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Moo Bunny (Forum)

Natami project: Reorganization
According to Claudio Wieland, who is an official member of the Natami team, "due to unreasonably high expectations on the team side regarding time frames and foremost forgetting about Thomas' original intentions for what Natami is supposed to be, Thomas has decided to seclude himself as of now and to peacefully finish what he has begun, without having to follow unrealistic time frames and expectations."

Besides, the project probably will be developed with a slower speed because another member of the team, André Jernung, has confirmed that Thomas Hirsch meanwhile has found a new job so he will not be able to work on his Amiga clone with highspeed memory in full time. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. May. 2012, 13:22] [Comments: 0]
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