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Dietmar Knoll via eMail

AFD-Copyright News
Hello Amigans!

The "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note"(TM). or shorter "AFD-COPYRIGHT"(TM) has been released for the fifth time this year.

This Copyright Note is an offer for all Amiga developers who want to release FD-Software, be it as Freeware, Giftware, Shareware or whatever.

AFD-COPYRIGHT is now available in eighteen (18!!!) languages - all in two formats, as plain text and as HTML-file.

After the releases of the Czech, Russian, Catalan and Brazilian Portuguese translations the latest addition is the Hungarian translation by Álmos Rajnai and Péter Kovács (again, from the ATO).

The files can now be downloaded from the Official Support Site for AFD-COPYRIGHT. The address is:

And of course, news sites are allowed to spread this message. Thanks for your attention, interest and support!

[News message: 05. Oct. 2000, 12:58] [Comments: 0]
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