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Emulator with live monitoring: Coppenheimer V0.2
Alexander 'Losso' Grupe, member of the demo group AttentionWhore, has developed an alternative user interface for the browser-based emulator vAmigaWeb with Coppenheimer, which can monitor memory utilisation in real time (YouTube video).

n addition to the functions provided by vAmigaWeb such as ROM selection, starting disc images or executable files, managing emulator snapshots, some DMA monitoring and a debugger shell, Coppenheimer can also be used to find bitmaps in memory. The application is designed for classic Amigas with OCS, 68000 processor and 512+512 KB memory configuration:


The following features have now been added in the updated version 0.2:
  • Real-time diagrams for DMA utilisation and memory accesses
  • emulator vAmigaWeb updated
  • better eye-catching play/pause button
The initial version was tested by the developer 'dj h0ffman' in a Twitch session. (dr)

[News message: 01. Jul. 2024, 09:29] [Comments: 0]
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