story" available
The book "Commodore: The Inside Story" by David Pleasance is also available in German now. Details can be found in our German news-item. (snx)

[News message: 03. Jul. 2023, 21:19] [Comments: 0]
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Videos of the Kickstart 01
Last weekend, after a break of several years, an event for Amiga fans took place again in Great Britain with the Kickstart 01 ( reported). A short walk around of the event organised by Ravi Abbott (interview with was recorded by AmigaNG, detailed live recordings can be found on the Twitch channel StudioFromTheSky. (dr)

[News message: 03. Jul. 2023, 07:53] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle Tools 1.14
Keir Fraser's "Greaseweazle" does - similar to Kryoflux - read the magnetic information on a floppy disk independently from the format used and saves as much information as possible to generate a so-called "Flux Level Image" in Supercard format (SCP), which enables reading and back-writing of copy-protected disks ( reported)

The adapter gets connected between a floppy disk drive - e.g. a standard 3.5" PC one - and a USB port of the PC or Mac. Version 1.14 of the Greaseweazle Tools provide the following changes:
  • Windows 64-bit: Install correct 64-bit version of CAPS/SPS IPF library
  • Windows 32-bit: Install 32-bit versions of required MSVCR DLLs
  • Now require Python 3.8 or later
  • TD0: Support advanced compression blocks

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 18:03] [Comments: 0]
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Frogger clone: RANA
Already two years ago, Lorenzo Di Gaetano from the group Phaze101 wrote his Frogger clone RANA (Reckless Amphibian New Adventures) for the "Retroprogrammers Inside Gamedev Challenge" and published the source code on GitHub.
Since there was no finished binary so far, the idea arose in a forum discussion on to create one and make it available to the general public. With the kind permission of the author and the final implementation by Josef Wegner, the game is now available on Aminet (YouTube video). (dr)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 13:09] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 01.07.2023
The following files have been added until 01.07.2023 to Aminet:
encore_morphiller.lha    demo/misc  11M   MOS Morphiller by Encore - demo f...
ssh2fs.i386-aros.lha     disk/misc  94K   x86 SSHv2 file system client
ssh2fs.m68k-amigaos.lha  disk/misc  176K  68k SSHv2 file system client
worldcup.lha             docs/misc  655K      Statistics of World Cups 1930...
IndivisionAGAVampireP... driver/mon 1K    68k Patch for Indivision AGA sw f...
TONY.adf                 game/demo  880K  68k TONY playable demo
NightShift.lha           game/role  16M   68k NIGHT/SHIFT: A Cypherpunk Adv...
imp3.lha                 mus/play   45K   ALL Do stuff on Amiga!
IdentifyLib_FR.lha       util/libs  21K       French catalog and docs for i...
z_lib.i386-aros.lha      util/libs  54K   x86 Zlib core as a shared library
z_lib.m68k-amigaos.lha   util/libs  91K   68k Zlib core as a shared library
AmigaGPT.lha             util/misc  206K  68k App for chatting to ChatGPT        util/misc  12M   68k Versatile Amiga Testprogram
gidatario.lha            util/time  229K  68k GI Datario 

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 01.07.2023
The following files have been added until 01.07.2023 to OS4Depot:
imp3.lha                 aud/pla 45kb  4.0 Do stuff on Amiga!
gluae.lha                emu/uti 15kb  4.0 Integrates UAE into AmigaOS
silkraw.lha              gra/mis 2Mb   4.1 GUI for Dave Coffin's progr...
sdl2.lha                 lib/mis 7Mb   4.1 Simple DirectMedia Layer 2

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 01.07.2023
The following files have been added until 01.07.2023 to AROS Archives:
worldcup.lha                 doc/mis 655kb Soccer World Cup statistics 1930...
z_lib.i386-aros.lha          lib/mis 54kb  Zlib core as a shared library
yam29p1-aros-i386.lha        net/ema 3Mb   Email Client 2016 Fixed Verson
yam29p1-aros-ppc.lha         net/ema 4Mb   Email Client 2016 Fixed Verson
ssh2fs.i386-aros.lha         net/mis 94kb  SSHv2 file system client

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 01.07.2023
The following files have been added until 01.07.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
Morphiller_1.2.lha        Demoscene/ENCORE          Demo for MorphOS PowerPC
SilkRAW_2.0.lha           Graphics/Misc             GUI for Dave Coffin's p...
Wayfarer_5.5.lha          MorphOS-update            Wayfarer is the latest ...

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 01.07.2023
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 01.07.2023:
  • 2023-06-29 fixed: Star Command (SSI) the game will be loaded correctly, manual included (Info)
  • 2023-06-29 fixed: Nevermind (Psyclapse) an access fault removed, some options added, QuitKey for 68000 (Info)
  • 2023-06-27 fixed: Cobra (Bytec) access fault in SidMon replay routine patched (Info)
  • 2023-06-25 improved: TFX (Digital Image Design) various performance optimizations (Info)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

New articles on Obligement website
The articles below have been added to the website of the French Amiga/MorphOS magazine Obligement during the last two months. All translations are welcome. Please contact David 'Daff' Brunet for more information.
  • May/June 2023 news
  • Old artiles from Ami-GrafX 5 to 7:
    • Comparison: Virtual landscape software
    • Tutorial: Imagine - The modelling possibilities of the shape editor
    • Tutorial: ClariSSA - Interfacing ClariSSA with other software
    • Miscellaneous: Simulation of an ambulatory surgery clinic
    • Tutorial: Volumm 4D - Trees and cut-out volumes
    • Tutorial: Real 3D - Robotics
    • File: Presentation of ASC Presta
  • Interview with Yannick Buchy (,
  • Interview with Ravi Abbott (The Retro Hour, Amiga Addic)
  • Review of MorphOS 3.18
  • Review of Karateka
  • File: Presentation and history of the Emerald Mine series
  • File: The Copper
  • File: The history of Simulmondo (second part)
  • Tutorial: Making backup copies on MorphOS
  • DIY: Icarus 1 - AROS One and Icaros Desktop
  • DIY: Installing and configuring Wi-Fi on CD32
  • Programming: Articles from website
  • Special quiz about Shadow Of The Beast

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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Lubricator 2.0: Receiving disk images via HTTP and writing them on disk
"Lubricator" written by Timm 'bifat' Mueller loads disk images from the World Wide Web and writes them on an Amiga disk using an Amiga with only 1 MB RAM and without harddrive. New in version 2.0:
  • Parser bits rewritten in assembler
  • Minor corrections in signal handling, verbose output, improved documentation
  • AmigaGuide and Installer added
  • some requests could be performed twice, corrected
  • directories are now sorted to top in local facility
  • now deletes __MACOSX garbage from archives automatically

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 07:04] [Comments: 0]
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RTG driver: Preferences editor "P96Prefs" 47.9 for P96
With "P96Prefs" Thomas Richter has written an improved, alternative preferences editor for the RTG driver P96 ( reported). Version 47.9, now available on Aminet, adds support of tooltypes that are supported as of P96 3.4.0, namely the RainbowII and the CBMs only graphics card, the A2410. AmigaOS 3.2 or higher is required. (dr)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 06:21] [Comments: 0]
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Developer tools: Amiga SDKs adapted to GCC compilers
Cameron 'Nightfox' Armstrong, who recently published AmigaGPT, offers SDKs of AmigaOS 3.2 NDK and AmigaOS 4.1 (V54.16) adapted to the GCC compiler based on Stefan 'Bebbo' Franke's Amiga GCC Development Kit. These contain additional adaptations of AmiSSL-SDK and the translator.library.

A Dockerfile is now also included with today's update to create an AmigaOS 3 & 4 compiler development environment with everything included. (dr)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2023, 06:04] [Comments: 0]
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New cross compiler/assembler: Calypsi
"Calypsi" is a collection of compilers and assemblers that run under Windows, Linux and macOS and can generate code for various retro platforms - among others, 6502 and 68000 processors are supported. Although the project is hosted on Github, the source code is not freely available and the use of the tools is only permitted for private purposes.

A runtime library for Amiga programmes is delivered with the compiler, it is described by the author as "work in progress". The associated source codes are available, cooperation of other developers is explicitly welcome here. (cg)

[News message: 01. Jul. 2023, 22:30] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video 31: Souverän Soccer
Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener (Wings Remastered, MiniGL4GL4ES, Tower 57) is working on a soccer game with 3D view called "Souverän Soccer" ( reported). He has written about his 31. preview video:

"Lots of stuff has happened during the past months, the highlights being:
  • about 30% wider goals!
  • optional radar!
  • no glued ball anymore, real dribbling!
Personally I always found SWOS or KickOff dribbling way too hard to master. Therefore my dribbling mechanics got some kind of twist, so that you get an unglued ball with the ease of use as if it was glued :) In a nutshell it works as follows:

Once you touch the ball, your player enters "dribbling mode". In that mode it will more or less auto-follow the ball, unless you make something like a 180 deg turn or stop moving. If you change joystick direction from e.g. up to up-right, then this direction change will not be applied immediately. Instead your player will continue to run up until he hits the ball for the next dribbling short-kick - and at this precise moment your current joystick direction will actually be applied and you continue dribbling up-right.

Expanding the goal's width was a rather tedious task because I had to heavily mess around with the carefully tweaked sprite setup to somehow make one more hw-sprite available for the larger goals. The new radar made this even more complicated.

Eventually one of the corner-sticks is now made using sprite #5 - whose DMA-channel isn't working: due to horizontal soft-scrolling and 32bit fetch-mode, only the sprites 0 to 4 remain fully functional here. And the fact that we're in 64 pixel sprite mode doesn't make it better. But with some hackery #5 was tamed - luckily the corner-stick is just a stick ;)

Anyway, til the next time!" (dr)

[News message: 01. Jul. 2023, 15:04] [Comments: 0]
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Tool for Reverse Engineering: Amiga extension for Ghidra 10.3.1
Ghidra is a free and open source reverse engineering tool ( reported).

Based on the work of Vladimir Kononovich and Martin Atkins, 'Bartman' has released an update for the Amiga extension supporting now the latest Ghidra version 10.3.1. It can load Amiga Hunk-Executables, Kickstart ROMs and WinUAE State File (.uss). (dr)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2023, 18:30] [Comments: 0]
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SCSI-SD adapter: ZuluSCSI firmware V2023.07.01
ZuluSCSI is a new generation of file-based SCSI hard disk and CD-ROM drive emulators (review of an user). ZuluSCSI emulates a SCSI-I or SCSI-2 hard disk using an SD memory card ( reported). Changes of version 2023.07.01:
  • Improve CD-ROM image switching logic
  • Increase MPC3000 InitPreDelay to 600ms, from 500ms (cb5fd0a)
  • Fix bootloader size comparison
  • RP2040 SDIO: Increase stopTransmission timeout
  • ZuluSCSI GD32 V1.1: Fix PhyMode=2 (DMA_TIMER) with AHA2940UW
  • ZuluSCSI GD32 V1.1 Fix PhyMode=1(PIO)
  • Temporary fix for DMA_TIMER mode on ZuluSCSI v1.1

[News message: 30. Jun. 2023, 18:25] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (forum)

Demoscene: Morphiller from Encore wins at Decrunch party in Wroclaw
From June 23rd to 25th the demoparty "Decrunch" took place in Wroclaw, Poland. In the category "wild competition" the MorphOS demo "Morphiller" by Encore has won (video). The music titled "Revolution", found on the album "Fish and Chips", is by "XTD of Lamers".

Download: encore_morphiller.lha (11 MB) (snx)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2023, 12:20] [Comments: 0]
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Yoz Montana (Mail)

Preview video: Platform game "Guardian - The legend of flaming sword"
At the end of 2021 we reported for the first time about Yoz Montana's platformer "Guardian - The legend of flaming sword", which he creates for AGA-Amigas with the help of the Game Construction Kit RedPill. In issue 15 of the magazine Amiga Addict a demo was published. The new preview video that has now been published shows stages 1 to 5, which have been further improved compared to the demo version. (dr)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2023, 06:01] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 5.5
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 5.5 of his web browser Wayfarer for MorphOS. Changes include among others mjpeg support in ffmpeg (enables audio playback in JellyFin) and an updated/bugfixed cURL. Therefore, the author strongly recommends upgrading to 5.5 if you are using 5.2-5.4.

Download: wayfarer.lha (29 MB) (dr)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2023, 21:03] [Comments: 0]
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Platform game: Demo version of "Gothic Vania"
Matteo 'Toolkitman' Trevisan is a about writing his first platform game using the Scorpion Engine. He has released a first, early demo version of "Gothic Vania" for AGA Amigas:


[News message: 29. Jun. 2023, 18:28] [Comments: 0]
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Sprite/Icon/Map editor: Raster Master V2.0 R87 for Windows 10/11
Raster Master ( reported) is a sprite/icon/map editor for Windows 10/11 which generates RayLib-, PutImagedata and Map code for gcc, AmigaBASIC, Amiga C, Amiga Pascal, QuickBasic, QB64, Quick C, Turbo Pascal, freepascal, Turbo C, Turbo Basic, Power Basic, FreeBASIC, GWBASIC, BASICA, and PC-BASIC (YouTube video).

Now version 2.0 R87 has been released. Changes:
  • Maps can now be 128x128 and 256x256 tiles
  • when Paint tool is selected in Map Editor hold SHIFT key it will replace all instances of the Tile
  • Discovered that onpaint events were being generated when the Labels for coordinates were being updated. This is probably a bug with LCL. This caused the program to repaint the pixels/map area when it was not required. Changed all instances in program to statusbar to update coordinate information. This may have caused performance issues with slower speed computers

[News message: 29. Jun. 2023, 06:12] [Comments: 0]
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ALBs Blog

Preview video: "AmiDream" generates pictures from text
Marcus 'ALB42' Sackrow (among others AmiFox) gives a preview of his latest project in a video under the title link: inspired by websites like, the tool "AmiDream" generates images from text using the AI model Stable Diffusion. (dr)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2023, 05:48] [Comments: 0]
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DIY: Firmware update for "GottaGoFaZt3r"
"GottaGoFaZt3r" developed by Matt Harlum is a memory expansion with 128MB or 256MB Z3 autoconfig FastRAM for the Amiga 3000 and 4000 ( reported). With today's firmware update, DTACK will be activated later during read operations to avoid problems with the A4091. (dr)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2023, 21:00] [Comments: 0]
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Echtzeit (Webseite)

Video talk: "Demoscene: From Underground Culture to UNESCO Cultural Heritage"
On 15 and 16 June, the "ICE Conference 2023" took place, dedicated to 3D environments in the most diverse fields of application. Part of the event was the video talk "Demoscene: From Underground Culture to UNESCO Cultural Heritage" held by Dr. Andre 'kudrix' Kudra, which among other things also mentions the Amiga demo Batman Rises released at the end of last year. (dr)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2023, 12:50] [Comments: 0]
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Music tip: Iraq Demo - Ending (D4XX Remix)
In addition to complete albums (for example the Jaguar XJ220 remix album), Bert 'D4XX REMIX' Brüggemann also releases individual remixes: this time he has dedicated himself to the Iraq Demo, released in 1990 by Animators. (dr)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2023, 06:36] [Comments: 0]
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Demoparty: Pågadata 2023 (Sweden)
Not only the demo party "Posadas" in the town of the same name in Spain will take place next weekend ( reported), but also the "Pågadata" in Kvidinge, Sweden. Entries for the Amiga demo competition are possible in the categories "AMOS demo", "Demo", "Music" and "GFX". (dr)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2023, 06:34] [Comments: 0]
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Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky (E-Mail)

Linux: Kernel 6.4 for AmigaOne X1000/X5000
Right after the release of the Linux kernel 6.4, Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky has finally compiled it for the AmigaOne X1000 and X5000 after numerous tests (Screenshot). Changes concerning the AmigaOnes:
  • X1000, X5000, and QEMU e5500: Multi-Gen LRU support (CONFIG_LRU_GEN=y and CONFIG_LRU_GEN_ENABLED=y)
  • PASEMI updates in the PowerPC updates
  • PASEMI ethernet and DPAA updates in the networking updates
  • There are some issues with the BTTV driver for TV cards so we added the new BTTV driver originally planned for the kernel 6.5 to our kernel 6.4.
  • X1000: Fix ISA mapping when "ranges" property is not present, for PASemi Nemo boards
Download: linux-image-6.4-X1000_X5000.tar.gz (59 MB) (dr)

[News message: 27. Jun. 2023, 21:07] [Comments: 0]
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Gotek firmware: FlashFloppy 3.40
FlashFloppy is an alternative, open source firmware for the floppy emulator Gotek. Its original firmware is not developed any further. Changes in version 3.40:
  • XDF: Fix writes to side 1 of XDF disk images
  • HFE: Better handling of long No Flux Areas
  • QuickDisk: Reduce motor spinup time to 1 second (previously 2 seconds)
  • LCD: Completely blank display when backlight is off

[News message: 27. Jun. 2023, 20:55] [Comments: 0]
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Eclectic Imaginations (E-Mail)

Game: Cypherpunk adventure Night/Shift
Night/Shift by Eclectic Imaginations is an Amiga-exclusive exploration game with Hi-Res HAM8 graphics. The game runs on any Amiga with an AGA chipset and can be downloaded for free at the title link.

Set in Boston in 2039, this cypherpunk adventure game tasks three young citizens with uncovering the greatest conspiracy of their time in a mix of dystopia and nostalgia. (snx)

[News message: 27. Jun. 2023, 15:01] [Comments: 0]
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Music tip: Protracker music track "Grogon - Tabular Ravers"
'no9' has been working in the audio field for years and also occasionally composes music for games ( reported). On his YouTube channel, he also publishes his own compositions time and again, like now the piece "Grogon - Tabular Ravers". (dr)

[News message: 27. Jun. 2023, 07:21] [Comments: 0]
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Management of ADF files: adflib V0.8.0 for Windows, Linux and macOS
Laurent Clevy first released adflib in 1999 in version 0.7.8 (Aminet). The portable C library, written mainly in C, is used to manage Amiga-formatted devices such as hard disks and ZIP disks or to swap them out via the .ADF format. Besides Volker Schwaberow's approach to convert the library into the programming language Rust, the original library is now also being updated, currently maintained by Tomasz Wolak.

Reading files has been bug-fixed and writing them has been introduced as a new function. Changes in version 0.8.0:
  • full file read and write support
  • added support for hard- and soft links
  • added Linux native devices
  • updated and improved unadf
  • added new command-line utilities:adf_floppy_create, adf_floppy_format, adf_show_metadata
  • numerous bugfixes and improvements
  • more extensive testing
  • added configuration to build with CMake (ie. to facilitate building for Windows)
  • added (unofficial) Debian and Ubuntu packaging

[News message: 27. Jun. 2023, 05:52] [Comments: 0]
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Game: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) released (30. Jun.)
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