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"Demoscene - The Amiga Renaissance, Volume 3" now available
The new book ‘Demoscene – The Amiga Renaissance’ is the third part of a series of illustrated books about the demoscene ( reported). Following the first two volumes, "Demoscene - The Amiga Years" (1984-1993) and "Demoscene - The AGA Years" (1994-1996), Volume 3 now sheds light on the years 1997 to 2023 and thus the amazing development of the Amiga demoscene, which continues to thrive today despite Commodore's bankruptcy in 1994.

Although the Amiga was technologically overtaken by PCs, the demoscene remained a creative niche in which developers created complex effects in real time, graphics and soundtracks on old hardware. The book is dedicated to the challenges and unwavering enthusiasm of the Amiga community, which maintained its passion despite all obstacles. Available for 35 euros, this English-language title is a must-have for fans of the demoscene. (nba)

[News message: 08. Oct. 2024, 10:15] [Comments: 0]
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