Amigans (Forum)
AmigaOS 4: AmigaOne Daily Driver Blog #1
In his latest blog entry Back to winter down-under, Trevor Dickinson reports on a meeting with Ryan Dixon, a long-time Amiga enthusiast and recently active AmigaOS 4 developer, member of the ExecSG team and beta tester for A-EON Technology's Enhancer software. In Dickinson's blog, Dixon already describes what he does on a daily basis with his two NextGen computers AmigaOne X1000 and X5000.
He has now started his own blog and describes his current use of various applications and tools and his reasons for using them in the first entry under the title link. Subsequent blogs will present newly discovered applications, tools or tips and their updates. (dr)
[News message: 29. Aug. 2024, 09:13] [Comments: 0]
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