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AmigaOS 3.2: Updated Native Developer Kit NDK 3.2 R3
Press release: Hyperion Entertainment is proud to announce another update for the Native Developer Kit for AmigaOS 3.2.

This NDK update contains further reviewed contents to ensure developers using several different compilers will be able to harness all the new features AmigaOS 3.2 brings.

This release also paves the way for a continued flow of updates to the Native Developer Kit for AmigaOS 3.2 which will also be accessible in other venues to pursue greater adoption and wider availability.

Hyperion is committed to AmigaOS development support, so stay tuned for further NDK updates!

AmigaOS NDK 3.2 R3 is available for free from our download area for any interested party. We thank all of you who have rushed Amiga dealers worldwide to get their hands on a copy of AmigaOS 3.2.

If you want to support our efforts further, please head over to our AmigaOS merchandise store. (dr)

[News message: 01. Jul. 2021, 06:37] [Comments: 0]
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