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Platform game: Updated demo version of "Super Delivery Boy"
Two years ago, NeesoGames published the last demo version of "Super Delivery Boy" ( reported). As the developers report, the development of the game has progressed continuously despite the lack of public updates (YouTube video). What has changed:
  • Animated Main Menu with options (music and sound volumes are saved on disk)
  • Up to 64 colors on screen (EHB mode)
  • Every level (but the interiors) have multi layer parallax scrolling
  • Mission hub
  • New tiles, platforms, visual and sound effects
  • Overall game rebalanced
  • ... and, as usual, a lot more for you to find out!
Future plans:
  • The game will feature 4 main levels based on the 4 seasons
  • Each level will feature different enemies, puzzles, secrets and so on
  • The level in the demo can be identified with spring, summer level will be in the next public release, then hopefully the remaining levels will be released on season change but I can't promise!

[News message: 27. Aug. 2023, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Frank (ANF)

Puzzle game: Connect V1.4
In the puzzle game "Connect" (screenshots), you have to connect a series of ICs in such a way that each chip receives exactly the number of connections printed on its package. Developer Frank Röger has written about the now released version 1.4:

"Hello all, just in this moment we uploaded an updated version of Connect. It contains the following changes:

1. At the R2C2 user meeting, we did a lot of coop games and got stuck for a very long time in some games when we couldn't find the bug on the game board. There the idea was born to be able to display the error by pressing a key, to prevent excessively long searches. No sooner said than done, this function is now in the game. By pressing the H key, all chips that do not have the required number of connections are marked red. However, this help has the disadvantage that the game time is set to 9999 seconds. This is not enough for a new highscore, but it is helpful for people who want to solve "all" game boards completely. Please note that this only works in solo and coop mode.

2. The bug devil has crept in. We found him drawing the game cursor excessively on the game board. Luckily we were able to tame it and get some performance out of it, especially on the Amiga 500. :)

3. The manual has been updated. In it you will now find an overview of all shortcuts available in the game.

Have fun playing!" (dr)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2023, 20:59] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Wiegel (Mail)

Turn-based strategy game: Farm update for "Settle the World"
After several developer diaries in which he describes his programming progress, Christian 'TheoTheoderich' Wiegel has published a farm update for his turn-based building and trading game "Settle the World". He writes about it:

"This update is also just another small step on the way to a complete game.

I have completely rewritten much of the programme code for the game over the last few months. The game was not originally designed to be greatly expanded. But since there is still a lot missing in Settle the World (regular elections, natives, computer opponents, etc.) it became urgent to rework everything.

The advantage is that the game now requires much less chip RAM and I can therefore include more music tracks in the coming months.

The changes

Pioneers can now build farms after the citizens of your cities have reached the worker class for the first time. Farms are needed later in the game to supply the aristocrat class with meat and wine.

There are new units to make the best use of farms:
  • Cowboys for cattle breeding
  • Grape pickers, to harvest grapes
  • Winemakers, to produce wine from grapes (luxury good for the aristocrat class)
  • Butchers to process cattle into meat (food for the aristocrat class).
New buildings:
  • Wine press (can be built on farms)
  • Slaughterhouse (can be built in cities)
Other new features:
  • Integrated help texts/guidance (but it's still early days).
  • More sound effects.
  • More intermediate images for events.
  • New function "Move to town". Moves units via pathfinding to the selected city.
  • New terrain type "Plains".
  • Millitary supply wagon to heal/repair damaged millitary units outside cities or to equip colonists to soldiers.
  • Soldiers can mount horses outside of cities and thus become dragoons.
  • Map generator completely rewritten. No longer generates diagonal land bridges and creates varied landscapes.
  • There are now more whales, horses and bison on the map.
  • Unnecessary transport units (ships and trade wagons) can be destroyed in cities and the player gets half of the construction costs back.
  • Citizens of higher classes of citizen now need more food types per turn (fish and meat in addition to wheat).
  • Large ships can now only anchor in cities if at least one dock is available.
  • The entire graphics system has been reworked to free up more chip mem memory for more future in-game music.
  • Countless things have been added, changed, tried and thrown away since the last update in February 2023.
What's still "missing" in this update:


Keeping citizens happy does not yet have a big impact on the game. In the future, there will be regular elections, which the player must win in order to remain in power. The technical foundations for such an election system have been laid in the current version.

Native people

Here, too, the basis for integrating native tribes into the game has been created in the current version. The plan is to place native villages and units on the map with which the player can interact. Unfortunately, I did not manage to include this feature in time.

Computer opponents

CPU-controlled opponents are very complex to implement. I have been working on this intensively for several weeks, but I have to put this feature off until later. With the programming of the natives I will hopefully be able to gain enough experience to be able to realise computer opponents later.

You see...I am far from finished with the development of -Settle the World- ;-)

So that the next update doesn't have to wait for months, there will be two versions available for download on the project page in the next weeks. One is the "official" update and the other is a current development version.

The development versions will hardly be tested, but most of them are compatible with the game state.

I hope this will give me some more feedback on the game ;-) (dr)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2023, 15:12] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 26.08.2023
The following files have been added until 26.08.2023 to Aminet:           dev/misc   16K   68k Convert Sharp X68000 executab...
alt-intl.lha             driver/inp 2K    68k alt-intl keymap
minetest.lha             game/demo  7.2M  MOS Minecraft clone in Python
TONY.adf                 game/demo  880K  68k TONY playable demo
webptools131_a68k.lha    gfx/conv   2.4M  68k encode/decode images in WebP ...
TopazDouble.lha          text/bfont 4K        Double-height recreation of T...
MuLockLib.lha            util/boot  133K  68k Lock mmu.library in memory on...        util/misc  15M   68k Versatile Amiga Testprogram
FatOlga.lha              util/moni  1K    68k AIBB 6.5 Module for FAT Olga ...

[News message: 27. Aug. 2023, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 26.08.2023
The following files have been added until 26.08.2023 to OS4Depot:
vumeter.lha              aud/mis 53kb  4.0 Audio VUMeter display
usbaudio2.lha            aud/rec 90kb  4.1 Record and Play audio over USB A...
libvpx.lha               dev/lib 3Mb   4.0 WebM VP8/VP9 Codec library

[News message: 27. Aug. 2023, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 26.08.2023
The following files have been added until 26.08.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
LegendOfKorr.lha          Games/Action              Legend of Korr: Path of...
fheroes2_1.0.7.lha        Games/Strategy            fheroes2 is a recreatio...

[News message: 27. Aug. 2023, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 26.08.2023
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 26.08.2023: (snx)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2023, 09:04] [Comments: 0]
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Motorola68k emulation: Beta version 2.1 of Emu68 (V0.16)
Developer Michal Schulz has released beta version 2.1 of his Motorola68K emulation Emu68 for the ARM architecture, focusing on the PiStorm and PiStorm32lite which fixes bugs of the previous version and introduces many important improvements. Changes:
  • CCR fixes. Beta 2 has changed internal handling of CCR, but unfortunately added several bugs due to the change. Beta 2.1 fixes all these problems, improving compatibility with m68k software.
  • Fixed fusing of MOVE instructions. Until now there were few corner cases where fusing of subsequent MOVE.L instructions resulted in wrong behavior of generated code. Thanks to Paraj this issues are solved now and fusing of MOVE.L instructions works without (hopefully) any bugs.
  • Added temporal instruction cache working on CHIP memory during JIT translation process. This greatly improves the translation itself, since not only the translator itself accesses instruction stream, but also CCR optimizer and CRC32 calculator.
  • Added optional slowdown of code executed from CHIP memory. This might be important for old games and/or demos which rely on CPU busyloops
  • Removed code inlining feature on 24-bit memory to reduce the need of crawling through the CHIP memory. Greatly improves the performance of demos/games where instruction cache is set to checksumming mode.
The beta version 2.1 is recommended for all PiStorm users. Per default the firmware is used in two-slot mode. By adding "one_slot" option to cmdline.txt one can force the single-slot operation.

The developer provides more detailed information on the changes in his new Patreon article. (dr)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2023, 21:53] [Comments: 0]
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Paweł Tukatsch (Mail)

Platform game: Demo version v1.3 of Tony
Only recently Paweł 'tukinem' Tukatsch had released demo version 1.2 of his game Tony, which among other things introduced different color palettes ( reported). Since some bugs crept in, he has now released version 1.3. (dr)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2023, 15:56] [Comments: 0]
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Game Construction Kit: Scorpion Engine 2023.3 / RetroAnimator (update)
The "Scorpion Engine" by Erik 'earok' Hogan enables the development of games. The engine itself is not open source, but all included demos and demo games are. The editor itself runs on Windows. Graphics are imported as PNG files, for level creation the editor Tiled is used. For sounds, music and animations Amiga formats (mod, 8svx, anim5) are used.

According to the developer the Scorpion Engine 2023.3 is the fastest version to date, and among many smaller improvements, it features a handful of major upgrades:
  • Support for the RetroAnimator animation toolkit for fluid animations.
  • Support for CDTV/CD32 music on Amiga.
  • Support for Column Scrolling on Mega Drive.
  • Export to CDTV/CD32 ISO on Amiga.
  • Export to DragonDrive cartridge on Mega Drive.
There is also a new introduction video that briefly covers all of the tabs, as well as the differences between the Amiga and Mega Drive platforms.

Update: (16:16, 25.08.23, dr)

As Erik Hogan informs us, he has now also released the above-mentioned RetroAnimator on his Patreon website. RetroAnimator is a toolkit that can be used to create super fluid animations with minimal memory usage. It was previously only used in Engine 9000 (which was used to make MetroSiege), now it's available to Scorpion Engine developers as well (though it technically could be adapted to any engine as it uses a simple JSON data format). (dr)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2023, 05:50] [Comments: 0]
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