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12.Nov.2001 Markus Bonet (ANF) |
MUI under Windows XP? Markus Bonet wrote: To find out about why Windows XP should be so great I looked around a little on the Microsoft website. I really was not aware, that MUI was released for Windows, too ;-)) "Multi-Lingual User Interface - MUI - allows to change the interface's language to display menus, help files, dictionaries, spell checking tools, ect. in the desired language." But this sure would mean something different, somehow. ;-) (ps) (Translation: mj) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 19:24] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Jens Schönfeld (ANF) |
VarIO archive extended The new VarIO software archive now also contains Parallelport drivers for the Goldsurfer (Hypercom 3 module). Please mind that the ZIP driver can only be used with Goldsurfer models not older than 15 months. For use with older models, a hardware patch is necessary that is also described in the support-area of our website. (ps) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 18:26] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Wouter Derdeyn (ANF) |
Amiga Demoscene Archive - Database of the best Amiga demos ever released I'm working on a site about amiga demos. Basically, I'm trying to create an archive for the best demos/intros ever released on the most stunning scene machine ever (the amiga ofcourse). It's still early days yet but I've got 123 demos and 900 screenshots online. Feedback is welcome! (ps) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 18:01] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Jörg Strohmayer (ANF) |
MUI Security Bug-Fix (Update) Jörg Strohmayer wrote: PINT (mailtext and nlist) is affected by this Bug too. A bug-fix is available at the titlelink. Instead of just fixing this problem for PINT I patched the muilowlevel.library. Download: muilowlevel.library Addition: This patch protects all MUI-programs but not all other programs that use APIPE or AwnPIPE. (ps) (Translation: sk) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 17:58] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 HCS Lange |
Absolute rarity to auction (CMB 8296) HCS Lange on their website (title link, see hardware rubric) auctions an CBM 8296 machine from 1984. Here are the data of this collectible:
[News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 16:12] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Jens Schönfeld (ANF) |
Individual Computers has licensed appp.device from Haage & Partner In the course of development of the ADSL-driver for the X-Surf ethernet card, we have licensed the appp.device from Haage & Partner GmbH. Our goal is to speed up the interface between our xsurfadsl.device and the appp.device, so the CPU load will be reduced dramatically. New versions of the device for AmigaOS 68K will be available for free. (ps) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 13:19] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Bernd Rösch (ANF) |
New Blitzbasic2 (now AmiBlitz 2) I got the permision from Acid Soft to publish the sources and binaries of Blitzbasic 2 (due to the PC-version it is now called AmiBlitz 2) into the Aminet (dev/basic). The sources will be available one week from now. I just uploaded a binary-update of AmiBlitz 2 V2.2 that introduces many new features. (ps) (Translation: sk) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 13:17] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Scalos |
Workbench: Scalos Beta V40.14 / Homepage with new layout Betaversion 40.14 of 'scalos', an alternative workbench, was released on the 11th November 2001. This new release fixes some bugs. Additional information is available here. The modules Persistent Windows, WB3.9, Volume Gauge and the WBRexx Plugins were updated too. Furthermore the layout of the homepage has changed and the webmaster requests your Feedback. Download (ps) (Translation: sk) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 09:03] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Thomas Zahren (ANF) |
Nostalgica: Amiga Graphics artist + programmer Jim Sachs While looking around the news pages of CHIP.DE I found a link to the aquarium screensaver in the news on the new Windows XP and it's "self-made plus package". This screensaver was programmed by Jim Sachs. Until then I had no idea of this name, but as I then looked at "About the Author" (title link) on the website, some known pictures of the author from Amiga days turned up. A link on this page shows many pictures of his work history, too. With another link on the same site the Amiga is mentioned again in an interview. To smile: To the surprised interviewer's questions, how it comes that the download of this emotive Windows screensaver is just about 600k in size: RADEONIC: Probably one of the things that surprised me most was the size of the download. Did you spend a lot of time optimising the code, and did you have any special tricks for compressing textures? JS: No, I haven't really started to optimize the code yet. Coming from the Amiga, where everything had to fit on a 770k floppy, I am utterly amazed at how huge PC apps have become. What could these programmers possibly be filling up all those megabytes with? The whole ascii source code for the program? The phone book for their area code? It was a pleasure to me to accidently stumble upon this programmer and those Internet sites and thereby to learn, that he still likes the Amiga, allthough he changed the system. (ps) (Translation: mj) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 07:24] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
12.Nov.2001 Jens Langner (ANF) |
YAM 2.3p1 Bugfixing Release The YAM Open Source Team released today a bugfix for the reported security hole and other well known bugs of the 2.3 release. The fix can be downloaded from the following URL There will be a major release in the weeks to come that will introduce missed features and will fix bugs. (ps) [News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 07:05] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Amiga Future |
FreeCD: Toons, Genetic Species, and Racing For the FreeCD series Patrick Henz has released three new CD-ROMs about the subjects 'Toons', 'Genetic Species', and 'Racing'. They toon it again Part two of this Amiga Toons series contains more than 100 issues of Sabrina Online, the adventures of Space Rat, caricatures by Thorsten Dudai, MPG cartoons, photos and games by Black Legend and Mutation Software, as well. Genetic Species Thanks to Marble Eyes now the 3D shooter 'Genetic Species' is available as a already installed FreeCD. Racing This CD contains the full versions of 'Wheelspin AGA' and 'Aerial Racers', many photos from Monaco, the Nürburgring and Zolder, many paper models, a Formula 1 database, as well as a Rocking-Tune. To order the CDs follow the title link. (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 23:09] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Amiga Future |
Payback: textures by Philipp Bödeker On the German website Philipp Bödeker released textures for free use with the Payback map-editor. You can find them at the texture section. (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 23:09] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Martin R. Elsner (E-Mail) |
Tool: Martin R. Elsner on 'StopMenu' Martin R. Elsner wrote: «Hello, just now on St.Martin's day I have some bad and good news for you. The bad: I will stop development of StopMenu. In the last weeks I worked with full power on StopMenu - only to rename the variables and functions (some still polish or whatever), to add some commentaries (there were quiet none) and to try to change some parts. As final surprise one of many tests made my Amiga crash and thereby destroyed the source code, the work of many days. This and the belief that changing StopMenu is harder and needs more time than writing an own program caused my decision. StopMenu was not only bad written and commented (well, it has grown piecewise and has got the errors from both programmers ;) - no, it also has some very restricting, old fashioned program parts that should be replaced by a modern method. Before you get the possibility to jump out of the window, here's the good news: One learns from each error. I've seen so many errors ;) that I now want to make Choowin replace StopMenu !! It is written in best C++, uses Reaction, and last but not least I know what I have programmed. And that's not all - the prefs part of StopMenu is not forgotten, but replaced by a connection to MainPrefs !! So both programs will form the beginning of the new environment, where also ClassAction can join. The new project will consist of the taskbar with start menu that allows to open the prefs and later the file manager. Other programs will have the possibility to get an icon in the taskbar. That's a lot - but the three programs exist, Choowin will grow to StopMenu's functionality (well, not exactly the same) and all of them will be joined to the new MRE ("mainmenu with Reaction enhancements"). You can find a first screenshot of the startmenu on my homepage, the first version will be available soon. Regards, Martin» (sd) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 23:09] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Marius Schwarz (ANF) |
Programming: ODK updated Marius Schwarz released a new version of the OOP4A developer kit, which allows to use any not object oriented programming language, which is able to use Amiga shared libraries, for object programming. The update contains new classes, a strongly enhanced OOP pre-processor, and some useful attachments. The online documentation got some additional diagrams, which give a better and plainer view of the principle of function, especially in connection with the class sources. (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 22:04] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Marcus Neervoort (E-Mail) | CyberGraphX-BootPicLibraries, Amiga Advertising Marcus Neervroot updated the website, today. As highlight this time there is a collection of CyberGraphX-BootPicLibraries available at the download section. Again some Amiga and show advertisings have been added to the Amiga history section (Amiga-Geschichte). Furthermore there are many small innovations...., links and pictures updated. offers information about the Amiga's history, the AMIGA show 2001, several downloads (e.g. games), and more. (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 19:48] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Bernd Meyer (Amithlon-ML) |
Amithlon: Looking for demo locations to add to list In order to answer one of the frequently asked questions on Amithlon, I would like to collect the addresses of shops or places where people can watch Amithlon being demo-ed, and preferably can play around with it themselves. If you are providing such demos, I would appreciate if you could drop me a note off-ML, to (sd) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 18:53] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Virus Help Denmark |
Virus Help Denmark: Safe V17.4, Encyclopedia extended Virus Help Denmark released version 17.4 of the virus detector 'Safe' by Zbigniew Trzcionkowski, today. 'Safe' recognizes viruses in memory and removes them if possible. The following has changes since version 17.3:
The "Amiga Virus Encyclopedia" has been extended with new virus translations. They are still looking for translation help. Who would like to translate some German virus texts to English might contact Jan Andersen ( Download: Safe.lha (30 304 Bytes), Readme (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 18:15] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Richard Kapp (E-Mail) |
GFX-BASE: Tutorial on Cut, Copy & Paste Today, a new tutorial on 'cut, copy & paste' in AmigaOS has been released on GFX-BASE introducing patches and tools to simplify and enhance the use of this features. It is being described how to copy files, pictures or URLs and how to re-define keyboard short-cuts. Additionally there are tips & tricks and download links to the programes mentioned, as well. The tutorial is available in German, English, and French. (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 17:01] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Amiga Future |
Game: dynAMIte Homepage - Link to Italian Review On the dynAMIte homepage now there is a link to an Italian dynAMIte review at (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 15:35] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Amiga Future |
AmigaOS V3.9 FAQ: Links to PlayCD skins added On 10. November 2001 a link to the blackbird-net website containing PlayCD skins was added to the miscellaneous section of the official AmigaOS V3.9 FAQ by Greg Donner. (sd) (Translation: mj) [News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 15:35] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 ANN |
Programming language: PowerD V0.18 Alreay on 5. November 2001 Martin Kuchinka has released version 0.18 of the programming language 'PowerD'. This is a modern programming language (currently only) for Amiga computers. It supports both 68k and ppc processors. This release presents several bugfixes and some new features, if You wish to know details, please take a look at the history. To download the latest release (or something else) please take a look at my homepage. Such a project is very hard nut for single programmer. If You want to help developing such project (there are several smaller tools that are also very important), or have any ideas, or if You find any bugs, please feel free, and contact me at: Download:
[News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 15:35] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
11.Nov.2001 Hynek Schlawack (E-Mail) |
SimpleMail V0.12 SimpleMail V0.12 released. Due to an exploit in MUI in combination with some PIPE-handlers we have released a new version now, everybody actually should update, as the old version has a really nasty security problem. The changes are:
[News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 03:42] [Comments: 2 - 11. Nov. 2001, 17:34] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 Horst Diebel (ANF) |
Amiga-Society Updates After a longer period of time there are some smaller updates on our site. For example the Amiga games list in the software section was extended, Psyira's initial Schlachtfeld intro music is available for download, and much more. The software page is being reorganized to use database, thus there will not be of much new stuff so far, but in any case we will be happy about any scan or screenshot, descriptions of any kind, etc., etc.... (ps) (Translation: mj) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 23:27] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail) |
Amiga Arena: Interview with Dieter Groppe (MCP) After more than two years delay of development the first update of the multi-function tool 'M.C.P.' was released in October. This tool originally programmed by Aliendesign now is being further developed by Dieter Groppe. The Amiga Arena talked to Dieter Groppe about how this further developement came to happen and how about the future of M.C.P.. Meanwhile M.C.P. became freeware, but one should register for free, however, to show interest. (ps) (Translation: mj) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 22:46] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 Mario Cattaneo (ANF) |
New MagicMenu V2.32 Beta - from new tongue.... Thanks to Jens Langener and Stephan Rupprecht development of MagicMenu is being continued. From yesterday there is a new MagicMenu version 2.32. (ps) (Translation: mj) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 22:46] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 David McMinn (ANF) |
YAWOASER (Yet Another World Of Amiga SE Report :) Another show report for World Of Amiga SE, which was held last weekend, including pictures (they're all large and inline, but I have told our webmaster to use thumbnails). The report can be found in the "What's new" section.
Oh, and feel free to poke around the other areas of the site (for our
local user group :).
(ps) |
10.Nov.2001 Daniel Orth (ANF) |
Magazine: test amiga-topcool now for free Daniel Orth wrote: amiga-topcool expands its services: next to the CD-ROM you can now receive the magazine via email. All those who decide now for an email subscription get the first issue for free and can decide afterwards whether they continue the subscription or not. An issue will then cost 1,- DM. The magazine continues to appear four times a year. The next issue can only be released under two conditions:
[News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 22:06] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 Thorsten Gehler (ANF) |
How to come to the Amiga 2001 in Cologne Thorsten Gehler wrote: One week before the Amiga fair we finally managed to set up our office for putting those wanting lifts in touch with those who can offer them. People looking for a possibilty to get to the fair or those who can offer such a possibility can place a message under (mag/Mitfahrzentrale) resp. search for such a possibility. (ps) (Translation: wk) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 22:03] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 Jens Schönfeld (ANF) |
New beta version of the X-Surf ADSL driver A new version of the X-Surf ADSL driver is available for download on our website. A so-called race-condition (multitasking bug) has been removed that be believe was the cause for the performance drops. Further, changes to improve the compatibility to different vendors of DSL modems have been implemented. (ps) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 19:33] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 Christoph Gutjahr (ANF) |
Serious security leak in MUI Internet programs? (update) Following the title link you find an English written document that reveals a severe security leak in MUI programs.
Programs displaying text by using a MUI text object can be forced to execute
Shell commands via active PIPE: devices with particular escape sequences. To say
it clearly: It's theoretically possible to force for example YAM via a mail with
specifically manipulated subject line to delete files on the computer of the
receiving person.
10.Nov.2001 AudioLabs |
AudioLabs: ProStationAudio Titanium V5.00 Demo The new ProStationAudio Titanium demo is available in the download section. The complete version will be available starting early next week.
Download: psadm500.lha
(ps) |
10.Nov.2001 Richard H. Poser II (E-Mail) |
Messenger: AmigAIM BETA Version 0.9437 New version of AmigAIM has been uploaded to the normal locations, as well as the bookmarks on the Mailing list have been changed. Extract of history of AmigAIM...
[News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 15:55] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 Matthias Münch (ANF) |
DigiBoosterPro homepage update Matthias Münch wrote: There have been some changes on the DigiBoosterPro Community homepage. We have now installed a message board in addition to the forum as well as a form for wishes regarding the next DigiBoosterPro versions. Furthermore we will hold a seminar because of the Amiga fair 2001 on Saturday that will take place two times. In this seminar we'll deal with the program itself and also our goals. More details will be given during the next week. (ps) (Translation: wk) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 15:15] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 PlanetLAN |
PlanetLAN: background information about the Danish Connect12 »The Danish LAN party Connect #12 with 300 participiants in Esbjerg was closed by the Police on 20. October because of illegal data transfers. "AntiPiratGruppen" (APG), a private AntiPiracy organisation, has used undercover investigators who had created logs of the data transfers at the LAN party. Afterwards they ordered the police and the event got closed. Many of the participiants are now accused to have exchanged illegal data. Furthermore is the organisator of the LAN party, the CompuClub, accused to have made the infra structure (the network) for the illegal data exchange available. The Danish Orgas have already agreement with the APG to pay 100.000 dkr (=25.000 DM) compensation.« Full article see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 01:25] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 MAME |
Emulator: MAMEgui 1.1.4 for Amiga patch #0001 Latest version of MAMEgui for Amiga is unable to find new games. It searches the 'roms' directory and WarpMAME 0.37b16 uses 'roms/mame' directory. This patch fixes the path and lets you play all the games.
Download: MAMEgui_patch_0001.lha |
10.Nov.2001 Chris Hodges (ANF) |
Aminet full text search engine with new URL Chris Hodges writes: The Aminet full text search engine is now reachable directly under or indirectly (a little slower but easier to remember) under The availability of links to the official Aminet mirrors depends on Urban Müller and Matthias Scheler. All known bugs were fixed and several new features have been added (thanks once again to the testers!). Added have been the search for complete words, the search only in specific directories, the selection of different target mirrors and much more. There won't be an output of the found text passages as the computer operations group of the computer science faculty of the TU Munich partout doesn't want to increase my quota and the search engine with 181 MB uses already one third of it :-\ Suggestions are of course still very warm welcome. (ps) (Translation: wk) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 00:48] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
10.Nov.2001 M. Lueck (ANF) | is back, the american Amiga news service is back. (ps) (Translation: ps) [News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 00:36] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] |
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