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Archive 11/2001

Jürgen A. Theiner (ANF)

Play!Amiga: Test of both Quake-Mission-Packs
Though there are no new games for the Amiga, Jürgen Theiner from Play!Amiga has tested games for you. This time it were the Mission-Packs for Quake. Also the new charts are available. You can take place when you send an eMail with your favourite game. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 21:44] [Comments: 0]
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Simon Neumann (ANF)

Amiga Speed Update
Amiga Speed has now integrated Bubblefish, a new poll, and some new speedtests. The Heretic2- and the Quake-test were updated and the Actionhit Payback was taken in the 3D game area. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 16:41] [Comments: 0]
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AmigArt (ANF)

Hyperion Gives More Info about Amiga OS4
"First of all, the idea is to get the AmigaOS from 68k to the PPC. Of course, there's a lot of code in the system, and lots of code that's beyond our reach (hardware drivers in ROMs, for example). So one of the core components is of course the 68k emulator. The JIT version is already very fast, if you have a 040/25 and a fast 603e, you'll actually be able to run some programs faster than on the physical 040/25...

The second core component will be Exec SG. This is a reimplementation of the original Exec, written in C and placed onto a hardware abstraction layer so that it ports easily from one hardware to the other (remember, we intent to support a lot of different hardware, some of these will not have the Amiga chipset anymore). New features (compared to the old Exec) will be virtual memory. Don't worry, you'll not have to select "Shutdown" from the "Start" menu, you can just switch off ;) We also want to introduce some weak form of memory protection, like protecting code from being overwritten.. Later version will also include resource tracking.

The third mayor (new) building block is the new-style library interface. The cool thing about this is that it enables old 68k libraries to act as new OS4 libraries. To OS4 applications, 68k libraries will look like PPC native libraries. OTOH, new PPC only libraries will look like old 68k libraries to emulated 68k programs. This is achieved by the new library loader: Whenever a library is loaded, the "missing" part of the interface will be generated on-the-fly (by creating so called "stub" functions). So, even though a library is not yet ported to PPC, it can be used as if it were a PPC library, and as soon as it's ported, the program using it will use PPC code, even without recompiling the program (sorry if that comes out a bit complicated....)

For the initial release, we want to have at least the new Exec SG (otherwise, the whole system wouldn't work, anyway), a PPC native DOS, the TCP stack, new file system, and some devices. If there's still time, we'll port as much as possible to native PPC.

I think we have around 20 developers working on OS4.

A solution we're thinking about is loading a kernel image from the hard disk's boot block. The Amiga's disk structure allows arbitraty sized boot blocks, so theoretically, a whole kernel could fit there. We will in any case offer the possibility to use something like SetPatch (including the dreaded reboot). This means that you do not have to reformat your harddrive or even repartition or something like that. As another possibility, we will try to offer the bootblock loading.

We discussed the possibility to include a UAE in the system that will kick in when binaries are executed that require the chipset. That way, running old games could be made transparent

We will apply for BPlan Pegasos developer program, but we will not get special treatment.

We will make as much information as possible available as soon as possible. This includes documents as well as pre-release version of OS 4 for developers. Of course we want as much stuff on OS 4 as possible, so this is going to be a high priority."

- Frieden brothers (ps)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 16:39] [Comments: 2 - 27. Nov. 2001, 23:42]
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Matthias Henze (ANF)

HSMathLibs and stormamiga.lib will be updated
Because I got well again I will develop on HSMathLibs and the stormamiga.lib again. But do not expect wonders, I have not worked on these projects for over eight months and need some time to get back into the source codes. Also there are other important things for me to do. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 16:37] [Comments: 1 - 30. Nov. 2001, 02:44]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 26.11.2001)
With WHDLoad you can install games which were formerly meant only for use with disks on your harddrive. The following packets have been added or updated:

  • 26.11.01 new: Out To Lunch (Mindscape) done by Abaddon & JOTD
  • 26.11.01 fixed: Syndicate (Bullfrog) install script corrected
  • 26.11.01 fixed: Trivial Pursuit Genus 2 () install script corrected
  • 26.11.01 improved: Lethal Weapon (Ocean) many improvements
  • 26.11.01 new: Fire And Forget 2 (Titus) done by CFOU!
  • 26.11.01 new: Drivin' Force (Digital Magic Software) done by Psygore
  • 26.11.01 improved: Buggy Boy (Elite) supports another version, more icons
  • 26.11.01 new: Buck Rogers (TSR) done by JOTD
  • 25.11.01 new: Trivial Pursuit Genus 2 () done by CFOU!
  • 25.11.01 improved: Mortville Manor (Lankhor) supports another version
  • 25.11.01 new: Metal Masters (Incal Product/Infogrames) done by CFOU!
  • 25.11.01 new: Logical (Rainbow Arts) done by CFOU!
  • 25.11.01 new: Iron Lord (UbiSoft) done by CFOU!
  • 23.11.01 new: Hostages/Operation Jupiter (Infogrames) done by CFOU!
  • 23.11.01 improved: Future Bike (HiTec Software / PAL Developments) keyboard handling fixed

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 11:19] [Comments: 0]
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27.Nov.2001 (ANF)

Interview with Tomas 'Tjomp' Jacobsen
The Norwegian Amiga news site polarBoing has an interview with Tomas Jacobsen, one of the guys responsible for AmigaDE's first 4k demo. (ps)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 10:14] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto (ANF)

Pictures from Spoletium 4
On November 24-25, 2001, Cloanto attended the Spoletium 4 event in Spoleto, Italy, providing a wireless webcam service. Pictures are now online at

In a computing world in which hardware and software have exploded beyond imagination, where lone pioneers have been displaced by billion-dollar investments, where programming manuals that used to ship with affordable home computers have been replaced by multi-volume and constantly changing SDKs which are beyond the reach of the average user, the demo scene continues to remind us that writing software can still be a sublime fusion of expression and creativity, of technology and art, a medium in which the germ of talent can be discovered and nourished, where individuals exchange ideas and compete with others, but, as they build universes of which they are to be in full control, are also confronted most of all in an intimate challenge with their inner selves. Thank you, friends at Spoletium, for keeping the flame alive! (ps)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2001, 10:10] [Comments: 0]
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ISIS comments blocking of websites
On 22. November 2001 the Chaos Computer Club published that the Internet provider ISIS is practicing censorship (we reported about) by blocking particular websites. This was stopped this morning, as the company became aware of this situation. They said, that those blockades were a result of some experiments of one of thier technicians.

The company pointed out, that whatever they would do, they would be the fool, anyway. If they block sites people will complain about censorship, if they don't they are supposed to support radical right-wing content. ISIS declines this technical solution, which offers so much backdors that the expense can't be justified. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Nov. 2001, 14:39] [Comments: 0]
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Anton Preinsack (ANF)

Open Amiga Southeast European Show (O.A.S.E.) in Graz/Austria
The "Open Amiga Southeast European Show (O.A.S.E.)" will be held on the 1.12. and 2.12. in Graz/Austria. The show will open at 10.00 and close at 18.00. This show is organized by Some of the highlights:

Amithlon, various AMIGA-PCI-devices and maybe a fully useable Pegasos-system. Furthermore there will be a presentation (made with Scala and designed by Ben Hermans) of the upcoming AmigaOS 4.x. The admission is free. Further information is available at the title link. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 26. Nov. 2001, 13:41] [Comments: 0]
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Horst Diebel (ANF)

Amiga Society News - LBoAS / Schlachtfeld
There are some minor updates of the webpage, for example the 'little book of amiga-software'-page - Horst Diebel would like to say thanks for the provided help.

The work on Schlachtfeld is still proceeding. And there will soon be an update of the homepage and some new pictures.

The ICQ-number, published when the graphics-competition started, is no longer valid due to the spaming of the according email-address. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 26. Nov. 2001, 11:23] [Comments: 0]
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Marius Schwarz (ANF)

Programming: OOP for All with new Featurs
Marius Schwarz wrote:
Another week is over and again there is a new version of OOP for All (Object Oriented Programming for All or OOP4A). New possibilities now are statistical contexts and methods synchronisation. The compiler backend was enhanced and the documentation got one more page. You can find all this under the above link.

OOP4A offers an OOP interface to non-object oriented programming languages and it's language comprehensive. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Nov. 2001, 11:08] [Comments: 0]
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Stéphane Campan (E-Mail)

Instant-Messenger: AmiComSys V2.0
Version 2.0 of the instant messenger "AmiComSys" has been released. This version contains a line of changes including a security bugfix closing the APIPE / AWNPIPE security gap in combination with MUI.

This program runs on AmigaOS V3.0+ and CPU 68020+.

Download: (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 22:34] [Comments: 0]
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Graphics: Translators for PerfectPaint wanted
Halvadjian Georges, author of the 24-bit paint program Perfect Paint, is looking for people who can help with catalog translations. French and English are not needed, other languages are.

Contact: (sd)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 22:34] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Arena

Amiga Arena: Interview with Florac Roland (AmiCAD)
Olaf Köbnik wrote:
Amiga Arena - Interview Project
The Amiga still offers specialized application software solutions, today, but which unfortunately aren't widely spread due to small usership. "AmiCAD" is one of those programs, which is being developed by Florac Roland. This software is about an editor for creation of electronic wiring diagrams.

The Amiga Arena talked to Florac Roland about developing "AmiCAD" and regrettably it turns out again that there is less than few feedback from the users.

Florac Roland still is urgently wanting users to help him in translating and creating a guide.

"AmiCAD" really is an interesting software and ought to be supported to ensure further development.

Who would like to help with the German localization or manual might write to: Florac Roland ( (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 20:34] [Comments: 0]
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PDA: AmigaNCP V2.2 Beta 2
AmigaNCP is an implementation of the Psion link protocol which is e.g. built into the Psion S3/S3a/S3C and Psion S5 palmtop's ROM. It's main purpose is to provide vice-versa nfs-like file access.

This small update (untested, due to lack of Psion), tries to fix the following two reported issues:
  • NCP_LinkRemoteRun() now allows up to 128 chars file names in EPOC32 (S5) mode
  • AmigaNCP-FileSystem now (hopefully correctly) implementes ACTION_SET_DATE; this should fix the "datestamps not set for backup" problems reported by some people
  • fixed file format for Amiga2Psion clipboard functionality (hopefully)
  • now sends a "Clipboard changed" message to the remote clipboard server when a clipboard exchange has been executed (hopefully)
AmigaNCP requires:
  • AmigaOS 2.04 or better (localization supported).
  • the IBM-PC version of the 3-Link cable.

Download: amigancp_22beta2.lha (27K), README (sd)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 20:34] [Comments: 0]
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Mediator: List of 3rd Party Software
The worlds oldest Mediator support page has been updated with the 3rd Party Mediator Software Page. Has a complete list of TV, Scanning software and much much more. If you see a program missing e-mail the information here. (sd)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 20:34] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

HTML: Pre-processor HSC V0.922 Beta
Matthias Bethke released beta version 0.922 of the HTML pre-processors "HSC".

This version now has an experimental XHTML support.

This version was released as source code only. The stable version V0.921 (title link) additionally contains the documentation.

Download: hsc-0.922b-source.tar.bz2 (192K) (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 18:07] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

CD³²-/CDTV-Emulator: Akiko released
The CD32/CDTV emulator Akiko for Windows is now available for download on the Airsoft Softwair homepage.

Akiko emulates a CD32 and a CDTV on PCs with Windows with the help of an enhanced version of WinUAE. Akiko does not need the so called extended roms of those consoles, it just requires Kickstart rom 3.1 for CD32 emulation and Kickstart rom 1.3 for CDTV emulation. The enhanced version of the WinUAE is included with the Akiko distribution archive.

The source code of this WinUAE version is available for download on the Airsoft Softwair homepage. Akiko is Shareware and the demo version has some limitations. (sd)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 16:33] [Comments: 0]
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Kicko (ANF)

MIDI: Tracks & Fields now For Free, Programmer wanted
«It was ages when v1.02 was released and it was shareware (demo). Both authors (Anders & Dick) left amiga so Jonas Hulten has been updating it for me. As he has not much time for it he gave me the last source code so i can search for another coder.

As i can't get in touch with the first original coder Anders Larsson (also made far updated pc version) i can't upload the source for free on aminet but i can give it to a serious coder who want's to continue on it.

So if you are a serious coder and want to continue on tracks&fields please contact me and tell me what programs you made so far. You have to know assembler.

In the package there is a full registered version 1.02 and 1.04. There is a bug that comes more on latest version that crashes when editing patterns so there fore i put up the older v1.02.

- Warning. Backup your old preference as v1.04 saves also screenmode u use and it doesn't work if you change to another gfx card and use the saved prefs from the first card. This should be fixed if i find any coder out there.


  • Used the 1.02 source instead
  • Ctrl F3-F5: cut-copy-paste only the column the cursor is on
  • Works on graphics cards - sadly the cursor looks wierd as a result.
  • Doesn't scroll several rows at a time when playing. This is good.
  • Removed writes to address 0 when config was loaded.
  • Minor spelling corrections.
  • Screen mode selection in config.
  • Scaling now autoselects the current position
  • About screen doesn't show up at program start
» (sd)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 16:17] [Comments: 0]
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H. Ogino, Japan Amiga User Group (ANF)

Club: JAUG with New Areas
H. Ogino wrote:
Japan Amiga User Group's homepage has now three new areas: "Buy/Sell/Free", "TechAdvice" and "AmiPics".

You can buy and sell or offer for free your Amiga stuff at the "Buy/Sell/Free" area.

At the "TechAdvice" area you can read technical solutions on problems that Amiga computers and hardware have. It is, for instance, about heat problems, etc.

At the area of "AmiPics" there are many vivid and significant pictures of Amiga computers, cards, chips, mice, etc., taken by one of Japan's Amiga power-users. Really beautiful pictures!

Many non-Japanese Amiga users subscribed already to Japan Amiga User Group (JAUG) such as from Germany, U.K. France, Rumania and Mexico. So it is the time for you too to subscribe to JAUG (title link)! The subscribing fee is FREE, of course! (sd)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 16:17] [Comments: 0]
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Hans-Jörg Frieden (ANF)

Game: Freespace Demo-Version available
On the demo version of the current Hyperion Entertainment port of "Freespace: The Great War" is available for download, now (download section, about 30 MB).

Freespace runs on any PPC machine (with or whithout 3D graphic board) and on 68060 systems with Permedia2 or Voodoo 3 graphic board. According to the manufacturer the 68k version also runs on Amiga OS XL and Amithlon.

Freespace requires 64 MB RAM on PPC Amigas, and 32 MB RAM with VMM (virtual memory management) on 68k Amigas.

Also new at the downlaod section are two updates of the Hyperion/Freespace demo CD from the Amiga 2001. Some errors with CD32 pads were corrected.

More information and pre-order options are to find at or (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2001, 15:12] [Comments: 2 - 25. Nov. 2001, 22:32]
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