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PlanetLAN: background information about the Danish Connect12
»The Danish LAN party Connect #12 with 300 participiants in Esbjerg was closed by the Police on 20. October because of illegal data transfers. "AntiPiratGruppen" (APG), a private AntiPiracy organisation, has used undercover investigators who had created logs of the data transfers at the LAN party. Afterwards they ordered the police and the event got closed.
Many of the participiants are now accused to have exchanged illegal data. Furthermore is the organisator of the LAN party, the CompuClub, accused to have made the infra structure (the network) for the illegal data exchange available. The Danish Orgas have already agreement with the APG to pay 100.000 dkr (=25.000 DM) compensation.«
Full article see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 01:25] [Comments: 0]
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