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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)


Announcement: Tiny Bobble - a better 'Bubble Bobble' port
Tiny Bobble is done by the people who released Tiny Invaders und Tiny Galaga and is an attempt to create a port of the Arcade classic Bubble Bobble that is optimized for the Amiga 500 - instead of just porting the existing Atari ST version, as Firebird did with their commercial 1989 release.

'Tiny Bobble' is said to feature the following improvements over the original Amiga game:
  • 50 fps (instead of 25fps)
  • 32 colors (instead of 16)
  • 150 items (instead of 40?)
  • Original screen height of 224 pixel (was only 200 pixel)
  • Almost all sprite animations (had only ~20% of animations)
  • Progress Screen (was not available)
  • Animated Extend screen (was not animated)
  • Big Score images (was not available)
  • Single file (needed a disk)
  • Animated intro (no bubbles were available)
  • Animated Boss fight (was a still image)
  • Multiple endings (hand only one ending)
The release of Tiny Bobble is planned for this month. (cg)

[News message: 08. Aug. 2020, 22:10] [Comments: 0]
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Generation Amiga (Website)

Amiga emulator: Amiberry 3.2-beta1
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based boards (like the Raspberry Pi, ASUS Tinkerboard, Odroid XU4, etc) that also offers a few unique features developed only for Amiberry, such as the WHDLoad booter and support for RetroArch controller mapping. The changes in version 3.2-beta1 are listed in the Changelog. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 08. Aug. 2020, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Spray paint cans in the colors of classic computer models is selling spray paint cans matching the coloring of various classic computer models. So far, the colors "C64C", "Amiga 500" and "Atari ST/XE" are available, more options are said to follow. In a Blog post, the supplier of these cans explains his personal approach to spray painting old computer cases. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2020, 21:28] [Comments: 0]
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Generation Amiga (Webseite)

Commercial Workbench distribution: Amikit XE for Vampire
Version 11 ("XE") of the commercial Workbench distribution Amikit is now also available in a dedicated 'Vampire edition'. The distribution is described as "fully compatible with the Vampire V2 core". But since the V4 core is still in active development, the Amikit developer points out there might be the occasional "weird behaviour or crash" on that version of the Vampire.

As usual, Amikit customers have to retrieve Kickstart ROM images, Workbench disks or CDs and a copy of the 'Picasso96' RTG system separately. At 50 Euros, the Vampire edition of Amikit is 20 Euros more expensive that the traditional version for emulator users on Windows, Mac OS or Linux. A CF card with Amikit 'Vampire Edition' preinstalled is available for 80 Euros. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2020, 19:50] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas (E-Mail)

Elektronic music: Creating Jungle/Hardcore tracks using a A1200 (video)
British producer and label owner Pete Cannon started his career in the electronic music business by creating tracks using Octamed 4 on an Amiga 1200. In a detailed demonstration for the Youtube channel "Sound on Sound", he shows how to use his A1200 - freshly dug out from his parents' shed - to create a Jungle track. The one difference being he's no longer using low quality samples generated using his Amiga or loaded from disk, instead he's controlling professional sample equipment from back in the day using MIDI. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2020, 19:32] [Comments: 0]
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APC&TCP: Delays due to flooding
Andreas Magerl (APC&TCP, Amiga Future) is apparently hit by the floods that appeared in parts of southern Germany in the last few days. He points out that there will be delays in fulfilling orders and replying to inquiries in the next few days. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2020, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Mount disk images on Workbench: GoADF! 3.0
The Shareware (7 Euro) utility "GoADF!" mounts floppy disk images on Workbench. Changes in version 3.0:
  • from now GoADF can be localized with the locale.library, included catalogs:
    • italian (by Samir Hawamdeh)
    • spanish (by Ignacio Gully)
    • french (by Mickael 'BatteMan' Pernot)
    • greek (by Nikos Pagonis)
    • russian (by Mikhail Malyshev)
    • finnish (by Joona Palaste)
    • german (by Frank Brandis)
    • czech (by Predseda)
    • norwegian (by Kolbjorn Barmen)
    • danish (by Michael Englyst)
    • dutch (by Folkert de Gans)
    • polish (AmigaPL by Krzysztof Donat)
    • polish (ISO-8859-2, conversion from AmigaPL by Mandi)
  • new original device goadf.device included:
    • full support for 68000
    • HD ADFs now can be mounted
  • 4 virtual drives can be additional enabled
  • appwindow enabled (disk images can be dragged into GoADF window)
  • GoADF! can be minimalized
  • new module to create new (empty) disk images
  • requesters with asl.library (no reqtools needed)
  • support for RAD disk (images can be written to RAD: )
  • new configuration options, like 'Do not show splash at startup' and others
  • GUI and procedures fixes for NG systems
  • new icons
  • several bug-fixes
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2020, 15:50] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS celebrates 20 year anniversary
André Siegel from the MorphOS team reminds us in a announcement, that the PowerPC based clone of AmigaOS has been available to the public for 20 years now: on August 2nd, 2000, the team initiated public Betatests. At that time, the target hardware was still an Amiga 1200, 3000 or 4000 with a PowerPC expansion from Phase 5 - the 'Pegasos' was first mentioned in December 2000. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2020, 15:46] [Comments: 0]
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Generation Amiga (Webseite)

Amiga emulator for Mac OS: vAmiga 0.9.10
Dirk Hoffmann's 'vAmiga' is a new, "user friendly" (quoting the developer) Amiga emulator that emulates a A500, A1000 or A2000 computer. Changes since our last news item:
  • Added support for .zip and .gz files.
  • The VERTB interrupt fired one cycle too late (Pygmy Projects - Extension demo)
  • ECS Agnus failed if bitplane DMA was enabled in the middle of a raster line (Ghosttown - SushiBoyz).
  • Denise is emulated correctly now if both the HAM bit and the DPF bit are set.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused disk DMA to be switched on too early.
  • Fixed a bug in the TOD clock initialization code (Blast From The Past).
  • Registers JOY0DAT and JOY1DAT returned wrong values if no mouse was connected.
  • The CHK instruction didn’t work correctly with negative bounds.
  • Fixed the operand write order of the CLR instruction.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Copper to write into BPLxDAT.
  • Added support for the Ricoh real-time clock.
  • Added support for the ADZ and DMS file formats.
  • vAmiga can load some encrypted Cloanto Roms now (a rom.key file is required).
  • Fixed a bug which made it impossible to load snapshots if no default Rom was specified.
  • Fixed a timing issue affecting shift instructions in byte addressing mode.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed bitplane DMA to happen even if DDFSTRT was never hit.
  • Writes to pointer registers may be dropped if DMA is in progress (Plasma Force - New stuff).
(cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2020, 19:52] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Arcade game: Atarenium Falcon (demo)
In 'Atarenium Falcon' (Video) the player has to collect pieces of coal and other items lying around in the screen-sized levels and then head for the exit. The early demo version that has been made available now does not seem to feature any enemies other than the static meteorites that should be avoided. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2020, 19:33] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 01.08.2020
The following packages have been added to Aminet until 01.08.2020:
Crono_AROS.lha           biz/misc   6.8M  x86 Generator of printable calendars
Crono_MorphOS.lha        biz/misc   6.7M  MOS Generator of printable calendars
Crono_OS4.lha            biz/misc   7.4M  OS4 Generator of printable calendars
NoIDE13.lha              disk/misc  16K   68k Disable IDE interface on OS3....
FrenchCanadianKeymap.lha driver/inp 2K        Keymap for French Canadian ke...
F1GP2020Carset.lha       game/data  7K        2020 Carset for F1GP
MCE.lha                  game/edit  2.8M  68k Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-MOS.lha              game/edit  3.2M  MOS Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-OS4.lha              game/edit  3.3M  OS4 Multi-game Character Editor
EXULT_RTG.lha            game/role  49M   68k Amiga port of Ultima 7 (EXULT)
FreeSynd_RTG.lha         game/strat 3.4M  68k Amiga port of Syndicate (Free...
BackdPattGener.lha       gfx/edit   41K   68k Create your own backdrop patt...
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   4.3M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.7M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   4.8M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
DOSBox_RTG.lha           misc/emu   1.5M  68k Amiga port of DOSBox
Rambo4Theme.lha          mods/misc  34K       4ch Rambo 4 Theme by HKvalhe
MusicDesignStudio_1.0... mus/edit   37M   MOS Music designer / composer
AmigaAMP3.lha            mus/play   1.8M  OS4 Multi format audio player wit...
AmigaAMP3-68k.lha        mus/play   347K  68k MPEG audio player with GUI
RNOPublisher.lha         text/dtp   7.8M  MOS PDF creator
RNOPublisher_68k-RTG.lha text/dtp   7.2M  68k PDF creator
RNOPublisher_AROS.lha    text/dtp   4.3M  x86 PDF creator
RNOPublisher_OS4.lha     text/dtp   8.3M  OS4 PDF creator
RNOPublisher_WOS-RTG.lha text/dtp   7.5M  WOS PDF creator
aiostreams.lha           util/batch 263K  MOS Stream video from major onlin...
CopyMemAIO.lha           util/boot  2K    68k CopyMem which autoselects bes...
ltx-cb10.lha             util/boot  4K    68k CBoot v1.0 - Ultimate boot se...
NoMoreDiv0.lha           util/boot  2K    68k No more Division by Zero
ReportPlus.lha           util/misc  592K  68k Multipurpose utility
ReportPlusMOS.lha        util/misc  700K  MOS Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus-OS4.lha       util/misc  751K  OS4 Multipurpose utility
InstallerLG.src.lha      util/sys   1.5M      Commodore Installer replacement

[News message: 02. Aug. 2020, 08:32] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 01.08.2020
The following packages have been added to OS4Depot until 01.08.2020:
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 5Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
mce.lha                  gam/uti 3Mb   4.0 Multi-game Character Editor
crono.lha                gra/mis 7Mb   4.1 Generator of printable calendars
amicygnix-base.lha       net/mis 126Mb 4.1 An Unix/X11 environment for Amig...
amicygnix-base-src.lha   net/mis 18Mb  4.1 Sources of the AmiCygnix base pa...
amicygnix-tools.lha      net/mis 91Mb  4.1 Extension package for AmiCygnix,...
amicygnix-tools-src.lha  net/mis 3Mb   4.1 Sources of the AmiCygnix tools p...
amicygnix-x11-src.lha    net/mis 65Mb  4.1 Sources of the basic X11 system ...
rnopublisher.lha         off/dtp 8Mb   4.0 PDF creator
reportplus.lha           uti/mis 751kb 4.0 Multipurpose utility
aiostreams.lha           vid/mis 263kb 4.1 Stream video from major online p...

[News message: 02. Aug. 2020, 08:32] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives uploads until 01.08.2020
The following packages have been added to AROS-Archiven until 01.08.2020:     gam/act 10Mb  OpenGL top-down shooter. They ha...
crono_aros.lha               gra/mis 7Mb   Generator of printable calendars
rnopublisher.i386-aros.lha   off/dtp 4Mb   PDF creator
unrar-5.90.lha               uti/arc 2Mb   program for unpaking rar file

[News message: 02. Aug. 2020, 08:32] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 01.08.2020
The following packages for MorphOS, which operating system celebrated its 20th birthday yesterday, have been added to MorphOS-Storage until 01.08.2020:
AIOstreams_1.6.2.lha       Stream online video from major platforms
AmiArcadia_26.61.lha       A Signetics-based machines emulator.
Crono_2.0.lha              Generator of printable calendars
Iris_beta0.91.lha          New email client supports IMAP, SSL, email autoc...
MCE_12.01.lha              Multi-game Character Editor by James Jacobs.
MusicDesignStudio_1.0.lha  A program to create and mix up to 20 audio tracks
ReportPlus_7.91.lha        A Multipurpose utility by James Jacobs, MorphOS ...
RNOPublisher_1.0.lha       An easy-to-use PDF publishing program
Void-Feedback_8.lha        Void-Feedback_8.lha

[News message: 02. Aug. 2020, 08:31] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga V3.0b1 (15. Sep.)
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Print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 18 (09. Aug.)
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Debbie Harry portrait by Andy Warhol and picture files resurfaced (01. Aug.)
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