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The Bayona on ANF

Pro Linux: Linux World Conference & Expo Starts
«The conference schedule makes reading like the "who is who" of the branch. Beside popular speakers like Bob Young, Dirk Hohndel, and Arthur Tyde Jon "maddog" Hall from Linux International will perform as keynote speaker. Exclusively for the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo Linus Torvalds will be guest at the event. This trade fair which will take place from October 5th to October 7th 2000 will be the first business-to-business event focusing the Linux operating system, and Open Solutions in Europe. About 10,000 visitors, and more than 100 attending companies on over 9,000 m2 exhibition space are expected for the premiere.»

[News message: 05. Oct. 2000, 02:14] [Comments: 0]
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