Virus Help Denmark
Virus Help Denmark: Safe V17.4, Encyclopedia extended
Virus Help Denmark released version 17.4 of the virus detector 'Safe'
by Zbigniew Trzcionkowski, today.
'Safe' recognizes viruses in memory and removes them if possible.
The following has changes since version 17.3:
- added new version of HTML document
(thanks to Herve Dupont for decompression!)
- fixed default tool to be more OS conform
(thanks to Harry Sintonen for hint)
- fixed ROM recalc in VECS/S
(thanks to Harry Sintonen for the report)
- fixed little bit the stealth detector
(if you get "suspicious actions" message each time
you execute Safe please report)
- WatchDog v1.3: watch doc
In one sentence:
there is no integrity check this time, as it is now under heavy
construction/bugfixing as COMP and CHECK will become one GUI based
program and which of course someday has to become part of MILL - new
antivirus initiative which seems to be almost dead now :(
'Safe' runs on AmigaOS V2.04+ and requires the xvs.library.
The "Amiga Virus Encyclopedia"
has been extended with new virus translations.
They are still looking for translation help. Who would like to translate some
German virus texts to English might contact
Jan Andersen (vht-dk@post4.tele.dk).
Download: Safe.lha (30 304 Bytes),
(sd) (Translation: mj)
[News message: 11. Nov. 2001, 18:15] [Comments: 0]
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