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Survival game: Zombie Survivor V1.26
Sami Vehmaa continues to work on his current project "Zombie Survival", a game for Amigas with a graphics card in which you have to fight off an endless army of the undead (YouTube video). The current version 1.26 offers the following changes:
  • There is a new tiled map system and with it comes a editor. Game supports two maps: one is user created map, you can edit in game. Editor can only put objects on the tiled ground, tiled ground can't be changed. Object can be placed with only one restriction not overlap other objects
  • More objects has been added, old road was removed
  • Some gfx changed to the better, put some lipstick on it ;)
  • menu code is upgraded
  • some nasty and some gfx bugs was found and fixed !
  • game has been adapted to work as best it can on all resolutions
  • Some audio overhaul and added in game music

[News message: 30. Jun. 2024, 07:05] [Comments: 0]
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