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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Tenth beta version of TinyGL
The MorphOS team developer Mark 'Bigfoot' Olsen had offered a Bounty project for improved OpenGL support and drivers for additional Radeon graphics cards under the title link, which had been successfully financed ( reported). Now the developer has released the tenth public beta version of his TinyGL update.

The main focus here was the implementation of support for framebuffer objects. However, in the process, many other related and unrelated parts of TinyGL have also been improved, resulting in better OpenGL compliance and more implemented features. The R600 driver is not included in this release, but will be included in a future release once the developer has updated it to the current TinyGL requirements. (dr)

[News message: 30. Sep. 2024, 09:31] [Comments: 0]
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