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Fun Time World

Shoutcast/Icecast Client Released for the Amiga
Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz has written a Shoutcast/Icecast Client for the Amiga and called it "StreAmi". There are two very popular audio streaming systems called Icecast and Shoutcast which are able to send MPG audio compressed audio data through the net. StrAmi allows you to fetch these audio files from any server and listen to them in real time.

This way, you can very easily listen to radio via internet. The program has a MUI interface and requires nothing more than a TCP/IP stack like Miami or AmiTCP and of course a fast internet access. You'll find lists of servers at and

Download: StreAmi.lha - StreAmi.readme

[News message: 06. Oct. 2000, 09:28] [Comments: 0]
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