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Sprite/Icon/Map editor: Raster Master V4.5 R112 for Windows 10/11 (update)
Raster Master is a sprite/icon/map editor for Windows 10/11 which generates RayLib-, PutImagedata and Map code for gcc, AmigaBASIC, Amiga C, Amiga Pascal, QuickBasic, QB64, Quick C, Turbo Pascal, freepascal, Turbo C, Turbo Basic, Power Basic, FreeBASIC, GWBASIC, BASICA, and PC-BASIC (YouTube video).

The following changes have been added since our last news item:
  • Stop/Play and FPS gauge for Sprite Animation
  • thumbnail preview in Map Editor for each map
  • delete added in popup menu when you right click on image thumbnail
  • bug fix for delete all option from Main menu
Update: (06:13, 08.10.2024, dr)

Meanwhile version 4.5 is available. Changes:
  • currently selected sprite/tile in top corner uses all the space. if the sprite/tile is smaller it is magnified to use entire space
  • additional Delete All menu added Map Editor and Sprite Animation
  • New and Delete added in Right click menu over Map preview icon
  • Delete All menu item in main Raster Master program now deletes maps/sprite animations
  • and some bug fixes

[News message: 07. Oct. 2024, 13:10] [Comments: 0]
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