Thomas Zahren (ANF)
Nostalgica: Amiga Graphics artist + programmer Jim Sachs
While looking around the news pages of CHIP.DE
I found a link to the aquarium screensaver in the news on the new Windows XP and
it's "self-made plus package". This screensaver was programmed by Jim Sachs.
Until then I had no idea of this name, but as I then looked at "About the Author" (title link)
on the serenescreen.com website, some
known pictures of the author from Amiga days turned up. A link on this page shows
many pictures of his
work history, too.
With another link on the same site the Amiga is mentioned again in an
To smile:
To the surprised interviewer's questions, how it comes that the download of this
emotive Windows screensaver is just about 600k in size:
RADEONIC: Probably one of the things that surprised me most was the size of
the download. Did you spend a lot of time optimising the code, and did you
have any special tricks for compressing textures?
JS: No, I haven't really started to optimize the code yet. Coming from
the Amiga, where everything had to fit on a 770k floppy, I am utterly
amazed at how huge PC apps have become. What could these programmers
possibly be filling up all those megabytes with? The whole ascii source
code for the program? The phone book for their area code?
It was a pleasure to me to accidently stumble upon this programmer and those Internet sites and
thereby to learn, that he still likes the Amiga, allthough he changed the system.
(ps) (Translation: mj)
[News message: 12. Nov. 2001, 07:24] [Comments: 0]
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