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Daniel Orth (ANF)

Magazine: test amiga-topcool now for free
Daniel Orth wrote:
amiga-topcool expands its services: next to the CD-ROM you can now receive the magazine via email. All those who decide now for an email subscription get the first issue for free and can decide afterwards whether they continue the subscription or not. An issue will then cost 1,- DM. The magazine continues to appear four times a year.

The next issue can only be released under two conditions:
  1. if enough people register who want to receive this free issue (at least 250) resp. enough people order the CD (at least 100).
  2. if enough people work editorially on the magazine.
All further details can be found on our new styled Internet site: (title link). (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 10. Nov. 2001, 22:06] [Comments: 0]
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