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Reverse Engineering: Aira Force 0.7.4 for Windows, Linux and macOS
"Aira Force" is a tool for reverse engineering Amiga 680x0 software ( reported). It allows binaries to be disassembled and investigated (YouTube video).

This Update to version 0.7.4 introduces the correct support of labels. In addition, the latest beta version of the developer tool vasm has been integrated, which adds two new options:
  • dbg-local adds local labels with their original name (like 1$ or .abc) to HUNK_SYMBOL.
  • dbg-globloc adds local labels by trying to construct a name out of their preceding global label and the original local label name: global$local (Examples: main$1$, main$.abc).
This means that executables built with these options will automatically have correct names for local label symbols applied by the ira disassembler. (dr)

[News message: 29. Jun. 2024, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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