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Archive 11/2001

Martin Kuchinka

Programming language: PowerD V0.19 Alpha2
Martin Kuchinka has released an update for the alpha version 0.19 of the programming language 'PowerD'. In this version some bugs were fixed and the possibility to insert local objects was added.

Download: alpha.lzx - alpha.readme (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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KDH News (ANF)

KDH advent calendar with draw (Update)
Between December 1rst and December 24th we will offer you a daily highlight at a special low budget price. Just click on the appropriate door on our KDH advent calendar and enjoy our daily highlight.

We recommend a daily visit to our site and you may see a item you always wanted at an affordable price. Each highlight is valid for two days. All orders submitted via our advent calendar with take part in a draw. The 1rst winner will receive a copy of Descent Freespace, 2nd winner Shogo, 3rd winner Wipeout.

Günter Horbach
KDH Datentechnik

Update 03. December 2001:
Dear customers, since the draw we have been planning on occasion of our KDH Advent calendar possibly would violate the rules of the competition rights, as it already was pointed out to us, we decided to stop this draw in the interest of a fair and justly unobjectionable competition. Currently it is being investigated to find a legal form to continue the draw.

Günter Horbach
KDH Datentechnik
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 19:53] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Aggressors put Hompages at Freenet on hold
Due to a hacker's offense currently all user homepages at are not accessible. Freenet is investigating how this attack was done and will try to fix the possibly existing security gap, hence it is not clear when the user websites will be available again.
See title link for Heise's article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 19:12] [Comments: 0]
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bruZard's blitzbasic[3D][bbb3D] (ANF)

BlitzBasic PC & BlitzBasic AMIGA
For some weeks the site (title link) is now online. It deals with the topic BlitzBasic on the PC. Since I come from the Amiga BlitzBasic I would like to create a section on this topic as well. Especially now that the development of BlitzBasic for the Amiga continues. It only justifies the efforts though if there are interested people who would appreciate that. So: who has interest in a BlitzBasic AMIGA site should show it by leaving a comment.

There already exists a bulletin board on the site which would also be extended by an Amiga section. I'd like to thank you already for your interest.

Jens [bruZard] Henschel (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 19:03] [Comments: 1 - 01. Dec. 2001, 17:36]
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AudioLabs: ProStationAudio Titanium finished
The full version of the audio software ProStationAudio Titanium is now ready and is currently distributed with all plugins for a special price. Also AudioLabs announced a ProStationAudio benchmark tool for next week. The tool measures the performance of ProStationAudio on 68k computers with AmigaOS as well as on emulated Amigas. More details at the title link. (ps)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 18:19] [Comments: 0]
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Matay: S3 Virge PCI graphics cards driver (beta)
Matay today published a beta version of the S3 Virge chip based PCI graphics cards driver for Prometheus. His author, Alexander Kneer, bewares it can still be not fully functional (some overlay problems can appear), yet should work.

Download: Prom-s3.lha (ps)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 17:33] [Comments: 0]
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Programming: JumpED Version 5.0
Bruce Steers today released version 5.0 of his tool JumpED. Jump to functions in your editor via MUI listview. By default it translates source code for ARexx, Amiga_E, AmigaGuides, Javascript/PHP and Perl/CGI. JumpED has editor support for BED, TurboText, GoldED and Quill.

Download: JumpED.lha (ps)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 16:34] [Comments: 0]
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FORE-MATT Home Computing (ANF)

Magazine: Clubbed total Amiga magazine
The trial issues as well as full subscriptions to CLUBBED/TOTAL AMIGA magazine can now be made at the store using our 128 Bit Secure online ordering system (Amiga Online Superstore). (ps)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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Prelude Software (ANF)

Prelude.library V5.3 released
V5.3 of the prelude.library was released by Thomas Wenzel. Some Enforcer hits were removed.

Download: prllib53.lha (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 15:23] [Comments: 0]
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Gabriele Greco (E-Mail)

SDL-Amiga mailinglist created
Gabriele Greco has created a new mailing list: SDL-Amiga. This list is dedicated to Amiga SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) programmers. The list will be used mainly to discuss problems of the SDL amiga implementation or related with the development or the porting of SDL applications for Amiga (68k, WOS/PUP, MorphOS).

To subscribe the list you can send an empty e-mail to: or go to the following URL: (ps)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 14:10] [Comments: 0]
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Macwelt Online / Jorge Pino (ANF)

Macwelt Online: Bugfixes and G5 speculations
»Bugfixes and G5 speculations:
Due to a report of the British website The Register, Motorola has released two new CPUs. The two chips PowerPC 7451 and PowerPC 7441 are the successors of the G4+-named PowerPC 7450 and the energy-saving PowerPC 7440. The specifications of the CPUs do not differ from their predecessors, according to The Register there were only some bugs fixed in the chips.«
Full article in German at the title link.

More links on the topic:
Heise (German): Apple wants to join the Gigahertz club
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 13:15] [Comments: 0]
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Der Standard / Suka (ANF)

"Der Standard" reports on Amiga show O.A.S.E.
The online issue of the Austrian daily newspaper "Der Standard" reports about the Amiga show O.A.S.E. taking place this weekend in Graz/Austria. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 13:05] [Comments: 0]
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30.Nov.2001 is nominated for the neo Award

neo Award is nominated for the neo Award (German internet award)! If you want to participate in the awards and support us, please click here. You'll find in the category "Beliebteste Website" (most popular website). To vote you'll have to register in order to make sure you only vote once.

We are very happy that we were nominated by our readers for this award :-). For voting some nice prices can be won, of which the first prize is a Smart. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 13:04] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Amiga Future: Interview with Jürgen Schober of
Anton Preinsack interviewed Jürgen Schober of for Amiga Future. Jürgen Schober is Amiga dealer in Austria and organizer of the Open Amiga Southeast European Show O.A.S.E. taking place this weekend for the first time. The home show takes place on 1st and 2nd December 2001 in Graz. Anton Preinsack talks with Jürgen about the show and how you struggle through life as the last Austrian Amiga dealer. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2001, 02:14] [Comments: 0]
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OnyxSoft: DRemind V 1.58 and MultiRen V 1.46
Onyxsoft updated the reminder tool DRemind to version 1.58. MultiRen, a tool for renaming files, now is available as version 1.46. Both of the tools have been programmed by Daniel Westerberg.

Download: dremind.lha - multiren.lha (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 15:53] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Lachner

Emulator: SDL extension for UAE
On Bernd Lachner's homepage at the "Amiga Software / UAE - SDL" section you can find the UAE SDL being an extension of the Amiga emulator UAE to let it use the SDL library (Simple DirectMedia Layer) for graphics output and keyboard and mouse input.

Advantages of the SDL version:
  • Display of the UAE Amiga screen in fullscreen mode possible trouble-free for ordinary users, too.
  • Display of the UAE Amiga screen even possible on the frame-buffer console of Linux, that means without X-Windos.
Detailed information (German) and download links are to find under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 15:25] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Demoscene Archive

A.D.A.: New Demos from the Demo Scene online
The new website A.D.A. (Amiga Demoscene Archive) containig scene demos for download was completely switched to PHP. Currently the 'Amsterdam Blessing/Mawi' demo was added, which made it to position three on the Mekka Symposium 2001. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 15:13] [Comments: 0]
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Hyperion / Steffen Haeuser (ANF)

Hyperion: Freespace Demo - Update 3 available
Today, the third update of the FreeSpace demo version was released on our WWW-site, which now fixes the "freeze bug", at last. So there is nothing left to prevent the full version from being released, soon.

We are still busy to fix some little things (also in reply to feedback for the demo version), but this should be finished, soon.

Additionally I will upload the demo version including all bugfixes to Aminet within the next days.

Steffen Haeuser (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 15:06] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Nosutta (ANF)

Event: Big Christmas Festivity of the ACBB
The ACBB is organizing an Amiga Christmas festivity to take part on 16. November 2001. They will take care to have coffee, cakes, Advent songs (MP3) and atmospheric Workbench backgrounds at hand. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 13:49] [Comments: 0]
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Magazine: Amiga Information Online (AIO) #53
Issue #53 of the online magazine 'Amiga Information Online (AIO)' was published. AIO uses their own viewer program which runs under AmigaOS.

Download: AIOV53.LHA (ps)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS News

MorphOS-News: RageHard Infos about Multiplayer-Game for MorphOS & Mac
Jürgen Lucas, MorphOS News, talked to Michael Garlich, Titan Computer, about their new multiplayer game (up to 32 players) 'RageHard'. You can find the interview (German) under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 11:55] [Comments: 0]
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Kevin Orme (ANF)

Amiga University site updates
We have added more than 150 new links, link-checked the entire site, as well as added new pages on Amithlon/AmigaOSXL and Amiga DiskMags (online archives of The Crypt as well as Amiga Information Online).

We have also added a major new site mirror, that of Gareth Knight's Amiga Interactive Guide, as well as the newly replaced mirror of the Blitz Basic 2000 site (David McMinn just redid their entire site, as he announced about 1.5 weeks ago here on ANN). In short, a lot of 'new' and plenty of 'old' for your use and enjoyment.

Kevin Orme
Amiga University
AmigaU (ps)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 11:39] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaSDL-Pages (ANF)

Library: SDL V1.2.2 for AmigaOS with OpenGL-Support (StormMesa/Warp3D)
Beta version 1.2.2 of the 'Simple Directmedia Layer' library now is available as versions for Amiga PowerPC/68k with and without OpenGL support (Warp3D/StromMesa). The Amiga port was done by Glenn Hisdal.

The SDL library by Sam Lantiga is available to various other platforms including MorphOS, BeOS, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows. It offers fast access to the graphics and audio capabilities of the respective system. With this it allows platform comprehensive development of games and other multimedia products like MPEG players and emulators. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Nov. 2001, 02:01] [Comments: 0]
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Kjell Breding (E-Mail)

Event: AmiGBG 2002
AmiGBG 2002. That's the name of the first Swedish Amiga fair since 1998. AmiGBG 2002 will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The fair will contain both swedish and foreign exhibitors, both companys and user groups.

At AmiGBG 2002 you will get a glimpse of the future Amiga system, both of Amiga OS 4 and Amiga DE. You will also see existing and coming systems with modern hardware from different manufacturers.

Welcome to Gothenburg in 2002! (ps)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2001, 23:03] [Comments: 1 - 30. Nov. 2001, 00:59]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Individual Computers: New xsurfadsl.device with appp update
A new version of the xsurfadsl.device, the PPPoE driver for our networking card X-Surf, can be found in the support-area of our website. For the first time, the archive also contains an updated version of the appp.device that has been licensed from Haage & Partner (see article from November, 12th).

The source code of version 2.7 that we got from Haage & Partner was different from the binary that is being sold with the Genesis package in OS3.9 (V2.3). Questions about the changes between the two versions could not be answered until now. The new version provided by us (V3.1) has been updated mainly on internal structures: The device-base code (the interface to the OS) is completely re-written, so opening up to eight units, and freeing all resources after closing them (especially memory) is ensured. Therefore, we also recommend installing the new appp.device, even if you do not own an X-Surf Ethernet card.

At this point, we want to draw your attention to the ISAcatweasel.device, which allows using the PC-Catweasel under Amithlon. Since we have not been able to run Amithlon on any of our computers, we depend you your help in testing. The new archive is now packed with LHA, so difficulties with unpacking the ARJ archive are eliminated. Adapted Catweasel mountlists should make the installation a lot easier. (ps)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2001, 22:27] [Comments: 0]
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Library: SDL V1.2.2 Beta for MorphOS (Update)
On 28th of November 2001 Gabriele Greco has published a beta version 1.2.2 of his MorphOS port from the multimedia-library 'Simple DirectMedia Layer'.

This library is available for a wide range of platforms - AmigaOS, BeOS, Linux, Macintosh and Windows belong to them. The library offers a fast access to the graphic and audio abilities of the corresponding system. It therefore enables to develop games and other multimedia products like MPEG players and emulators at several platforms.

Download: libSDL.a.gz (sd) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2001, 21:20] [Comments: 0]
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28.Nov.2001 12 new ASM-test reports has the following 12 new ASM-test reports and the editoral of the ASM 12/89 online:

  • Blockout (Amiga)
  • Chambers of Shaolin (Atari ST, Amiga, C-64)
  • M1 Tank Platoon (IBM PC, XT, AT)
  • Might & Magic 2 (C-64, IBM, Amiga, Apple)
  • North & South (Amiga, ST, PC)
  • Powerdrift (C-64, Amiga, Atari ST, CPC, Speccy) inkl. Werbeanzeige
  • Rings of Medusa (Atari ST, Amiga)
  • Scapeghost (Atari ST, Amiga, Schneider CPC, Spectrum, Apple II, C-64, IBM)
  • Shufflepuck Cafe (Amiga, ST, Apple II, Mac, PC)
  • The Untouchables (C-64, Spectrum)
  • Their finest Hour (IBM)
  • Tiger Heli (PC Engine)
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2001, 19:18] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert (E-Mail)

PNG- and JPEG-generator (V4.50) for SuperView
Yesterday Andreas Kleinert has uploaded version 4.50 of PNG-box and JPEG-box to the Aminet. With these tools you can convert graphic-files either to PNG or to JPEG by the help of SuperView-library. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2001, 14:51] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto (ANF)

Cloanto Releases Amiga Forever 5.0
Cloanto released today version 5.0 of Amiga Forever, the official Amiga emulation and connectivity package for PCs. New features include just-in-time (JIT) compiler technology to dramatically increase execution speed, new ROM and operating system files to emulate not only the Amiga computers but also Commodore's CDTV and CD³² game consoles, and Software Manager, a content delivery and management system for one-click news, updates and downloads.

An experimental version of the revolutionary Disk2FDI software, which makes it possible to read Amiga floppy disks on the PC, is provided for the technically inclined. Other improvements include support for new Windows XP and DirectX features and new Picasso96 technology to better map Amiga graphics calls to low-level DirectX functionality and native x86 code, in order to achieve maximum performance without sacrificing compatibility. Cloanto publicly benchmarked the new version of the emulation software to be 30 times faster than the previous version (which already matched the CPU performance of the fastest Amiga 68060 silicon).

Amiga Forever can be installed or run from CD-ROM (no installation or reboot required), and is also available in a downloadable Online Edition. In either case, Amiga application can run side by side with the host operating system and its applications, while taking advantage of features such as virtual memory, advanced power management, digital rights management, NTFS filing system, wireless networking, and thousands of past, present and future drivers for peripherals, specifications and gadgets which the Amiga would otherwise not be able to support. For additional information please refer to the Amiga Forever home page at (ps)

[News message: 28. Nov. 2001, 14:41] [Comments: 0]
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