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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Print magazine: Issue 120 of Amiga Future readable online
The English issue 120 (May/June 2016) of the print magazine "Amiga Future" can be read online on its website. You can also purchase a pdf version with a higher resolution or a printed version in the shop. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Jul. 2020, 23:30] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Jump'n Run: "Fred's Journey" now also available as a Boxed Edition
Press release: APC&TCP is proud to release the new Amiga game Fred's Journey in a physical version for collectors. A digital copy is provided free of charge. After Trap Runner, Fred's Journey is Retroguru's second Amiga title released on APC&TCP.

About Fred's Journey:

Fred fondly remembers his past journeys on the Commodore 64. Deciding to relive his adventures he heads out again!

  • Runs on any OCS/ECS Amiga, with 1MB RAM from Kickstart 1.2 onwards
  • Written in 100% 68k Assembler
  • 50fps, soft parallax scrolling, more than 50 colours
  • Oldschool pixels
  • 20 levels
  • 7 chiptunes
  • Hidden cheats
  • Highscore

[News message: 13. Jul. 2020, 23:04] [Comments: 1 - 14. Jul. 2020, 14:49]
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Aminet-Uploads until 11.07.2020
The following archives have been added to Aminet until July 11th, 2020:
Amix530.lha              comm/amiex 998K  68k AmiExpress BBS system redevel...
F1GP2020Carset.lha       game/data  8K        2020 Carset for F1GP
AmiQuake_AGA.lha         game/shoot 231K  68k Amiga port of WinQuake v1.09
AmiQuake_RTG.lha         game/shoot 231K  68k Amiga port of WinQuake v1.09
AmiQuake2_AGA.lha        game/shoot 1.0M  68k Amiga port of Yamagi Quake II...
AmiQuake2_RTG.lha        game/shoot 1.0M  68k Amiga port of Yamagi Quake II...   game/shoot 20M       sourcecode for Psygnosis' Ago...
VideoEasel.lha           gfx/misc   1.8M  68k THE flexible Cellular Automaton
DOSBox_RTG.lha           misc/emu   2.0M  68k Amiga port of DOSBox v0.74
GrabPrefsPointer13.lha   util/cli   17K   68k Extracts WB1.3 Pointer images...
MMULib.lha               util/libs  723K  68k Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
ViNCEd.lha               util/shell 768K  68k the final CON: solution. ^Z, ...
InstallerLG.i386-aros... util/sys   113K  x86 Commodore Installer replacement
InstallerLG.ppc-morph... util/sys   145K  MOS Commodore Installer replacement
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2020, 05:26] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 11.07.2020
The following archive has been added to OS4Depot until July 11th, 2020:
mce.lha                  gam/uti 3Mb   4.0 Multi-game Character Editor
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2020, 05:26] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage-Uploads until 11.07.2020
The following archives have been added to MorphOS-Storage until July 11th, 2020:
InvidiousPlayer_1_1.lha    A little script to play videos from https://www....
MCC_BetterString_11.34...  BetterString custom class for MUI by BetterStrin...
MCC_NList_0.126.lha        NList custom classes for MUI by NList Open Sourc...
MCC_TextEditor_15.54.lha   TextEditor custom class for MUI by
MCC_TheBar_26.20.lha       Next Generation Toolbar MUI Custom Class by Alfo...
OpenSupaplex.lha           OpenSupaplex - reimplementation of Supaplex (Clo...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2020, 05:26] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaRemix: New songs added
AmigaRemix has made available new mixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games as MP3-files. Since our last news item, the following songs have been added:
  • Stormlord (Ingame Music)
  • Turrican II (The Final Fight)
  • Elvira - Garden Level (Metal Tribute)
  • Carrier Command (2020 Edit)
  • Christmas at the Mall
  • Christmas Heartland
  • Speedweeder
  • Xmas Carol In The Nude
  • Guitar Slinger Plus
  • Apprentice Title (Dream Dancer)
  • Cyberpunks World 1
  • Occ-San-Geen
  • Turrican 2 - The Great Bath (Piano Live)
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2020, 05:26] [Comments: 0]
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12.Jul.2020 (Webseite)

AmigaKit: 8MB memory expansion for the Amiga 1200, version 1.5
The "8MB Fast RAM Memory Expansion (FPU Upgradable)" for the Amiga 1200 provided by AmigaKit was reworked. By version 1.5 the second production run was started featuring a reduced size of the card.

  • 8 MB 32-bit Fast RAM to boost total system memory to 10 MB
  • Memory auto configures with no drivers required
  • Second clockport header to give computer more expandability
  • Floating Point Unit socket accepting optional 68882 PLCC FPU up to 40 MHz
  • Memory can be configured to 4 MB, 5.5 MB or 8 MB Fast RAM using on-board jumpers
  • PCMCIA compatible in 4 MB or 5.5 MB mode
    (5.5 MB PCMCIA compatiblity mode requires downloadable software patch added to startup-sequence)
  • Header for optional Real Time Clock module: available installed at special price
  • New version 1.5 design (July 2020)
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2020, 05:26] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Developer tool: vlink 0.16e
Frank Wille has updated his portable linker vlink featuring the following changes:
  • Changing the address within an output section in a linker script didn't work correctly when the destination memory region (load-address) differs from the relocation memory region (execution-address).
  • Data commands in linker scripts didn't work when there was nothing else in the output section.
  • Fixed a segfault when a linker script moves the address counter backwards inside an output section.
  • Fixed uninitialized pointer when loading input files via a linker-script INPUT command.
  • New linker-script command: RESERVE(n) to reserve n bytes of memory and fill it with the current FILL value.
  • FILL-pattern should always be written in big-endian.
  • Replaced FILL command by FILL8 and FILL16.
  • New option -mall to merge everything into a single output section.
  • Weak symbols must only be resolved in executables.
  • (rawbin) Motorola S-Records: Fixed start address in S8 and S9 trailer.
  • (vobj) Fixed reference to a defined weak symbol in an object.
  • (elf) Fixed reference to a defined weak symbol in an object.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Jul. 2020, 22:47] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Preview video: Bubble Story
"New Bubble Story" (video) is a clone of the Accolade classic Bubble Ghost. The game is supposed to be run on an A500 and among others offers two different worlds each consisting of 16 levels. The game is to be released in 2021. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2020, 23:57] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: ignition 1.08
Achim Pankalla has added further features to the AmigaOS 4 version of Axel Dörflers' open source spreadsheet sofware "ignition".

  • Reworked gtdrag.library
  • ignition can be started multiple times now
  • Error corrections in many settings dialogs
  • Reworked font and font attribute handling
  • Fixed bug in cell handling
  • Visual feedback for the toolbar buttons
  • Consistent keyboard control, and shortcuts
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2020, 21:16] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (ANF)

Hollywood Designer 5.0 manual online available
Press release: Airsoft Softwair has just released the manual for the brand-new Hollywood Designer 5.0. Hollywood Designer 5.0 is a multimedia authoring system that runs on top of Hollywood and can be used to create all sorts of multimedia-based applications, for example presentations, slide shows, games, and applications. After 8 years of development, version 5.0 was released a few weeks ago.

The full manual of Hollywood Designer 5.0 is now available for everybody to read on the official Hollywood portal in both HTML and PDF versions. Both documents contain lots of screenshots to illustrate the use of Hollywood Designer 5.0 better. It also contains a detailed changelog of what has changed between Designer 4.0 (2012) and Designer 5.0 (2020).

Finally, the full manual of Hollywood Designer 5.0 is also available in German now thanks to the incredible translation efforts by Dominic Widmer and Helmut Haake. Besides HTML and PDF versions there is also a zip archive you can download which contains the manual as an AmigaGuide document that can be used as a drop-in replacement so that Hollywood Designer's live help system is in German too. The German version is available in the German section of the official Hollywood portal. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2020, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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Assembler source codes for Psygnosis' shooter 'Agony' released
According to the developer Yves Grolet on Facebook, with the help of a third party he has transferred the complete content of his last Amiga harddrive to a PC and has made available all source codes of projects founded there for non-commercial use. Among others the archive includes the source codes of the shooter Agony released in 1992 by Psygnosis as well as some minor projects and prototypes developed by Grolet. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2020, 16:58] [Comments: 0]
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English Amiga Board (Webseite)

Mailbox: AmiExpress 5.3.0
AmiExpress 5 written by Darren Coles is a rewrite in Amiga E of the original mailbox program developed by Joe Hodge/LightSpeed Technologies. Version 5.3.0 offers an internal implementation of the Zmodem protocol, HTTP transfers and QWK and FTN support. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2020, 00:11] [Comments: 0]
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