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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
29.-30.06.24 • Kickstart 02 • Nottingham (England)
15.09.24 • Passione Amiga Day 2024 • Spoleto (Italy)
17.08.24 • ZZAP! Live 2024 • Kenilwort (England)

Amiga Future (website)

Java program: ham_convert 1.9.1
Sebastian Sieczko's Java-based program ham_convert converts modern graphic formats into the Amiga's HAM format and is now available in version 1.8.7.

New features besides bug fixes are further options for HAM6 and support for very small pictures, i.e. with less than 300 pixels in total. (snx)

[News message: 19. May. 2023, 08:27] [Comments: 0]
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19.May.2023 (ANF)

Card game: Poker Nights - "Tropical Heat"
As part of the strip poker series "VTO - Poker Nights", a second data disc "Tropical Heat" was released yesterday at the title link. (snx)

[News message: 19. May. 2023, 08:21] [Comments: 0]
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Video: The SMB2/SMB3 network filesystem under MorphOS 3.18
With the latest release of MorphOS 3.18, the new Smb2FS handler was integrated, which provides an SMB2/SMB3-capable network filesystem. The video above demonstrates the new feature. (dr)

[News message: 19. May. 2023, 07:28] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy disk images: Disc Image Manager V1.46 for Linux, macOS and Windows
Gerald J Holdsworth's Disc Image Manager is an application used to load a retro disc image, read the catalogue and output any required files. In addition, it will also add files to the image, delete, and rename files and directories. On the Amiga side, reading and writing of AmigaDOS disks and hard disks with OFS and FFS formatting are supported (not fully tested with FFS). Support for directory cache and international characters is still missing.

As the author reports, the Disc Image Manager was originally a Delphi class written for inclusion in the Repton Map Display to read Repton data files directly from disc images. To test whether the class worked well, he wrote a GUI front-end for the class called Disc Image Reader, but it was only available on Windows. When someone asked about accessing Acorn DFS images on macOS, he decided to port his application to Lazarus. The first thing he added was write-back to the disc images, which turned Disc Image Reader into Disc Image Manager.

Changes in version 1.46:

New or improved features
  • Image report now lists the free space map for ADFS.
  • Add Partition button now works for DFS single sided images to add a second side.
  • Exporting files now includes a date/time stamp field in the *.inf file if set.
  • Importing files, where the *.inf file has a date/time stamp field, updates the date/time for the file.
  • The ADFS interleave can now be changed without re-organising the data. This method then re-reads the file using the new method.
  • Can now save a BASIC file to the host system as a text file.
  • BASIC file viewer now uses smaller text and no longer bold, unless it is a keyword. Text in quotes is now in italics.
  • Image report now checks every file and directory on an image and reports details of files with CRC32 error or broken directories (ADFS).
  • When importing a file to an image, it no longer complains if the selected node is not a directory. Now, it just selects the selected node's parent before importing the file.
  • The BackSpace key is now a shortcut for deleting files or directories.
Bug fixes
  • When deleting directories, the internal directory references were not getting updated.
  • When deallocating free space on a New Map ADFS, the wrong idlen was sometimes being used.
  • The New Map ADFS free space map was not getting read correctly.
  • Renaming an ADFS file in a ADFS/DOS hybrid image could crash the application on Windows. Renames on the DOS or Acorn FS side could also fail.
  • Broken ADFS directories were getting displayed with the 'Not Read' colours.
  • A corrupt 'JesMap' sector, on Acorn FS, can cause the application to crash. Additional checks have been put in place.
  • An ADFS Old Map, with no free space, would hang when trying to delete a file.
  • In ADFS, when selecting a sub-directory the image details status bar would sometimes report no image title, 0 bytes used and 0 bytes free.
  • When an ADFS New Map zone is close to capacity (i.e., not enough space for a fragment id to be written in), the free space was incorrectly reported. This would cause files and directories to fail to being written but the catalogue information would still be.
  • Deleting an ADFS directory which is the penultimate directory in the catalogue would result in the last one being deleted from the internal references. This then caused confusion with the front end GUI and resulted in a crash. In addition, deleting everything from the image would leave the free space map not correctly updated.
The author also provides a detailed PDF manual. (dr)

[News message: 19. May. 2023, 05:53] [Comments: 0]
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Editor: MUI-Vim V9.0.1546 for AmigaOS 4, AROS and MorphOS
MUI-Vim is a port of the editor Vim. This editor is intended for editing programs as well as plain text files. Multi-level undo, syntax highlighting, command line history, block operations and scripting are some of the features.

Ola 'sodero' Söder has now ported version 9.0.1378 of VIM and released it for AmigaOS4, AROS and MorphOS. Additionally, he has updated syntax highlighting for Hollywood 10.


Vim_9.0-ppc-amigaos.lha (15 MB)
Vim_9.0-i386-aros.lha (14 MB)
Vim_9.0-ppc-morphos.lha (15 MB) (dr)

[News message: 19. May. 2023, 05:18] [Comments: 0]
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Minimig: Revision 1.97itx
Revision 1.97itx of the Minimig - a reimplementation of an Amiga 500 in a FPGA - is available.

This board was designed to fit into any MiniITX case and is compatible with standard ITX power supplies. It features an added LED and button header, allowing you to easily connect necessary buttons and LEDs to your MiniITX case. One of the major improvements is the addition of 2MB of FastRAM, bringing the total onboard RAM of the Minimig to 6MB. Furthermore, enhancements have been made in the Verilog, enabling Minimig to automatically configure the 2MB of fast RAM in hardware. The board has undergone thorough testing with various components, including the TF030 accelerator, MC68000 and Pistorm. (dr)

[News message: 18. May. 2023, 20:08] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: E-mail client Iris 1.15
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has pushed an update a few days after the release of version 1.14 of his e-mail program Iris for MorphOS.

Changes are mainly for a NetStack bug in MorphOS versions 3.14 to 3.18, which already led to Wayfarer 5.3, and, as there, cURL and sqlite were also updated on this occasion. (snx)

[News message: 18. May. 2023, 08:18] [Comments: 0]
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Robosaurus Spielothek (ANF)

Video report: Amiga Ruhrpott Convention 2023 (German)
Dominic Ortmanns visited the Amiga Ruhrpott Convention in Duisburg-Rheinhausen, Germany, on May 6, 2023 and recorded his impressions in a video at the title link (Camera: Jürgen Weißenfels, Graphics: Jan Reineke). His summary of the "small but nice Amiga fair, from fans for fans":

"This event is the first of its kind. That makes it especially interesting to see what the organizers around 'T!nomania' [and CZ-Tunes] have done here. I can already tell you that I was very impressed.

I could meet many nice people from the Amiga community and had some very interesting conversations.

This was definitely the hard core of Amiga hardware and software enthusiasts. You could play, buy, drink, chat with developers, YouTubers, podcasters and other organizers, and there was even a raffle of exquisite prizes.

So in my opinion, especially for the first attempt of an own Amiga convention, a precision landing.

But if you want to know all the details of my opinion, you should still watch the video." (snx)

[News message: 18. May. 2023, 08:07] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaSource (Webseite)

Browser extension: AGuide Viewer 0.1
AGuide Viewer is an open source reader for AmigaGuide documents implemented as a browser extension. It works with Firefox and Chromium on all platforms.

Under Firefox the installation takes place automatically with the corresponding consent. For Chromium, unpack the file aguide-0.1.xpi into a folder. In Chromium, go to "Extensions" > "Manage Extensions" and activate the developer mode there. Then select the previously created folder using "Load unpacked extension".

The extension automatically recognises files that have a .guide file name extension or begin with the '@database' sequence. AmigaGuide documents downloaded from the internet are automatically rendered in the browser. Viewing local files is also supported by starting the AGuide Viewer by clicking on the AGV icon in the browser toolbar. The user interface is similar to that of AmigaGuide or MultiView.

As Firefox blocks direct links to local files in the extension, the author recommends opening such a link in an AmigaGuide document by using the right mouse button and "Link in new tab".

The author plans to submit future versions to the Chrome Store for signing, which will simplify installation on Chrome/Chromium. Since Mozilla's signing process is somewhat simpler and it is the author's preferred browser, he had focused on it with the first version of the AGuide Viewer. (dr)

[News message: 18. May. 2023, 06:44] [Comments: 0]
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Preview videos: Temptations port for CD32
The developer 'S0Y' is working on his CD32 port of Temptations, the platform game originally released for MSX-1 in 1988 ( reported) and now has published two further preview videos showing the complete third and first sequences of the fourth level. (dr)

[News message: 18. May. 2023, 05:50] [Comments: 0]
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Video player: Amos Anim Player V2023.05.16
The "Amos Anim Player" of the group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" is a very simple IFF-ANIM player that runs on any Amiga. It can play compressed IFF-Anim formats synchronised with a separate IFF Audio Sample (or MOD). Not much RAM is needed, as the anim frames and audio are streamed directly from the hard disk. If there is enough RAM, the sound is streamed directly from RAM.

The Amos Video Player, also provided by the "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP", uses its own file format. The conversion takes a long time and only works on WinUAE with acceptable speed. The "Amos Anim Player", on the other hand, uses the standard IFF animation format, which is much easier to convert and can be used on real hardware.

The AMOS source code is included and can be used freely. Feedback on usability on faster computers is welcome. (dr)

[News message: 17. May. 2023, 21:30] [Comments: 0]
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17.May.2023 (forum)

AmigaOS 4: Survey results regarding usage of PowerPC emulation
Hans de Ruiter has now evaluated his recently started survey about the usage of AmigaOS 4 on a PowerPC emulator. According to this, almost 55 % of the 447 participants use real hardware and a good fifth exclusively emulation. At the title link more details can be found. (snx)

[News message: 17. May. 2023, 13:13] [Comments: 0]
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Reverse Engineering: Speedball 2
In terms of games (software), reverse engineering is the process of analysing the code and content of the game to understand how it works. A GitHub page provides software tips and learning materials for interested developers. In this case, Simon Frankau has taken on the Amiga classic Speedball 2.

Based on his previous analysis of the Sega Megadrive version, he used the reverse engineering tool Ghidra for the disassembly. Below, he described to us how he followed the boot process to obtain a memory image:
  • Disassemble the boot block (first couple of sectors of the ADF) to find how it loads the second-level loader. The boot block uses ROM routines, so I had to learn about how to call the OS from assembly.
  • Once I knew where the second-level loader was in the disk image, I could disassemble that. This loads the main binary. The second-level loader has its own disk routines, so I got to learn about the sector encoding of Amiga disks (with MFM) and the blitter.
  • From there, I learnt where the main binary was, and could extract it from the ADF. It's compressed, so I reversed the compressor and wrote my own implementation to decompress the binary.
  • At this point, I had a memory image representing the game after loading and decompressing. I loaded it into Ghidra and worked through it, understanding it and giving names to all the functions and variables, and adding comments.
  • I also built tools to extract and the graphics and sounds and make them accessible.
As he goes on to describe, the copy protection (although the game has been cracked) uses Rob Northen's Copylock, a kind of trace vector decoder. To undo this, I used FS-UAE's debugger to track what it was doing.

Overall, this project would have helped him immensely to learn a lot about the Amiga, as the game makes good use of the hardware:
  • It uses the copper for scrolling and palette management.
  • It uses the blitter to render sprites and do disk decoding.
  • It uses the sound hardware and vertical blanking interrupt for a mod-player-like sliced player.
  • It uses the CIA and other i/o for keyboard and joystick.
  • Some graphics resources were embedded IFFs, so I learnt about them.
The code would have been pretty good, in his opinion - he could usually figure out what the developers were up to, even though there were no symbols or comments, and he discovered few bugs. He found it amusing that the copy protection routine, despite its complexity, only changes three memory locations.

Despite the hardware differences, the code is very similar to the Megadrive version, which would a) show how easy it is to port it to 68000 platforms and b) make decoding the Amiga version easier.

The binary would contain a few pieces of dead code, such as a team-selection menu, but unlike the Megadrive version there are not cheat codes.

The AI was pretty simple, given how well it plays! The AI doesn't cheat: it interacts with the rest of the game by writing to the variables that would otherwise be written to by the joystick routine for a two player game. (dr)

[News message: 17. May. 2023, 06:05] [Comments: 0]
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Platformer: Tech Demo "Space Cavern Blaster" v0.13
As entry to the Retro Platform Jam #6, 'dotmos' has released a cross-system platformer for Amiga 500, Atari ST, C64, DOS and Sega Megadrive as a proof of concept ( reported, YouTube video). Version 0.13 now provides support for joysticks. (dr)

[News message: 17. May. 2023, 05:53] [Comments: 0]
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Space Invaders clone: Skinvaders
Space Invaders is a 1978 shoot'em up originally programmed by Tomohiro Nishikado and distributed by Taito. The group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" - among others, the mini-game None of Us - has now published a simple variant written in AMOS, whose graphics can be exchanged in the enclosed source code independently of the programme code. The background and the enemy images can have a maximum of eight colours, but must in any case have the same colour depth. (dr)

[News message: 17. May. 2023, 05:25] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: Amiga C/C++ Visual Studio Code Extension 1.7.2
Bartman', member of the demo group 'Abyss', provides with 'amiga-debug' a 'Visual Studio Code' extension for "compiling, debugging and profiling Amiga C/C++ programs compiled by the bundled gcc 13.1 with the bundled WinUAE/FS-UAE and GDB." (YouTube video). Today version 1.7.2 has been released. Changes:
  • NEW: update gcc to 13.1.0, binutils, GNU gdb (GDB)
  • CHG: replaced MicroKnight debug font with Topaz

[News message: 16. May. 2023, 19:16] [Comments: 0]
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Frank von LogicalByte (ANF)

Strategy game: "Virtual Enemies" in development
LogicalByte, the developer of the logic game Connect, yesterday introduced the next game for the Amiga 500 (and higher). The title is "Virtual Enemies".

The player lives in an alternative timeline in the 80s. The earth is already suffering enormously from the severe climate changes caused by the unchecked overexploitation of the last decades. States and their rulers have become irrelevant. Large corporations, which have control over all important raw materials, are the true rulers. On their orders, entire armies of hackers embark on an electronic war of information gathering and sabotage. The player is one of them, a novice, a noob who has yet to find his place.

So the player's central task is to penetrate foreign computer networks. He does this with his computer, which can be upgraded by money received. Software tools have to be written, improved and expanded in order to complete the tasks even more efficiently. Those who now inevitably think of Hacknet or Uplink can rest assured: it is not a clone that copies the game principle, but has its own sophisticated game mechanics.

The game can be played alone or, if the Amiga is connected to the Internet, together with other players. Some missions are so complex, difficult and thus glorious that they can only be completed together. A ranking list brings the possibility of worldwide comparison. We are aware that cooperative playing is only fun if fellow players are available. Therefore clients for Windows, Linux and Mac will be available shortly after the Amiga release (probably end of 2024). This should generate a player reach that the Amiga has not seen for a long time.

The first prototype will be playable at Amiga38 in October. (dr)

[News message: 16. May. 2023, 05:27] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 5.3 (update)
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 5.2 of his web browser Wayfarer for MorphOS 3.18 which is required. This version fixes high CPU load with, updates easylist adblock data and introduces a user script to remove some youtube gradients (changes).

To install the user script, open User Scripts from the Debug menu. Hit Import and load the Scripts/yt-no-gradients.json file from Wayfarer's directory. Select the script, make sure Enabled is checked (it'll be off by default) and hit Apply.

Update: (18.05.2023, 05:19, dr)

Meanwhile, version 5.3 is available which fixes handling of local files, adds a workaround for a NetStack bug in MorphOS 3.14-3.18 and includes updated cURL and sqlite.

Download: wayfarer.lha (29 MB) (dr)

[News message: 16. May. 2023, 04:57] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Tillmann (Mail)

Event: Information on the Amiga38
Markus Tillmann wrote: Yesterday, Sunday 14 May 2023, ticket sales started shortly after 8pm with a few minutes delay ( reported).

Amiga38 is expected to be the biggest worldwide again this year - despite several old and new Amiga events - welcoming guests and visitors from all over the world.

The visitors can look forward to three main topics that will be in the foreground during the one and a half days: on the one hand, we want to pay tribute to the legendary and insanely active demoscene and have a few more musical and informal contributions for this in addition to the demo contest brought to life by the Apollo team ( reported).

Our second main topic will be AmigaOS and its current development team: who is actually behind the development of AmigaOS3.2? Part of the team will be represented with their own stand at Amiga38 and will be available to answer questions. Camilla Boemann will travel from Denmark and will also give a stage presentation on behalf of the team.

Furthermore, we also want to give Commodore's console, the Amiga CD32, more attention, especially since it celebrates its 30th birthday this year. A beacon of hope or stillborn? What was the plan behind the console? What would have happened if Commodore had been more liquid at the time of its release? These and other questions will also be addressed in October - we were able to win Beth Richard from the USA as a special guest of honour. Beth Richard worked as an engineer at Commodore from 1991 until she left in April 1994.

She was the designer of the Grace chip and the CDTV-CR that used it; the MPEG-4000 that was the prototype for the CD32 FMV cartridge, one of the three designers of the Akiko chip in the CD32 and the lead designer of the CD1200 prototype.

Other well-known names who have already confirmed their participation include Petro Tyschtschenko, who celebrated his 80th birthday in April, David Pleasance and Dave Haynie.

For Amiga38, in addition to the day tickets at 27.50 euros, appropriately named "Pass A38", there are of course again day tickets including table (for 40 euros), as well as tickets for the pre-opening and get-together on Friday evening (after the exhibitors have set up, a first tour is possible, plus snacks and drinks from 8 pm, as well as a stage programme including a Reshoot Proxima release party) at 59 euros.

In addition, there are some ticket combinations with discounts, as well as free tickets for children and young people up to and including 16 years of age. As experience shows that some categories will sell out quickly, it makes sense to secure your ticket in good time.

Questions about the tickets or other topics concerning the Amiga38 can be sent by email. (dr)

[News message: 15. May. 2023, 05:47] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: All Amiga Joker articles online (German)
Already since the beginning of the year, all original issues of German print magazine Amiga Joker are available as PDF files at Amiga Future homepage ( reported). Now also all articles have been added to the database at the title link. (snx)

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 20:02] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Pixel art using Brilliance II
In December 2021, graphic and game designer Kevin Saunders had published a video tutorial for the graphics programme Brilliance II. As he reports in his latest Patreon blog entry, he was recently asked for advice on creating pixel art on the Amiga. Under the title link he now shows how he creates a copy of an image on the Amiga with Brilliance II. (dr)

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 14:26] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 13.05.2023
The following files have been added until 13.05.2023 to Aminet:
msInternetStatus.lha     comm/net   38K   68k Internet status monitor (+src)
shellcolors.lha          dev/c      11K   68k code colored text lines in C
less-mos.lha             dev/gg     599K  MOS Viewer program similar to "more"
HollywoodCompile-AROS... dev/hwood  1.5M  x86 compile HW scripts on many pl...
HollywoodCompile-MOS.lha dev/hwood  1.5M  MOS compile HW scripts on many pl...
HollywoodCompile-OS3.lha dev/hwood  1.3M  68k compile HW scripts on many pl...
HollywoodCompile-OS4.lha dev/hwood  1.8M  OS4 compile HW scripts on many pl...
bwbasic320c.lha          dev/lang   3.0M  68k ByWater BASIC Interpreter v3.20c
bwbasic322_OS4.lha       dev/lang   944K  OS4 OS 4 ByWater BASIC Interprete...
iBASIC_beta2.lha         dev/lang   260K  68k very basic BASIC Interpreter ...
REDPILLGameCreator.lha   dev/misc   3.3M  68k Game Creator with AGA support
SMB2-GUI_AROS.lha        disk/misc  1.6M  x86 A GUI to create SMB2 dosdrivers
SMB2-GUI_OS3.lha         disk/misc  1.3M  68k A GUI to create SMB2 dosdrivers
SMB2-GUI_OS4.lha         disk/misc  1.8M  OS4 A GUI to create SMB2 dosdrivers
TankMouse.lha            driver/inp 14K   68k Scroll-wheel driver for TankM...
Mattonite.lha            game/actio 974K  68k Arkanoid like PAL game almost...
TunnelsAndTrolls.lha     game/role  18M   68k Implementation of Tunnels & T...
RNORadio.lha             mus/play   2.8M  MOS Internet radio player
SPlay.lha                mus/play   46K   68k A quick 8SVX/ADPCM SamplePlay...
MagicWB800x600x8-Set3... pix/back   304K      Set 3 of 800x600 8 Colour MWB...
pgs30a.lha               text/dtp   652K  68k PageStream 3.0a Patches
ps3b01.lha               text/dtp   771K  68k PageStream 3.0 to 3.0b Patch ...
ps3b3.lha                text/dtp   153K  68k PageStream 3.0b Patch 3 of 4
ps3ba1.lha               text/dtp   669K  68k PageStream 3.0a to 3.0b Patch...
ps3btu.lha               text/dtp   35K   68k PageStream 3.0b Tune Up
ps3c.lha                 text/dtp   626K  68k PageStream 3.0c Free Update
ps3d.lha                 text/dtp   709K  68k PageStream 3.0d Free Update
psfont.lha               text/dtp   13K   68k PageStream 3 Font Engine 3.0b...
avalanche.lha            util/arc   109K  AOS ReAction unarchive GUI for xf...
avalanche_de.lha         util/arc   8K        German catalog for Avalanche 2.2
avalanche_guide_de.lha   util/arc   8K        German translation of Avalanc...
RandomBackdrop.lha       util/boot  44K   68k Up to 255 random backdrops wi...
WarpPNGdt.lha            util/dtype 159K  ALL PNG image datatype V45.27
ADiffView.lha            util/misc  134K  68k Graphical ASCII file compare/...
LilCalendar.lha          util/time  3.4M  68k Versatile calender and remind...

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 13.05.2023
The following files have been added until 13.05.2023 to OS4Depot:
warppngdt.lha            dat/ima 159kb 4.0 PNG image datatype V45.27
bwbasic.lha              dev/lan 944kb 4.0 The Bywater BASIC Interpreter
hollywoodcompile.lha     dev/mis 2Mb   4.0 Compile HW scripts on many platf...
mednafen.lha             emu/gam 12Mb  4.1 Mednafen Emulator
fallout-ce.lha           gam/rol 4Mb   4.1 Fallout Community Edition port f...
smb2-gui.lha             net/sam 2Mb   4.0 A GUI to create SMB2 dosdrivers
lilcalendar.lha          off/mis 2Mb   4.0 Versatile calendar and reminder ...
avalanche.lha            uti/arc 109kb 4.1 Simple ReAction GUI for xadmaster
avalanche_ita.lha        uti/arc 7kb   4.0 Italian translation for Avalanche

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 13.05.2023
The following files have been added until 13.05.2023 to AROS Archives:
hollywoodcompile-aros.lha    dev/uti 2Mb   compile HW scripts on many platf...         gam/pla 1Mb   multi-platform puzzler by Retroguru
icon_game_38x38.lha          gra/ico 373kb icon game 38x38 Laptop Desktop
smb2-gui.i386-aros.lha       net/sam 2Mb   A GUI to create SMB2 dosdrivers
lilcalendar.i386-aros.lha    uti/wor 3Mb   Calender scheduling and reminder...

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 13.05.2023
The following files have been added until 13.05.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
RNORadio_1.4.lha          Audio/Players             RNORadio is a GUI based...
Less_633.lha              Development/GeekGadgets   A paginator similar to ...
MorphOS-SDK_3.18-20230... Development/SDK           MorphOS Software Develo...
LHArchiver_1.9.lha        Files/Archive             Create lha archives int...
Woof!_11.0.0.lha          Games/Shoot3D             Woof! is a continuation...
LilCalendar_2.4.lha       Office/Organizer          Versatile calender and ...
WarpPNGdt_45.27.lha       System/Datatypes          PNG image datatype V45.22

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 13.05.2023
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 13.05.2023:
  • 2023-05-13 improved: Dark Castle (Three-Sixty) another version supported (Info)
  • 2023-05-07 improved: Escape from Colditz (Digital Magic Software) graphics for Polish flags in game fixed (Info)

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

AmigaRemix: Further files added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news-item, the following mp3 files have been added:
  • Desert Dawn
  • Details Wizball - Drabness to Splendour

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (website)

MorphOS: Software Development Kit 3.18
Together with MorphOS 3.18 also the corresponding version of the software development kit has been published. It updates system headers as well as various GG components. (snx)

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:59] [Comments: 0]
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Video: The History of Cursor Keys
In this video, the YouTube channel "The 8-Bit Guy" takes a look at the history of the cursor keys, which nowadays are mostly arranged in the shape of an inverted "T": The index, middle and ring fingers can remain on the keyboard and the middle finger can easily switch between the up and down keys.

Digital Equipment Corporation developed the LK201 keyboard in 1982 because they found that left, right, and down were the most frequently used keys. That is the de facto standard today, but that was not always the case. For example, the Apple Lisa and the original Macintosh had no cursor keys at all because Steve Jobs wanted to encourage developers and users to use the mouse.

The "diamond arrangement" would have given the Amiga 1000 an idiosyncratic layout: the cursor keys are shaped like a diamond, with the left and right keys so close together that you can't just use your middle finger to switch up and down between the keys. However, with the introduction of the Amiga 500 and 2000, they switched to the inverted T style that we all use today. So the Amiga 1000 is the only Amiga that had such cursors. (dr)

[News message: 14. May. 2023, 06:01] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: Graphical user-interface iGame 2.4.0
iGame is a MUI-based frontend for starting WHDLoad games ( reported). George 'walkero' Sokianos has released version 2.4.0 for AmigaOS 2.04 and higher, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS.
As the author explained in his latest blog entry on ko-fi, he is introducing "" with this version: a media file that stores information about the title, the year of release and the number of players for the respective game, among other things. This should make it possible to automatically categorise one's own collection of WHDLoad games. The MUI classes NList and NListviews are required. The changes in the overview:

  • Added back the saving of the list after a scan of the repositories, which was removed in the previous releases
  • Introduced the new files
  • iGame uses NList now with extra columns that are sortable
  • Added "Prefer" checkbox in preferences that let the user to set if the title is going to retrieved from the files or from the slave file or the folder name, like it used to work. This doesn't have any effect on non-WHDLoad items.
  • Fixed the status messages which was stack with saving list message and didn't show the number of games again.
  • Now the MUI changes are loaded from envarc. With MUI v5 balance size and list columns are saved there and restored the next time iGame is started
Direct Download: iGame-v2.4.0-20230513.lha (427 Kb) (dr)

[News message: 13. May. 2023, 21:36] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: E-Mail client Iris 1.14
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 1.14 of his email programme Iris for MorphOS. The changes include the new "Autosave Emails" feature which will save messages as you write them and restore them in case Iris or another app have crashed. The new Iris version is already included in MorphOS 3.18, which was released today.
Download: iris.lha (21 MB) (dr)

[News message: 13. May. 2023, 20:11] [Comments: 0]
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Operating system: MorphOS 3.18 released
Press release: The MorphOS development team is proud to announce the public release of MorphOS 3.18! This new release includes several new applications such as Hex - a scriptable file/RAM/disk hex editor, ArchiveIt - a ZIP archiver/unarchiver application and Thermals - an app displaying thermal and fan information and graphs.

In addition, MorphOS 3.18 supports Samba 2 and 3 network share browsing and mounting in the Ambient desktop.

Radeon drivers have been updated to better support dual monitors, more graphics card models and 3D, including updated TinyGL library and drivers. We have also improved Realtek 8168 ethernet drivers with support for more card variants and enhanced networking stability on PCI express systems like PowerMac G5 11,2. USB input device connectivity issues on supported CyrusPlus 5040 systems have been corrected.

Many other system components and libraries have also been bugfixed and improved, including MUI, Netstack, Filesysbox. For a more extensive overview of the changes included in MorphOS 3.18, please read our Release Notes:

Release 3.18 boot.img Changes
  • Quark
    • Fixed detection of some MacOF Bios R500/X19xx PCIe cards on PMac11, G5 machines
  • Battery
    • Workarounds to battery sensor never setting any values and not updating AC state with badly broken batteries
  • Dos
    • Avoid dereferencing a random pointer when unmounting file systems
  • I2C
    • I2CLockBus: Only set mode after locking the semaphore
  • Intuition
    • OpenScreen: only enable layer manager on composited screens
    • WindowToFront: fixed to deiconify hidden windows
    • Fixed a zero page read in menu code
  • Mount
    • Allocate more memory for SCSI Read Disc Information command data, since it appears that some buggy drive firmwares poke memory beyond the provided area
  • P50x0_eth
    • Memory alignment fixes
  • Symbios
    • Fixed buffer underruns when sending some SCSI commands
    • Don't attempt to send a read capacity (16) command to SCSI 2 devices or older
  • USB
    • EHCI register handling fixes
  • Poseidon
    • Worked around bugs in the USB controller in P50x0 CPUs which in return fixes some usability issues for keyboard/mouse devices on Cyrus P5040 with Poseidon's HID/HUB classes
  • Powerbook
    • PowerMac12,1 support (iMac) including fans, DFS and LCD brightness
    • Rewritten the PowerBook/iBook fan controller
    • PowerBook/iBook fan RPM is now exposed via sensors
  • RamDisk
    • Fixed ACTION_RENAME_OBJECT bug where renaming "directory" to "directory/" would result in the object being renamed to a random name rather than refusing the rename with ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE
  • SMU
    • Fixed a race condition that could lead to incorrect communications
  • Temperature
    • ADT7467: read the extended temperature register and all 3 temperature registers in a row, with some additional validation. Compute sensor states with higher accuracy that the extended register provides
    • Fixed to initialize object comment even if there are no poi_Keywords
Release 3.18 Disk Changes
  • Ambient
    • Integrated Networks FS
    • Unmount is now working for the same types of devices that Eject.sbar can unmount
    • Blacklisted TCP: in devices list to avoid accessing it by listers
  • Applications/FlowStudio
    • Compiler settings for GCC11 & 12
    • Fixed file compare mode
  • Applications/Hex [NEW]
    • Hex editor with large file, disk and memory viewing and editing support. Supports annotations and lua scripting including several examples.
  • Applications/Iris
    • Updated to 1.14, see for more information
  • Applications/Jukebox
    • Fixed an infinite loop on last playlist track
  • Applications/MagicBeacon
    • Updated to support smb2fs, netfs and various devices
    • Added bubble skin icon support
  • Applications/RDesktop
    • Fixed bootdevice path
  • Applications/RegTool
    • Bugfixes
  • Applications/ShowCase
    • Updated to work with new TinyGL
  • Applications/Synergy
    • Added bounds checks to clipboard code
    • Save settings on connect request
  • Applications/VPDF
    • Updated to libpoppler 23.05.0
    • Implemented Postscript booklet printing
    • Use PDF document's title in postscript output title if available
    • Added active page button in printer window to select active page from the view
    • Fixed a bogus memset call
  • Applications/Wayfarer
    • Updated to 5.1, see for more information
  • C/Getramdebuglog
    • Improved memory management
    • Increased polling frequency and improved output latency in poll mode
  • C/Info
    • Added SMB2FS DosType
  • Classes/Blankers
    • Updated to work with new TinyGL
  • Classes/Frameworks/MUI
    • Unicode handling fixes Boopsi object wrapper fixed to handle MCCs and to use objc_lookupClass instead of getClass to avoid calling abort() on unknown classes MUIFloattext: inherit from Area directly since Floattext isn't meant to be used as a list
    • Directory selection: use fr_File if fr_Directory is empty
    • Listtree issues workarounds and fixes
    • Added Listtree multiselection support
    • Switched to UCS2 internally to avoid issues with UTF16 surrogates
  • Classes/Frameworks/OB
    • Made it possible to run objc code on Slave.mui owned threads
    • objc_lookupClass() fixed to call the right library function
    • Fixed a memtrash in [OBString -hasPrefix]
    • Fixed creation of relative URLs to retain base URLs port in OBURL
    • Minor fixes in file:// handling in OBURL
    • Added OBArexxServer
    • Path string functions deal better with empty strings now
    • Fixed edge cases in [OBString -absolutePath]
    • Added support for many of clang's ObjC2.0 literals
    • Switched to UCS2 internally to avoid issues with UTF16 surrogates
    • Fixed OBArexxPort constructor to handle delegate correctly
  • Classes/MUI/Calendar
    • Reworked the entire look and feel of the calendar
    • Added calendar preferences class
    • Added timeline support, images and colour markings
    • Now fully supports locales calendar type
    • Added calendar.library support to deal with event storage
    • Many internal fixes and changes
  • Classes/MUI/Chart
    • Fixed Chart_ReplaceInGroup to replace the correct amount of data
    • Fixed to display 0 as 0
  • Classes/MUI/Hex [NEW]
    • Hex editor class with support for large files, memory and virtual data viewing and editing
  • Classes/MUI/Keyframe [NEW]
    • User interface for keyframe.library
  • Classes/MUI/Piano
    • Disabled unconditional debug
  • Classes/MUI/Powerterm
    • MUIA_PowerTerm_Scroller now isg
  • Classes/MUI/Scintilla
    • Font handling fixes
  • Classes/Reggae/
    • Fixed MMA_Http_PostData_Charset handling
    • Fixed not to send POST data in clear for HTTPS connections
  • Classes/Screenbar/Eject
    • smb2fs and netfs handling
  • Classes/Screenbar/Grabber
    • Fixed a lockup when using cursor keys to scroll a full screen grab
    • Audio sample is now configurable
  • Classes/Screenbar/Thermal
    • Clicking on sbar opens up Thermals application on supported systems
  • Classes/Usb/CamdUSBMidi
    • Implemented reception of System Exclusive messages
    • Fixed System Exclusive transmission
    • Support for multiport MIDI interface up to 16 MIDI ports
  • Devs/Monitors/Radeon
    • Fixed a texture format setup issue for R200 cards
    • Fixed R(V)5xx dual head setup issues
    • Fixed fan control for some of the MacOF X19xx cards
    • Fixed graphics refresh issues after disabling output on the second head
    • Added a digital link mirror mode for some dualhead R3xx/R4xx/R5x setups, enabled via new tooltype MIRRORMODE=(YES|NO)
    • Auto detect AverMediaHD/CP513 capture cards to automatically enable mirror mode on the connected output
    • Fixed dualhead/multimonitor setup for MacBIOS X19xx/R5xx cards which don't use AtomBIOS
    • Fixed missing memory & engine clock info for MacBIOS X19xx/R5xx cards
    • Use separate LUTs for dualhead R5xx setups to avoid problems with mixed palette/truecolour display
    • Improved adjustment of hardware cursor to limited horizontal autoscroll capabilities of R5xx cards
    • Added more FireMV cards from the supported Radeon family pool, namely FireMV 2200 (devid 0x5b65), FireMV 2250 (0x719b) and FireMV 2260 (0x95cf), also added another X1600 Pro card (0x71c3)
    • Fixed a few Radeon device names based on latest pci.ids list
  • Devs/Monitors/Voodoo
    • Disabled unconditional debug
  • Devs/Networks/Rtl8168
    • Fixed lockup issues with TP-Link 3468
    • Improved Renkforce RTL 8168 support
    • Fixes in Netstack callback handling
    • Disabled unconditional debug
    • Disabled padding of packets
  • L/Inet
    • Implemented a separate handler process. Allows TCP: to respond to packets while waiting for network calls to complete
  • L/NetworksFS [NEW]
    • Samba browser with the ability to auto-mount shares on system start and an Ambient integration
  • L/Smb2FS [NEW]
    • SMB2/SMB3 capable filesystem based on filesysbox and libsmb2
  • L/TrashFS
    • Fixed broken paths
  • Libs/Amigaguide
    • OpenAmigaGuideAsyncA: fixed attrs to be read from D0 register
  • Libs/Bugreport
    • Send bugreports over HTTPS POST
  • Libs/Calendar [NEW]
    • Library to provide common date related features as well as support for entire calendar databases, which can be visualised by the updated Calendar.mcc.
  • Libs/Expat
    • Cherrypicked fixes for CVE-2022-40674 and other bugs
  • Libs/Filesysbox
    • Fixed to report the correct dostype
    • Cap id_NumBlocks and id_NumBlocksUsed values to avoid returning wrapped values for applications using the old info/diskinfo API
    • Limit remote statfs calls to once per 5 minutes to reduce latency
    • Reworked the path charset conversion routines to go through an intermediate UTF16 conversion step. All characters that are non-printable in the system charset are converted into the \xHEXA form where HEXA is the 2 UTF16 bytes represented in hex
  • Libs/Fontconfig
    • Added a fallback requester when a scan is performed by 3rd party app that doesn't display scanning information on its own
    • Fixes in font scanning callback handler
  • Libs/Freeglut [NEW]
    • The OpenGL Utility Toolkit library.
  • Libs/Freetype
    • Updated to FreeType 2.12.1
    • Fixed uninitialised variables
  • Libs/Ixemul
    • fstat(): Fixed incorrect local time to UTC conversion
    • Uses ptr ^ 0xdbdbdbdb as stack usage cookie
    • wait()/waitpid(): Fixed a zero page reads if child process has already terminated
    • readdir(): Improved to return d_type of DT_LNK for softlinks
  • Libs/Keyframe [NEW]
    • Keyframe.mcc support library. Keyframe interpolator.
  • Libs/Locale
    • Updated the timezone database to 2023c
    • Fixed rounding issues in string formatting functions
    • Fixed buffer underrun when converting between codesets in OpenCatalog
    • Disabled %j in UTF4_FormatClockDate
  • Libs/OpenSSL3
    • Updated to OpenSSL 3.1.0
    • Added workaround to avoid crashing applications that fail to process Ambient startup message properly
  • Libs/Pixman
    • Updated to libpixman 0.42.2
  • Libs/PowerPC
    • Fixed cache flushing
  • Libs/PPD
    • Fixed epsmpGetTime and buffer overflows
  • Libs/Spellchecker
    • Upgraded hunspell to 1.7.2
  • Libs/Sqlite
    • Fixed to not leak Forbid() if out of memory
    • Fixed CVE-2022-35737
  • Libs/TinyGL
    • Updated to use latest improvements based on the TinyGL bounty, check for details
  • Libs/VGraphics
    • Fixed a crash if CTRL-C signal was received while executing the library code
  • Libs/Xadmaster
    • Added minimal support for newer ZIP headers with some fields being 64-bit
  • Libs/Z
    • Fixed CVE-2022-37434
  • Libs/Zip [NEW]
    • Allows creating and extracting ZIP archives in modern formats, including large file sizes and encryption
  • MUI
    • Fixed MUIA_Pendisplay_ARGB to work with a penspec using pen numbers
    • MUIC_Window: Don't process menu hotkeys when MUIA_Window_NoMenus is set for a window
    • Unicode text fit fixes
    • Use flags msg field of MUIM_Menustrp_Popup to specify selection of an active item in the related popup menu
    • Popasl: fixed to handle UTF-8 if the popstring is Unicode
    • Ignore TCP: in ASL requesters' device list
    • Window resize fixes
    • Active item visibility fixes for very large popup menus
    • Improved debug output when failing MUI_NewObject
    • Added MUIM_Open/CloseCustomFont
    • Added MUIA_String_Editable, MUIA_String_Multiline
  • Net
    • Updated SSL root certificates
  • Network/Netstack
    • Increased the minimum preallocated amount of IORequests to avoid SanaII interface running out of packets during intense network I/O using TCP_NODELAY
  • Prefs/iMac [NEW]
    • Temperature controls for the iMac
  • Prefs/Laptop
    • Reworked temperature settings
  • Prefs/USB
    • Improved the force binding contextual menu behaviour on interfaces
    • Fixed an out of bounds memory access when device window is opened and main window is closed
    • UI and localization improvements
  • Prefs/Printers
    • UI improvements
  • Prefs/Time
    • Fixed a read from address 0
  • Utilities/Commodities/Expose
    • Fixed a race that caused the wrong window to be set active when switching to an application on another screen
    • Fixed a use-after-free resulting in Expose sometimes showing an empty window
    • Fixed not to open a window at all if no apps to display were found
    • Fixed a bogus read/crash if an iconified MUI app had no diskobject
    • Tweaked default settings
    • Don't allow iconifying Expose
  • Tools/HDConfig
    • Changed default system partition type for Sam460/CyrusPlus to SFS
  • Tools/IWizard
    • Changed default system partition type for Sam460/CyrusPlus to SFS
  • Utilities/ArchiveIt [NEW]
    • Archive creator and extractor application currently supporting ZIP archives.
  • Utilities/MidiLogger
    • Added support for SysEx message handling
  • Utilities/Thermals [NEW]
    • Thermals and fans monitoring utility for Apple PowerBook, iBook and iMac computers.
  • Utilities/VirtualMidiKeyboard
    • Added missing menu shortcuts
We strongly urge new users to carefully read our installation and troubleshooting guides before they attempt to install MorphOS for the first time. Existing users can upgrade via the familiar procedure but are encouraged to read the guides as well. MorphOS 3.18 is available for download in our files section. (dr)

[News message: 13. May. 2023, 16:17] [Comments: 1 - 13. May. 2023, 17:25]
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Mastodon client: Amidon 1.2
Dimitris 'MiDWaN' Panokostas, author of the Amiga emulator Amiberry, has released version 1.2 of his Mastodon client Amidon for AmigaOS 3 ( reported). This version fixes some bugs with anonymous browsing and adds support for the latest AmiSSL version. Failing to connect to some Mastodon servers due to certificate errors should be fixed now.

Download: (1,74 MB) (dr)

[News message: 13. May. 2023, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Videos on AROS ONE 2.0
At the end of March, version 2.0 of the AROS distribution "AROS One" x86 computers was released ( reported). AROS user James Mattson now presents the new version in two YouTube videos: AROS ONE 2.0 AWESOME NEW LOOK! and AROS ONE 2.0 Touring Some More!. (dr)

[News message: 13. May. 2023, 10:09] [Comments: 0]
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Pierre-Alexandre (Mail)

Lionheart Remake: Version 1.30 of Java port of Lionheart
Byron 3D Games Studio Byron 3D Games Studio has released version 1.3.0 of the Java version of the Amiga game Lionheart for Windows, Linux, macOS and Android ( reported). The changes:

  • New game menu
  • New game modes (Story, Training, Speedrun, Battle, Coop)
  • Local multiplayer (up to 4 players split screen)
  • Stage progress save and load
  • Alternative player attack gameplay with more trivial feeling
  • Start game without launcher with custom configuration
  • Automatic desktop resolution by default
  • Portuguese language
  • Italian language
  • Language automatically detected
  • Android left analog stick
  • Android Menu navigation with dpad and x button
  • Android UI overlay hidden when controller is connected
  • Android automatic screen ratio
  • Android 5 compatible
  • In game zoom-in zoom-out
  • Water flickering option
  • More cheats and access to all stages set
  • JAR signature
  • Filters performance improved and quality increased
  • Joystick 2 buttons mode working
  • Music on MacOS
  • Swamp Flower explode effect position incorrect
  • AncientTown executioner wall can be crossed with attack jump
  • AncientTown corrupted Veteran stage 6
  • Lava FloaterCube hit force too low
  • Airship road invalid on zoom
  • Airship catapult projectile missing respawn
  • Airship wall can be crossed on top of ground
  • Dragonfly monsters hit interrupts movement
  • Dragonfly Dragon fire time invalid
  • Dragonfly bullet destroyed on collide on bomb explode
  • Dragonfly Original stage duplicated Bomb location
  • Dragonfly boss invalid head
  • Tower Rotating length a little bit too short
  • Norka first boss body collision missing on attack
  • Norka second boss wrong collision and bullet hit
  • Stages and Boss not reloaded on respawn
  • Weird gameplay on player Hurt transition
  • RotatingPlatformControlled invalid behavior
  • Monsters falling on killed must be always updated
  • Bullet destroy on ground hit box not large enough
  • Movement clamped to zero when changing direction on jump
  • Android liana cut crash
  • Sfx audio bad rendering and latency on Linux
  • Antivirus detections on "Lionheart Remake.exe"
  • Memory leak on State changes

A new teaser video is also available on the game's homepage. (dr)

[News message: 13. May. 2023, 05:56] [Comments: 0]
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