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Demoparty: Results of Deadline 2024
Last weekend, this year's edition of the demo party Deadline took place in Berlin ( reported). Amiga productions could rank in the various competitions.

Desire won first place in the "Oldschool Demo" category with Inside the Machine. Second place went to Spreadpoint with 4FX.

Two Amiga works also made it into the top three in the "Oldschool Graphics" category: Floppy. Wanted! by Titus/Rabenauge took second place and Bio Mimics 10 by Steffest/Desire (time-lapse video of its creation).

In the "Three Dee" category - three-dimensional demos - AttentionWhore won with New Art. Finally, there was also a winner in the "Wild" category: the music disc Tactical Transmissions by Pattern Syndicate (YouTube video). (dr)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2024, 20:56] [Comments: 0]
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