Text-based strategy game: HAMmurabi V1.01
Hamurabi is a text-based strategy game in which you "take on the role of the Sumerian king for ten years, deciding how much land to buy, how much wheat to feed your subjects and how much wheat to sow." A previous version was published in 1968 for the newly invented programming language FOCAL, before it was ported to BASIC in 1973 and thus became known to a wider public (Wikipedia).
Phil Spilsbury has published the original source code on GitHub, as it was printed in the book "BASIC Computer Games" in 1978. If you want to get a first impression, you can test the version ported to HTML5 by Chris Ainsley in 2019 in your browser.
At the beginning of 2020, 'Dr Guru' published a version adapted to Amiga Kick Pascal in the Amiga-Dresden forum (German), the source code of which is still accessible.
Now 'lifeschool' has also taken on the game as a contribution to AmiGameJam 2024 and, in addition to the original version from 1978 (with or without language), has published a conversion he created with HAM background images and a few additional questions to answer. The game runs on any OCS/ECS Amiga with KS 3.0+, 0.5 MB chip and 1 MB Fast-Ram. (dr)
[News message: 29. Aug. 2024, 19:58] [Comments: 0]
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