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MOD player: rePlayer for Windows
If you are looking for an MOD player for Windows (and other systems), you already have a good choice: in addition to NostalgicPlayer, there are the online players Pixeltune or Bassoontracker, for example.

Now Arnaud Neny has released another alternative for Windows 10/11 with rePlayer, which, as he writes, he originally started developing specifically to be able to play Amiga music formats.

Although, he continues, as listed above, there are already some alternatives, but as a passionate collector it would have started to become very annoying to keep up to date with newer songs by an artist, watch out for song duplicates and also have some missing playback functions.

So he started writing his own player, initially to play standard modules from the Amiga, using ImGui (for the interface), OpenMPT (to play Amiga modules) and libcurl (to handle the downloads from the web pages). He then added more playable formats, as well as a way to handle databases. In addition, rePlayer can also be used to play modern formats such as mp3, wav, ogg, etc. (dr)

[News message: 07. Oct. 2024, 12:42] [Comments: 0]
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