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Marc Albrecht on ANF

A.C.T. Stops Amiga Sponsoring
From the end of October 2000 A.C.T. and the co-operating ISP will stop all sponsoring actions for the Amiga area. This will also concern every sites hosted at "". Single developers or groups who are sponsored up to now have already been contacted via e-mail, but many of the addresses don't seem to work any more or the people are no longer interested in Amiga.

Hence A.C.T. asks all web admins whose sites are sponsored or hosted by A.C.T. to move these sites to another provider by the end of October 2000.

For some of the sites - among them - the web admins are looking for successors, because otherwise these sites would be canceled outright. Also concerned by the sponsoring stop is the hardware and software sponsoring: from now on A.C.T. will not deliver hardware or software products for free to "up-coming projects" or similar.

[News message: 05. Oct. 2000, 12:29] [Comments: 0]
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