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GUI for Greaseweazle Tools: FluxMyFluffyFloppy v5.0.9 for Windows
'FrankieTheFluff' has released version 5.0.9 of his graphical user interface FluxMyFluffyFloppy for Greaseweazle Tools V1.20 (see also the video Setting up a Greaseweazle V4). Changes:
  • Requires Greaseweazle 1.20
  • Read/Write: New image formats: D1M, D2M, D4M, DMK, FD
  • Read/Write: New disc formats: acorn.dfs.ds80, acorn.dfs.ss80, thomson.*
  • Read/Write: Added "--hard-sectors"
  • Fixed: GUI AutoScroll form

[News message: 30. Sep. 2024, 09:08] [Comments: 0]
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