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3D polygon models: 3D Object Converter v1.0 for AmigaOS 3.x/4.x
3D Object Converter is a new tool for 3D polygon models, also often referred to as wireframe models. The software was originally developed for MS-DOS and Windows and has now been ported to AmigaOS 3.x and 4.x in version 1.0.

The application can be used to import 3D model data from external sources, display it interactively and export it in various common 3D file formats. According to the developer, the program supports 886 file formats (list of supported formats).

The system requirements stated are an Amiga with a 68020 processor or higher, AmigaOS 3.0 or higher, MUI 3.8 or higher, and 32 MB RAM. According to the developer, A600GS, AmigaOne A1222+ and PiStorm32 Lite are compatible. With an existing internet connection, the tool can be automatically updated via a web updater.

The 3D Object Converter is offered as shareware at a price of 40 euros.

More information, features, formats and screenshots can be found on the project's website under the title link. (nba)

[News message: 08. Oct. 2024, 10:00] [Comments: 0]
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