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Platform game: 2tinycowboys for the Amiga 500 (update)
2tinycowboys is a new game for the Amiga 500 that is designed for two players to compete against each other on a single screen in an arcade-platformer style. Compared to the PC and Android version, the Amiga version stays closer to the original vision of the developer and includes new features such as a level selection menu and visual upgrades. There are currently five levels available.

The game was developed specifically for the Amiga 500 and, in addition to the existing features, also offers plans for future expansions. The developer uses the Scorpion engine and is working on new gameplay modes that will be created exclusively for the Amiga version. The gameplay can be seen on YouTube on the developer's channel Lord_Santa.

2tinycowboys can be downloaded from the website under the title link for a voluntary donation of 2 US dollars.

Update: (08:55, 12.10.2024, dr)

A new version 15 is now available, which offers a number of improvements under the hood as well as redesigned levels with more graphics. (nba)

[News message: 08. Oct. 2024, 10:36] [Comments: 0]
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