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Piotr Pawlowski

"Exodus - The Last War" and Appeal regarding a New Game
At the moment there were four different versions of "Exodus - The Last War" released : a polish, a german, an english, and a french one. Soon the Czech version will be available for download.


There are plans for developing another game; code name "Husaria". In Polish this means a kind of heavy cavalry, soldiers specialized for fast attacks, which were noted for their victories particulary during the 17th century. For example King Jan III Sobieski who has supported Austria against Turkey in the battle near Vienna.

For this new project the programmers are looking for the following things:
  • Maps of Europe from 16th and 17th century.
  • Fotos of castles, palaces and buildings used for economic purposes of the above mentioned centuries.
  • Fotos or pictures of armours and weapons of this time.

If possible, we need pictures of all 4 walls of the buildings, because we need this for making 3d-models out of them. It would be nice if you could tell us the name of the e.g. castle, and maybe send us a little map showing the location.

If you would like to help us, you can send your material via email to

[News message: 09. Oct. 2000, 11:39] [Comments: 0]
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