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Czech Amiga News

More details on AMIGA's plans
At Czech Amiga News, Roger Wyatt tells more news from the Amiga show in St. Louis, USA, according to statements made by AMIGA President Bill McEwen. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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John Chandler [Suite 101]

Amiga Are No April Fools
In his monthly article at Suite101, John Chandler focusses on the happenings on the Amiga 2K in St. Louis. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

New demo version of Audio Evolution
The demo version of the sample software Audio Evolution now supports multiple samples in each track. Additionally, new screenshots can be seen. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Neo in AC

Transscript of IRC Conference with Fleecy
Transscript from Harry "Piru" Sintonen from Finland, who by the way offers many useful tools on his website. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga2000 Show News by Wayne Martin
Amiga2000 Show News by Wayne Martin. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Schröder by e-mail

Fleecy Moss informs about developer system and plans
+++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++
AMIGA Vice President Fleecy Moss has just informed about the Amiga Developer System and the company's plans on an IRC conference taking place on the Amiga show Amiga 2K taking place today in St. Louis, USA. The important details folow:
  • The Developer System contains an AMD K6 (500 MHz), 64 MB RAM and GeForce 256, which runs the Tao System very well.
  • However only the Virtual Processor is of importance, which already runs on x86, PowerPC, MIPS, ARM, SH4 and other mega-CPUs which will be announced soon.
  • The Developer System currently runs "hosted" on a Linux kernel.
  • Tao only provides the core for the new OS.
  • The kernel has a size of 25 Kb, the whole OS including GUI and Java needs 3 MB RAM.
  • The GUI system is seperated, making it possible to add multiple GUI modules.
  • The first GUI model will be very different from today's AmigaOS GUI, but users are free to create whatever they want.
  • The Developer System should be available in two to four weeks, for everyone.
  • The end-user system is scheduled for this year.
  • Two user groups are targeted: The "digital adventurer" (an expansion of the miga market today) and those who basically don't like computers (Domestic Digital Habitat).
  • The new Amiga website ( will go online in a few days.
  • Developer software will be available from a support website.
  • Later on, the developer software should run on any PC with the named specifications, but support will only be offered for those purchasing the system from AMIGA.
  • Today, partnerships with multi-billion dollar companies will be announced.
  • The Amiga technology will be available for licensing for any company with a good idea and a little money.
  • Today, there will be an announcement concerning AROS (Amiga Replacement OS).
  • AMIGA itself is currently not working on an 68k emulation, but is in contact with several companies willing to take over this job (but for different goals).

Well, I'd like to mention my article posted a few days ago, for those users who have not read it already and now are disappointed by this announcement. (And no, I didn't know anything more than a casual reader of the news and Executive Updates... ;-)) (mb) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark

VirusExecutor Version 2.03
VirusExecutor version 2.03 by Jan Erik Olausen
Download: VirusExecutor.lha - 216 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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UGN Events on Amiga 2K
First pictures from the Amiga 2K show can be gathered from the UGN Webcam. The site has a 15-seconds refresh build in. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Schmidt in ANF

Rework of the ICQ user list
All entries of the ICQ user list will be sorted by Postal / ZIP code and country (the first update is online). Since Postal / ZIP codes are missing for several entries, I ask these users to submit them. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schölzel in ANF

CD32 Alliance presents CD32 developer kit
The "CD32 Developer-Kit" is available for free download from the developer site, for all software developers. Thanks to Amiga Inc. giving us permission for this.
Download: cd32dev.lzx - 1.6 MB (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Münch in ANF

AUG99 Poll: Turrican 3D for Amiga?
The game TURRICAN 3D is currently under development for PC, and I want to know from you if you are interested in a port for PPC Amiga. We will forward the poll result to the developers (e.g. Manfred Trenz) / the distributor. We implemented a poll on our homepage (title link). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Mariak by e-mail

MorphOS GCC 2.95.2 developer package PPC released
Here is the MorphOS GCC 2.95.2 (tools) dev pac. ppc GCC2.95.2 crosscompiler and ppc cross binutil 2.9.1 to generate morphos executables. Can also be used for powerup but be aware that the compiler does NOT use 68k structure alignment.
Download: morphos-gcc-tools.lha - 4.1 MB (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark

Virus Help Denmark News
Virus Help Denmark now offers bootable virus scanners on floppy disk. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Recent

New Aminet uploads
Hingis.lha           biz/dbase  203K+Martina Hingis tennis singles matches in
TAdesivi.lha         biz/demo    40K+V1.0.1 Ticket editor for TurboGest (ITAL
TBolDEMO.lha         biz/demo    69K+V1.3.0 Material receipt program,(BOLLE M
TComDEMO.lha         biz/demo    68K+V2.4.0 Amiga order program,(COMMESSE ITA
TFat2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    86K+V2.12.0 Amiga Invoice program,(FATTURE I
TProspEd.lha         biz/demo    56K+V1.0.3 Form Editor For TurboFat (ITALIAN
DCF77update.lha      biz/patch  587K+Update for DCF77 3.0-3.9 to 3.10
A-Fix_12032000.lha   comm/ambos  21K+AmBoS-Fix Rel. 12032000 (Sunday 12-Mar-0
A-Fix_30032000.lha   comm/ambos  76K+AmBoS-Fix Rel. 30032000 (Thursday 30-Mar
YamLHArx.lha         comm/mail    1K+ARexx script to handle LHA files in YAM2
AmigADSL-Fr.lha      comm/tcp    18K+French ADSL Documentation + patch for mi
TCPScanner.lha       comm/tcp    17K+TCP-UDP-PortScanner with nmap servicetab
MassDL.lha           comm/www    32K+Less work on WWW Leching. (AWeb) v1.5
PureBasicU1.40.lha   dev/basic  413K+V1.40 - Update file for PureBasic regist
Avr.lha              dev/cross  105K+Atmel AVR Programmer/Assembler
mpatrol.lha          dev/debug  1.4M+Memory allocation debug library. V1.1.3.
SmartCrash.lha       dev/debug   43K+System crash req replacement for OS 2+ V
PFS-Defrag10.lha     disk/optim  19K+New defragmenter for PFS disks
Amiga4ev09HT.lha     docs/mags  371K+German Freeware Mag HTML-Edition
Amiga4ever15.lha     docs/mags  1.2M+Freewaremag(GERMAN) Ausg.15(Mar-APR 00)
life.txt             docs/misc   29K+German(!) SciFi-Story by Insane!
MillenniOS.lha       docs/rview   0K+New Operating System for AMIGA?
D2.lha               game/actio 517K+Great jump'n'run arcade game!Giftware.
kikstart.lha         game/actio 617K+Cool funny driving game, full version!
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data    9K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (27 Marc
a51.lha              game/demo  1.8M+Preview of 3D-Shooter with FMV! (German)
WormWars.lha         game/misc  676K+WormWars 5.51a: Advanced snake game
space0.7b.lha        game/shoot 1.2M+Space shooter for 3D graphics card and P
akMPEG4.lha          gfx/show   148K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V4.40 (68k/
IR-Tuner.lha         hard/hack    9K+Infrared "tuner" for light barriers
TestCard.lha         hard/hack  169K+Testcard generator for PAL/NTSC systems.
TestGear1.lha        hard/hack  325K+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 1.
TestGear2.lha        hard/hack  264K+Simple test equipment projects, Disk 2.
DAlmanac_Ast.lha     misc/sci   1.9M+Asteroids for Digital Almanac II
DAlmanac_Exe.lha     misc/sci   1.4M+Next Generation Planetarium (1.8.12)
ABlues.mpg           mods/boray 3.2M+Mp3 tune by Boray 2000
af-ex-booster.lha    mods/techn 944K+DBM 8ch ->Acid Frog<- acidtrance 143bpm
lns69_trsEp1.lha     mods/techn 108K+Smells like seahorse - minimalistic tech
lns69_trsEp2.lha     mods/techn  52K+Mind Dirt - minimalistic techno (Ep p2)
lns70_gridEp1.lha    mods/techn  71K+Loud heart good - minimalistic techno by
lns70_gridEp2.lha    mods/techn  69K+Progress rmx - minimalistic techno by CI
lns70_gridEp3.lha    mods/techn 123K+Sex - minimalistic techno by CIE (Mono G
lns70_gridEp4.lha    mods/techn 113K+What the hell - minimalistic techno by C
B5_battle2.lha       pix/anim   8.5M+Babylon 5 animation
DetotterButton.lha   util/cdity  11K+Absorb short blackouts of a mouse button
ClrMem.lha           util/cli     2K+Clears memory of a given type
text-dt.lha          util/dtype   8K+Replacement of the text.datatype
xpm-dt.lha           util/dtype  17K+Version 43.2 of the xpm.datatype
Randyprog.lha        util/misc   12K+Run another program with Truely random p
SnoopDos33.lha       util/moni  128K+SnoopDos 3.3, the well known system moni
pdate.lha            util/time   26K+Persian Date replacement (Solar Hejri Da
DirScanner.lha       util/wb     76K+V2.4: Small but powerful filefinder. (MU
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

KATO: problems with the serial port, e.g. in combination with sound cards
If you encounter problems with serial interface cards, or bad transfer rates especially with the Twister1200, we ask you to have a closer look on the essay on Auto-Flow-Control (title link). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Sharp by e-mail

Mr. Hardware Computers - News
Amiga 2K - Press Release more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Forever

Cross-Plattform Online Edition
The new Cross-Plattform Edition of the Amiga Forever Online Edition is identical to the Windows version, but contains additional options to use Amiga ROM and OS files on Linux, Mac, DOS, and other platforms. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Apr. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise: Trackerlabels: The pioneers of online music
«In the beginning there was the Amiga, Commodore's flagship in the battle for young home users. For musicians, the box did not have much to offer, everybody with some little equipment in those times went rather for the Atari ST. For the ST, there was professional software like Cubase, and it had a MIDI interface. But the Amiga had many, many colors. 4096, to be exact. That was a lot for the times when expensive PCs had either 4 or 16 colors. Compared to that, the Amiga was something like the first multimedia computer. The fitting multimedia software, though, everybody had to make on his own. And the kids programmed like mad. They cracked commercial game software, replaced their intros with own ones and spreaded their dared animations as so-called demos - some kind of electronic graffiti culture came into existance. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 31. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Norman in ANF

AmigaAMP 2.8 BETA-6 released
Download: AmigaAMP28b6.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 31. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Advis via eMail

Swedish and danish Amiga magazines
From:             Amiga Advis
Date: Fri,        31 Mar 2000 06:22:59 +0100
Subject:          Swedish and danish Amiga magazines

Swedish and danish Amiga magazines

It is not only bad things  going  on  in  the  market  for  Amiga
magazines.  About  three months ago the Amiga community in Sweden
again got access to a magazine about Amiga in their own language.
This  magazine  is produced by the danish magazine Amiga Advis in
cooperation with Rolf Eric. He has this good point and  advantage
that he is born and bred in Sweden.

Temporarily he stays in Denmark but have learned  himself  danish
so  therefore  he  is  not  only  a  pawn  in the translation and
publishing in Sweden. We hope that som swedish writers will  join
the  list  of  suppliers  of  articles to the magazines. When the
magazines springs from the same source  they  could  exploit  the
united  efforts.  Both  the  swedish  and the danish editions are
medleys of reviews, courses, notices, correspondence columns etc.
In short, throughout a real magazine with what beongs to that.

But in short  of  costs,  the  magazines  are  not  published  in
colours.  If you are interested in supporting these magazines you
can obtain them in the

following ways:

With swedish and danish regards

Amiga Advis

Svensk och dansk Amigamagasin

Det händer inte bara dåliga saker på Amigamagasin  området  idag.
För  cirka  tre  månader  sedan  fick  AmigaSverige  återigen ett
Amigamagasin. Detta magasin startades av Amiga Advis i sammarbeta
med Rolf Eric som har den fördel att ha varit född och uppvuxen i
Stockholmstrakterna, men bor tillfälligt i Köpenhamn.

Rolf har blivit en viktig bricka i  att  få  de  danska  texterna
översatta  till  svenska.  Dock hoppas vi på att det också kommer
svenska skribenter för att tidningarna  ska  kunna  växa  samman.
Detta  vill  vi  uppnå  för  att  undvika  känslan av att den ena
tidningen kommer ur den andra, så att vi får  en  känsla  av  att
tidningen skapas från samma källa.

Båda  utgåvorna  av  tidningen  är  en  blandning av anmälningar,
kurser, aktuella artiklar, läsarbrev med  mera.  Kort  sagt  helt
igenom  ett  riktigt  Amigamagasin med allt som där tillhör, dock
utkommer Amiga Advis i svart|vitt tryck.

Är du intresserad i att ansluta dig till detta Amigablad, kan  du
anskaffa dig något av dem på följande sätt

Svenskspråkiga Amiga Advis

Den svenska utgåvan har kommit ut med två nummer och  den  tredje
är  snart  kommen  från  tryck och ska vara klar till utgivning i
loppet av en vecka. 1999 (sv) är  på  24  sidor  i  A4format  och
kostar SEK 25,-

2000/01 (sv) är på 36 sidor i A4format och kostar SEK 35,-
2000/02 (sv) och framåt kommer att vara på cirka 36 sidor i A4 och
kosta SEK 35,-

Du kan köpa bladen hos dessa två Amigaförhandlare

GGS-Data, Korsklevegatan 30, GÖTEBORG, SVERIGE, 0046 31 64 43 50
Tricom Data AB, Torsgatan 46, STOCKHOLM, SVERIGE 0046 8 736 02 92
Tricom Data AB, Svartbäcksgatan 41, UPPSALA, SVERIGE 0046 18 12 34 00

Du kan bli prenumerant genom att göra följande

Ta ett inbetalningskort för postgirot och fyll i  det  med  namn,
adress och gärna epost, skriv din beställning, beloppet samt vårt
namn och gironummer. Kom ihåg att skriv tydligt.

1 nummer kostar SEK 35,-
3 nummer kostar SEK 99,-
6 nummer kostar SEK 190,- Alla priser ovan inräknar bara tidningar med styckpriset SEK 35,-. Önskas det köpas in det första numret tillför ni bara beloppet SEK 25,- på räkningen och nämner att ni önskar nummer ett. Vår adress Amiga Advis
Jernbanevej 47
4450 Jyderup
DANMARK sv telefon: 0045 20 43 38 58
sv epost:
Giro SEK: 16 33 94-0 Danskspråkiga Amiga Advis Den danskspråkiga Amiga Advis har kommit ut sedan augusti 1996 och har genom sina många år givit ut iallt 44 nummer. Det danska bladet kan man fortfarande köpas i olika kiosker runt omkring i Danmark och i ett par enstaka kiosker på Färöarna och på Grönland. Du kan också välja att bli abonnent genom att göra följande Ta ett inbetalningskort för postgirot och fyll i det med namn, adress och gärna epost, skriv din beställning, beloppet samt vårt namn, adress och gironummer. Kom ihåg att skriv tydligt. 3 nummer kostar DKK 84,-
6 nummer kostar DKK 162,-
12 nummer kostar DKK 324,- Svenskt og danskt Amiga-magasin Der foregår ikke kun dårlige ting på Amiga-magasinområdet. For ca. tre måneder siden fik Amiga i Sverige igen et Amiga magasin. Dette magasin blev startet af det danske Amiga-magasin Amiga Advis i samarbejde med Rolf Eric som har den fordel at være født og opvokset i Sverige, men som nu midlertidigt bor i Danmark. Under sit ophold i Danmark har Rolf lært sig dansk og med disse engenskaber er han en specielt vigtig brik i at få det danske blad oversat til svensk. Dog håber vi på at der også kommer svenske skribenter til, sådan at disse blade der udspringer af samme kilde, frem for at det ene kun er afskrift af det andet, kan have bidrag fra begge læserkredse. Både det svenske blad og det danske blad er en blanding af anmeldelser, kurser, aktuelle artikler, læserbreve m.m., kort sagt, helt igennem et rigtigt magasin med hvad dertil hører. Dog udkommer Amiga Advis ikke i farver. Er du interesseret i at bakke op omkring disse bladet kan du anskaffe dem på følgende måde: Danmark, Amiga Advis Det danske Amiga-magasin er udkommet siden august 1996 og har gennem sine fire år udgivet i alt 44 numre. Det danske blad kan du fortsat købe i forskellige kiosker rundt omkring i Danmark og i et par enkelte kiosker på Færøerne og i Grønland. Du kan også vælge at blive abonnent ved at gøre følgende: Tag et indbetalingskort til Postgiro og udfyld det med dit navn og adresse, anfør det du bestiller, beløbet samt vores navn, adresse og gironummer. Husk at skrive dit navn tydeligt. 3 numre koster: 84,- Dkr.
6 numre koster: 162,- Dkr.
12 numre koster: 324,- Dkr. Vores adresse:
Amiga Advis
Jernbanevej 47
4450 Jyderup
Danmark dk telefon 59 27 89 91
dk e-post:
dk Giro nr.: 298-1599 Med svenske og danske hilsner Amiga Advis
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 31. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann via email

Digital Almanac II bugfix update
Now there is a minor bugfix-update for Digital Almanac II available. The update can be downloaded from the homepage of the author. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Wille

BPPCFix v1.4
BPPCFix v1.4 (27.03.2000) can now remove 68040/060.library, too.
Download: BPPCFix.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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68k assembler programer for Scalos wanted
Scalos developer archive to be re-released very soon (hopefully). We are looking for one more full time 68k assembler coder to help comment the huge main Scalos program and also fix bugs; send your offer to (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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BeOS 5 Personal Edition
As announced earlier BeOS 5 is now in a "Personal Edition" available for a free download. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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VNC-Server for Amiga released
Avnc is a brandnew VNC-server for the Amiga. Now, for example, it is possible to control WindowsNT-PCs with the Amiga via internet. More of this issue VNC you will find under Download:avnc-beta6.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 30. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Henk Jonas

MetaView 2.9 released
The solution for clip art users converts from WMF, CGM, GEM, DSDR, DR2D, DXF, XFIG, EPS, WPG, HPGL and CMX to EPS, CGM, GEM, DR2D, HPGL, WMF, JMF, AI, XFIG or ILBM. Also im- and exports AMF (see AmigaMetaFileFormat). Download: MetaView.lha - MetaView.readme (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Kühn in ANF

AmigaPeople on the Net
This is a list of Amiga users, where any Amiga user can add himself, to provide help and support to Amiga users nearby. This list is international, and not limited to the German language countries. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert by e-mail

akMPEG v4.401 released
Audio support has been improved.
Download: akMPEG4.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Funke by e-mail

PowerPC-World News
The PPC software list of the PowerPC World at Haage & Partner recieved an update. 44 new entries are listed. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Baute

Don't expect too much...
Some thoughts on the upcoming Amiga 2K. Not as negative as it might sound, but some facts to consider: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Thomas Dellert (DCE)
Read this interview with Thomas Dellert (DCE), done by Petra Struck on March 29th, 2000, clarifying the availability of PowerUP products: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The AAA Award for USA will be given to the winner on the Amiga 2K show in St. Louis. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ami Sector One

New rare demos at Ami Sector One
At Ami Sector One, some very rare demos can be found which are not available on Aminet or Funet. Among others, you can download e.g. "Gate Megademo 1" and "Gate Megademo 2" form the group "Gate" from there. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga News now in French, too :-)
The team from AmigaImpact, under the leadership of Stéphane "SteaG" Campan volunteered to translate our news to French :-). more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Fellhauer in ANF

A/NES CGX version 1.18 released
Download: anescgfx.lha - 90 Kb (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Mohr in ANF

Amiga & Atari show, Neuss - website now online
As already previously announced, the show has been relocated to the weekend from June 10th to 11th, 2000. More info about the "World of Alternatives" is now available at the title link. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schölzel in ANF

Help forum for CD32 users opened!
At the title link, a new forum for CD32 users has been opened. If you have problems with the CD32, want to buy / sell CD32 games or hardware, you are at the right place there. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Etzrodt in ANF

Sharks! CD32-Edition no longer "Powered by CD32-Alliance"!
At this place, I want to announce that the upcoming CD32 game Sharks!, coded by Christian Steiner, is no longer supported (powered) by the CD32 Alliance. I don't want to name reasons at this place. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer by e-mail

Java-Installation for Linux and Wind*ws
The documentation about the installation of java was extended. Now there are different sections which describe how to install Java® (JRE® 1.2.x) and Swing® under Linux and under Wind*ws. Additional there are some special scripts for Wind*ws available which make the installation very easy - only some mouseclicks are necessary now. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer by e-mail

JavaRunner 1.1 for Linux (PPC and 86x86) and Wind*ws
The new version 1.1 is now available. A bug was removed which took effect only under Linux and some special abilities were included. So the JavaRunner now tries to create the CLASSPATH-environment-variable if it doesn't exists. Additional V 1.1 works perfect with the new JRE® 1.2.x. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Kevin Orme in ANF

Amiga University wants you!
Amiga University needs your support for several areas: more ... (Translation: mb)

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Grzegorz Juraszek by e-mail

New print magazine in Poland
I would like to inform you and all Amiga users that we have started publishing a new paper Amiga magazine in Polish. It is called "eXec" (48 pages, with CD) and will be released on April 8th, 2000 at Amiga Meeting 2000 fair in Lodz. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl by e-mail

APC & TCP looking for graphic artists and programmers
We are urgently looking for an excellent graphics artist to work on the Pulsator project. Please contact by e-mail. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Efim Shuvikov by e-mail

IBrowse2 extension
First big support for IBrowse2. This project allows IBrowse to view the sites which uses dynamic fonts technology (tag FONT FACE). Expand your IBrowse2.2 with Cascading Style Sheets. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll by e-mail

AFD-Copyright news
Here some news on the project "AFD-Copyright"TM or "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"TM. This copyright notice is an offer to all Amiga developers wanting to release FD-Software, be it freeware, giftware, shareware or whatever. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Sharp by e-mail

Amiga 2K Banquet Ticket Announcement
Amiga 2K - Press Release - March 27, 2000 more ... (Translation: mb)

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Elbox Support by e-mail

New software for MROOCHECK PC-Wheel-Mouse-Interface by Elbox
New software for Wheel support for MROOCHECK PC Mouse Interface. Also included in this release is FreeWheel - the commodity which converts wheelmouse events into scrollbar movement or cursor key movements. It can also map several useful functions to the wheel button, and a fourth mouse button. Read more in ReadMeFirst. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Recent

New Aminet uploads
catalog.lha          biz/dbase   32K+Create a database of your disks or CDs (
OnyxBase.lha         biz/dbase  110K+Great address book manager with lots of 
TMagDEMO.lha         biz/demo    74K+V0.8.0b Amiga storage program,(MAGAZZINO
MoneyManager.lha     biz/misc   159K+A new improved version of the nice and f
DCF77update.lha      biz/patch  587K+Update for DCF77 3.0-3.9 to 3.10
amirc.lha            comm/irc   799K+Fully featured GUI IRC Client (v3.3)
amirc_68000.lha      comm/irc   223K+68000/OS2.x version of AmIRC (v3.4)
MagicFile_46r3.lha   comm/maxs  168K+Automated file menus & MUCH more, 4.6r3
TATty.lha            comm/misc   42K+Internet Dial Cost By Mak41 V1.20 Italia
AMarquee50.lha       comm/net   259K+V50.11 TCP Data Broadcast System (librar
AmiComSys.lha        comm/net   325K+V1.32 Personal Communicator like ICQ (MU
nullsana.lha         comm/tcp    33K+Mac/Amiga connection Sana2 V2 device
YGM.lha              comm/tcp   129K+Checks POP3 mailboxes for new mail
TASC.lha             comm/thor   29K+Thor Automated Spam Complaint script v2.
CheckHTML.lha        comm/www   204K+Checks HTML files
crs-brsg.lha         demo/aga   253K+BrainSurgery demo by CoRRoSioN
crs-ss3.lha          demo/aga   138K+Ss3 invitation intro by CoRRoSioN
wpz-frozen27.lha     demo/aga   579K+Frozen#27 - TRSAC Party Edition
crs-40kin.lha        demo/intro  48K+40k intro pack intro by CoRRoSioN
crs-alife.lha        demo/intro 130K+AnotherLife boardtro by CoRRoSioN
crs-crime.lha        demo/intro 202K+'crime does not pay' dentro by CoRRoSioN
crs-down.lha         demo/intro  82K+'down with the blue' intro by CoRRoSioN
crs-lqs.lha          demo/intro  67K+Liquid Sky boardtro by CoRRoSioN
crs-party.lha        demo/intro  87K+'crs party intro' by CoRRoSioN
crs-xtcf.lha         demo/intro  17K+Ecstacy boardtro by CoRRoSioN [v1.2]
DKG-ST14.lha         demo/mag   2.7M+Showtime 14 by Darkage!
Oepir10.lha          demo/mag   398K+Oepir Risti issue 10
FirstExt.lha         dev/amos     1K+Little Extension AmosPro (Balrog Soft)
clockita.lha         dev/basic   48K+Italian clock with alarm + source code
PMM.lha              dev/c      1.2M+Project-Make-Manager (PMM) for vbcc
mpega_in_e.lha       dev/e        4K+Example how to use mpega.library with Am
Python152_Doc.lha    dev/lang   817K+Python 1.5.2 documentation (HTML)
flexy.lha            dev/misc    67K+FLEXY v1.1  A very user-friendly GUI for
Flexy.lha            dev/misc    86K+FLEXY 1.2  A very user-friendly GUI for 
MCC_MysticView.lha   dev/mui     96K+MysticView custom class for MUI
IdentCDR.lha         disk/cdrom  18K+Identifies CD-R/W media (update!)
fat95.lha            disk/misc   40K+Win95/98 compatible file system
PFS-Defrag10.lha     disk/misc   19K+New defragmenter for PFS disks
PFS3ud.lha           disk/misc  216K+PFS3 undelete 
SV-Discount.lha      docs/anno    5K+Shareware bundle and RegNet information 
AIOV34.lha           docs/mags  315K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 34 (Marc
AFD-Files1-15.lha    docs/misc  137K+Standard Copyright Note in 15 languages
jafeb00.lha          docs/misc   53K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
freeciv.lha          game/2play 824K+Amiga Version 1.9 => Freeciv 1.10.0
sharksmulti.lha      game/actio 323K+Great Action-diving OCS/AGA ! V1.4
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data    9K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (12 Marc
Foundation_dt.lha    game/data    5K+Alternate German catalogs for Foundation
AmiUHS_12.lha        game/hint   18K+V1.2, Universal Hint System (UHS) Reader
SaveEd.lha           game/misc   94K+Universal save game editor
WormWars.lha         game/misc  683K+WormWars 5.5: Advanced snake game
Frotz232r11.lha      game/role  241K+Infocom game interpreter
YAGAC.lha            game/role  416K+Graphic adventure creator v0.8b (Balrog 
MadMatrix.lha        game/think  15K+Hard MUI game with very simple rules. ( 
MUI_FreeCell.lha     game/think 285K+Amiga MUI version of well-known solitair
CMNDR-ImageFX.lha    gfx/ifx     66K+Customizable GUI for ImageFX
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  309K+V1.41 PSX MemoryCard Reader
A4k2towerDIY.lha     hard/misc  3.3M+Convert your A4000 desktop to tower!
Basic35Manual.lha    misc/emu   172K+Commodore Basic 3.5 manual
BlackUnZipGui.lha    misc/emu    29K+A Gui for Zip-Files with password
BSNES9xGui.lha       misc/emu    70K+A great gui for SNes9x
BSNESGui.lha         misc/emu    69K+A great gui for WarpSNes
BSNESMagyar.lha      misc/emu     3K+Hungarian Catalogs for BlackSNESGui
Nostalgia.lha        misc/emu   210K+THE Multi-Emulation system, support for 
imdbDiff000303.lha   misc/imdb  1.8M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff000310.lha   misc/imdb  1.4M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff000317.lha   misc/imdb  1.7M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
MoonDial.lha         misc/sci    33K+Graphically shows the moons phase. V1.4
adt.c                misc/unix   78K+Aminet Download Tool 2.5, minor update
Midnight.mpg         mods/elbie 2.0M+Midnight in Mordor [Dark Classical] by E
l_basis.lha          mods/jungl 385K+Drum & Bass flavor
L_BASIS.lha          mods/jungl 385K+Drum & Bass flavor
twig_neve.lha        mods/med   323K+NeverFinished, a tune by DJTwiglet
vdo_scot.lha         mods/techn 402K+the 44th voodoo release
XGMain1.6.lha        mus/midi    69K+New XGMainEdit for YAMAHA XG-Devices
TheMPegEncGUI.lha    mus/misc    55K+GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pe
amiga.jpg            pix/art     19K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
amiga1200.jpg        pix/art     26K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
balloon.jpg          pix/art     10K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
lightmyfire.jpg      pix/art     12K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
YeehaaAmigaBk.lha    pix/art    148K+Rachel Raccoon pictures by Leslie Dietz
Alien_vs_Borg.jpg    pix/mark   600K+Borg vs. Alien - Who is more dangerous?
Ambassador.jpg       pix/mark   534K+My first PPC-rendered Picture
Enterprise-C.jpg     pix/mark   302K+Enterprise-C in outer space (Star Trek)
IkeWB1.jpg           pix/wb     125K+800x600-16 OS3.5 WB featuring OpusMI
BareED.lha           text/edit  129K+A simple text-editor for the use of non-
APT-Watch.lha        util/batch   4K+Execute command upon file change (v1.00)
GatewayTools.lha     util/cli   936K+Various tools for use in CLI
StarDate.lha         util/cli   124K+StarDate-Clock (CLI) for free use
VersCheckV2.lha      util/cli   847K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
akJFIF-dt.lha        util/dtype 193K+AkJFIF-dt V44.78 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/W
akNAIL-dt.lha        util/dtype 106K+AkNAIL-dt V44.10 (NAIL, 68000-060)
akPNG-dt.lha         util/dtype 201K+AkPNG-dt V44.78 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/WOS
akTIFF-dt.lha        util/dtype 206K+AkTIFF-dt V44.78 (TIFF, 68000-060, PPC/W
GatewayLibrary.lha   util/libs   83K+Shared Library with many functions
SetTaskPri.lha       util/moni   17K+Sets the priority of a task/process. (MU
DRemind.lha          util/time  118K+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.53!
SetDST.lha           util/time   62K+Adjusts time for Daylight Saving Time
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

AIO issue 34 finished
Mark Tierno releases his first issue as AIO editor.
Download: AIOV34.LHA (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Toms Commodore Emulation Website
Tom has recieved permission by Dave Haynie to post some of his videos from his time at Commodore, West Chester, PA as .mpg. All in all, six different .mpg files are available for download. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Schmidt by eMail

Linux concepts: device management under Linux
The free Linux information service put the third part of the Linux concepts series online. This part is covering the device management under Linux. The text is as usual available in the Dokumentation / Konzepte area. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Plantamiga by eMail

Planetamiga Austria presents a completely renewed online offer
Planetamiga is proposing a completely reworked and at the same time the first Amiga online shop featuring a shoppingkart system in Austria since today. After the former version of the Planetamiga site had somewhat aged, Planetamiga decide to realise a completely new idea. The design and structure of the page is decent, but the contents is expandable.

Most interesting for austrian Amiga users might become the Planetamiga-Newsletter which does not only send actual information about the Amiga directly to the private mailbox, but will also inform about the most recent deals. Planetamiga is also planning a bannerfree Webinterface for webmasters. Since this is not ready it will not be described yet. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Klopsch in ANF

Hardware meeting of the IMAGE usergroup
On the 1st of april there will be a hardware meeting in Nürnberg, Mannertstrasse 10 (side entrance JVA) beetween 09:00 and 24:00 h. If you want to attent please contact Jörg Karisch ( or Tel.: 0911-317459. You can also get a road description there. Don't forget your extension leads and plugs. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bob Scharp by eMail

Amiga 2K Press Release
The big Amiga 2K Show in St. Louis will begin on Saturday. Find a list of all the events and happenings at the show under The full press release: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto by eMail

Amiga Forever News
Some news about the Amiga Forever CD Cloanto. First there are new files for the Amiga Forever 3.0 CD. There are new links to legal download sites for classic Amiga games and softwares on the Amiga Forever Homepage. more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ralf Gruner by eMail

New tip by Ralf Gruner - floppydisk backup
Ralf Gruner send us concise instructions and a small script to created floppydisk backups. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dhomas Trenn by eMail

Press release: Commander-ImageFX (configurable GUI)
Commander by Dhomas Trenn is a software which creates configurable graphical user interfaces for other softwares. Actually Dhomas has adapted his software fo ImageFX: more ... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Kimna by eMail

Prerelease of the FTP client ATC
A new prerelease of the fantastic FTP client AmiTradeCenter by Matthias Böcker has been available for a couple of days now. The software is very performent, is very stable and has extended configuration possibilities; even a Tetris game, to shorten the download time, and a graphical CPS display have been build in. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl by eMail

APC&TCP has a new URL
APC/TCP has got a new URL from now on: and Andreas Magerl a new eMail adress: Andreas is available as usual from now on.

Please correct your bookmarks, link pages and mailing lists. Members of the club, who have got a hompage at APC/TCP, should consider that their URL has changed too: (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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A.G.N.U.S is a new link directory "Amiga Emulation Directory" which covers the subject of emulation. There you can also read the interview with Dominic Schmidt and Torsten Giebl, authors of the Fellow project. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: The mighty magician
more ... (Translation: mb)

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SSL library: wolfSSL for the Amiga (29. Dec.)
Network driver for PCMCIA cards from Xircom (28. Dec.)
Operating system for the Amiga: Third alpha version of "Serena OS" (28. Dec.)
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