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02.Jun.2024 (forum)

Programming competition: AmiGameJam 2024 launched
Following the 2022/2023 competition on the topic of "Sword and Sorcery", the next AmiGameJam has now been launched. In this year's edition, the task for the game programmers is: "The Sequel That Never Was". If you want to take part, you have to submit a sequel to a game from the old Amiga days to the organizers by December 1st at the latest.

The participants will as usual be divided into the two categories "OCS/AGA" and "RTG/Vampire/AmigaOS 4/MorphOS/AROS", and voting will again be carried out by both the community and a group of celebrity judges. The judges and prizes will be announced later. (snx)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 08:23] [Comments: 0]
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